• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

So, I finally broke down...


Approved user
May 28, 2015
Yup, getting tired of being farmed. Regardless of how my base is, in a matter of two days, I lost 300k gold and more than 500k food. So I broke down and bought an5 day peace treaty.

I can't seem to find anyone with more than 60k of either resource, but I'm trying to save 3 million and I lost more than I gain.

And for those who will cry I'm a noob or whatever, please stay out of my thread.

Hope this does the trick.


Approved user
Jul 26, 2015
The main issue with a peace treaty is that you yourself cannot farm. You won't be able to raise your 3m in resources just via the farms & caravans, maybe a couple thousand, which is a spit in the ocean- relatively speaking. What is your plan during these 5 days?


Approved user
Jul 13, 2015
You may not be a noob, but there must be something fundamentally flawed in your strategy. I'm not sure what lvl/age/medal count you are, but at early EA, lvl 91, 716 medals- that amount lost is just a few raids gained back for me. I'm also curious how you will be earning any of those rss back when you can't raid for 5 days; this game is meant to be played by raiding- a 5 day treaty seems like a good investment for someone going away on vacation that can't access the game.


Apr 9, 2015
That's a result of poor choices we were talking in other threads, but I respect your right to do them. Sometimes, I can farm 3m gold as fast as 30 mins training blessing, so it may be more than you get in 5 days. That's a result of the right choices. I can't even imagine situation when I have to buy a pt to save resources.


Approved user
May 28, 2015
That's a result of poor choices we were talking in other threads, but I respect your right to do them. Sometimes, I can farm 3m gold as fast as 30 mins training blessing, so it may be more than you get in 5 days. That's a result of the right choices. I can't even imagine situation when I have to buy a pt to save resources.

I am in the gunpowder age, 1,200+ medals, level 87. I mainly fight against people in the enlightenment age. They tend to never have more than 100k resources. Yet I am struggling, regardless of my tactics, or how my city is built, the higher ranked people will rape me.


Approved user
Jul 13, 2015
I am in the gunpowder age, 1,200+ medals, level 87. I mainly fight against people in the enlightenment age. They tend to never have more than 100k resources. Yet I am struggling, regardless of my tactics, or how my city is built, the higher ranked people will (steamroll -inserting more appropriate public forum term-) me.

It could be that your medal count is too high for your offensive level (I'm assuming your troops are all maxed GP level); that is, they may not be powerful enough to efficiently raid the EA level bases that you are encountering. If I were you, I'd maintain a better balance between my offensive strength and my medal level in order to find bases I am better able to raid, which is exactly what I do. I consider myself to be a more casual player now- devoting only a couple hours a day, in the evening, to raiding (and I'm not completely 100% focused on it, unless using a training blessing- which is extremely helpful). There are times where I find under 100k bases (last night I had particular trouble running into many <50k bases), but with a little patience I typically don't have trouble finding 100k+ (sometimes even 300k+; plenty of these bases being GP and EA). With my, very lax, strategy, I am able to gain 3-4 mil every couple or so days to keep my upgrades slowly going. That includes losses when I log off, which are a drop in the bucket (e.g. last night/today I lost a total of $362/321k- I'll earn that back in, I don't know, 10 mins maybe- very fast, not a big problem).

It's easy to want to climb in medals, but without strong troops, good strategy, realistic expectations, I'm not sure how that's possible. I can't expect to steamroll higher level players while at the same time expecting them not to steamroll me back in return. I just have to raid a little more than they raid me in order to make up the difference and then get ahead just enough to spend what I earn as fast as I can. I feel I am struggling as well, but playing more casually has reduced the frustration of it considerably.


Approved user
Jul 26, 2015
I'm also in GP age, and I think it is one of the harder ages from what I have read. You don't have the bonus of the training blessing, and it's tough to save up the resources necessary to upgrade your troops- 3m is a lot to a GP age player. Also, whilst you're saving up for those upgrades, your troops will have difficulty against those EA bases unless they're abandoned or designed poorly. In the mean time, if they attack you, you'll have a difficult time defending regardless.

This is why people recommend going to EA asap. I'm waiting to build up my defensive power & offensive power first- I'm not going to upgrade my farms and caravans further, however I want to max out my defence, for what it is worth, and max out the troops I use plus those I hear are useful later. I currently don't use ballistas nor supply carts, but I hear they're useful later, so might upgrade them before I move on. Or just wait until I'm in EA and getting the food is easier, I haven't decided yet.


