• Upcoming Hotfixes
    Two fixes are going out soon. One addressing the loss of Crowns and the 2nd Drone Command slot, the other addressing players in Asian territories unable to log into the game. Players will receive compensation for each issue that affected them, and crowns lost will be restored. We apologize for the inconvenience.

"Talk Like a Pirate" Day Event War!!


Approved user
Aug 15, 2016
Pirate War.PNG

Avast me hearties!

The Alliance Gate in honor of “Talk Like a Pirate” Day brings a pirate-y themed event war!!


- Only troop tactics allowed arrr Pirate armies on offense AND defense.

- Up to 10 participants from each age for each crew. Ye can only attack yer own age!!

- Coalitions and museum arrr allowed.

- Only Pirate Ship event buildings allowed. If others arrr already up, heave them to a distant side for easy destruction. May not utilize benefits of other buildings.

- Crews will be announced on September 12th.

- Spin on September 18th with war on September 19th, “Talk Like a Pirate Day!”

- Mysterious Treasure will be awarded to the winning team!

- Must “Talk Like a Pirate” while practicing and taking war hits! Arrrg!

- Costumes optional.

Bring your freebooter mates and sign up today and get ready to make those lily-livered, bilge-sucking landlubbers on the other ship walk the plank! Aaarrrgg!

Head over to The Alliance Gate on Discord to sign up!