I completely understand you're in GP; so was I, until only very recently. There is a difference of opinion on whether to rush or not, I do see great points for rushing (especially for training blessing which is just wonderful). I, however, did not rush- not going to debate that here, but it is the fact of the matter. Another fact- in GP, not rushing to EA (i.e. maxing as much as I could stand), using a diverse army, I was still doing better than you appear to be as you portray in these posts. I regularly averaged 100+k per raid all the time, almost always 4-5 staring bases. I made all the millions I needed to upgrade- relatively slowly, because I wanted to be slow. Another fact- in GP I was hardly raided. I am raided more now in EA, and the attacks still don't much phase me.
You absolutely can play your own way- but when you say you cannot raid effectively and your base cannot withstand attacks then you are not winning and doing awesome. You are playing ineffectively and getting frustrated. That is what you are saying, no one is saying it for you. What do you want to accomplish here? I am sincerely trying to understand? Maybe not really advise but just someone to commiserate? That's totally ok- it just seemed as if you are looking for help, not just someone to say, 'I feel ya, man'.
I'm just confused because you seem to say 'my base cannot withstand high lvl attacks, and I am unable to keep or raid enough rss to upgrade', then someone agrees, 'yes, something in your strategy is ineffective', but you then fire back, 'no, I will use a unique ineffective game play because I always win and do so awesome'. The complaint and defensiveness just don't match.