• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Templars Reborn: 100+ laws, parliament cannon, speed ups, etc


Approved user
May 19, 2016
We are always at 50 members so don't be afraid to ask if you want to join.
We need to replace few members that don't play this game too much nowadays so we will make room for you.
Join our discord for more info.

After already reaching 100 laws we stopped counting them ;)
nah... just joking - 116 laws already :)
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Approved user
May 19, 2016
Are you still wasting time in your old, dead alliance with inactive players or parasites ? :)

We now have 121 laws :)
We are looking for CWA+ players with max parliament and 15x daily law donations, also nice if they can do wars, must be active team player.
Join us and have fun with us and all those laws we already have :)
Join our discord for more info.
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New member
Oct 15, 2020
well if you guys would actually resond in discord you might actually get people to join. me and several wanted join. tried joining your discord server tried communicaring but got zero response.

clearly you are inactive


Approved user
May 19, 2016
yes, we are inactive, dead, actually we have 0 members, and yet we are one of the alliances with most laws - yes ;) lol

But jokes aside - we talk with every person who join our discord, most of them don't respond or leave after few minutes! Like do you expect we sit 24 hours on our discord waiting for new players to join us? We need to play game :)

1. How to use discord - join discord, say hello, ask about joining, wait for reply and don't leave after few minutes/hours! In the mean time u can read our rules - we are looking for CWA+ players, lower ages are too small for us but all interested players got response from us.

2. All links to discord have 100 uses limit to prevent spam bots to join, if u can't join bcs of this message (limit reached, link expired, etc) you can contact us on all other Dominations discord servers - we have members everywhere, just search for Templars Reborn or through this post (but check point 3 below). I also update above link to our Discord from time to time so it never reaches uses limit.

3. This forum is really broken, can't change signature, add images and I didn't get notification about your response here :( and I don't hang out on forum bcs it's also dead :(

4. We are almost always full = 50 members - so you need to ask about joining us on our discord and we will replace one of our member who become inactive or can't keep up with 15x daily donations to laws for you if you are CWA+
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Approved user
May 19, 2016
Now we have room for 2-3 members, CWA+, max parliament for their age and mandatory 15x daily donations to laws required! Would be great if they know how to attack in wars ;)

On December 15th we have 129 laws - new ones:
-academic timetables level 8
-uni speed ups level 7
and we are on the road for perk 16 - already 13 988 / 18 800 axp :)

Don't waste any more time in your poor alliance with few laws where you can join one of the most active alliances with most laws :)
Join our discord for more info, thx :)