Approved user
Aug 15, 2015
People said you very good advises and you ignored them. I can farm 4M gold/hour easily in EA doing the right choices. Good luck with the game. You should think more next time


Apr 9, 2015
Wasting time for upgrading defenses and not going to EA/training blessing/attack is the first mistake which costs you millions or probably tens of millions resources each day. So you rob yourself first of all. Trying to keep high medals and staying with greeks is less important, but also may cost you millions daily. Now a waste of crowns and PT for 5 days is another wrong choice. It may come to the point when there will be global age already and you have just EA attack, so you'll be frustrated all the way. You've chosen the hardest possible way as we spoke before, so it's interesting how you will progress. Keep us updated.


Approved user
May 28, 2015
People said you very good advises and you ignored them. I can farm 4M gold/hour easily in EA doing the right choices. Good luck with the game. You should think more next time

AM I IN EA? No. Why can't anyone understand I am in gunpowder age and will upgrade my base fully before going to the enlightenment age.

Why must I do what everyone else does? Isn't the whole point of the game to play your own way. I just attacked a base with 86k food, got 30k. Is it my fault I win often and have 1200 medals? But what I'm being told is I need to reduce my medals to farm warmer players. That's sound advice.


Apr 9, 2015
No, the main advise it to get to EA asap, upgrade temple and cavalry raiders, so you can earn enough resources for any upgrade in just 1 hour or so. This is what you should spend crowns on.

There are plenty of people doing the same as you do too, but I am eager to know how the game goes on max difficulty level too.


Approved user
Feb 23, 2015
I also upgraded my base completely (not farms and camels, etc.) before leaving GP age. It's easier to do it this way as you can farm the lower levels for loot. Everyone has a different strategy, no right way or wrong way, just some better than others and depends what you want out of the game.

I also found that hanging around the higher medal range was useless, whenever I farmed, if I didn't spend it immediately, I was robbed by 600k-700k at a time. So I was going backwards.

My advice is drop your medal count and find a better group of bases to raid. You don't need to roll the whole base, just take what you can with a few troops and move on. They get re-trained while you're raiding the next base.

A peace treaty is only good if you know that you won't be playing for a couple of days are halfway through saving for an upgrade. Otherwise it's a waste.


Approved user
May 28, 2015
I just need a few days to not get farmed. My farms and caravans are maxed and I've trained the extra ones from my library too. I'll be all set in a few days. Just watch. Give me a week and my tune will be much different. Promise.

Hunter Killer

Approved user
Aug 14, 2015
I get you Djinn. As I said in another thread, the 3M gold to get the house in gunpowder age is the tipping point for most players. Either you can pass it (adapt strategy, use crowns, whatever other people have said, etc...) and you will keep playing or you will quit because it's too boring having to grind for hours and stay connected to save enough.


Approved user
Jul 13, 2015
I completely understand you're in GP; so was I, until only very recently. There is a difference of opinion on whether to rush or not, I do see great points for rushing (especially for training blessing which is just wonderful). I, however, did not rush- not going to debate that here, but it is the fact of the matter. Another fact- in GP, not rushing to EA (i.e. maxing as much as I could stand), using a diverse army, I was still doing better than you appear to be as you portray in these posts. I regularly averaged 100+k per raid all the time, almost always 4-5 staring bases. I made all the millions I needed to upgrade- relatively slowly, because I wanted to be slow. Another fact- in GP I was hardly raided. I am raided more now in EA, and the attacks still don't much phase me.

You absolutely can play your own way- but when you say you cannot raid effectively and your base cannot withstand attacks then you are not winning and doing awesome. You are playing ineffectively and getting frustrated. That is what you are saying, no one is saying it for you. What do you want to accomplish here? I am sincerely trying to understand? Maybe not really advise but just someone to commiserate? That's totally ok- it just seemed as if you are looking for help, not just someone to say, 'I feel ya, man'.

I'm just confused because you seem to say 'my base cannot withstand high lvl attacks, and I am unable to keep or raid enough rss to upgrade', then someone agrees, 'yes, something in your strategy is ineffective', but you then fire back, 'no, I will use a unique ineffective game play because I always win and do so awesome'. The complaint and defensiveness just don't match.


Approved user
Jul 13, 2015
You need to do what you feel is right to reduce your own frustration in this game. You have nothing to prove to anyone :)

And I guarantee you, no one is waiting with baited breath anyway (and I mean that in a nice way!)


Approved user
May 28, 2015
I'm trying to save for better defences so I can pretend to enjoy the game, but as soon as I hit 1 million resources, it becomes a chore to not get farmed the second I sign out. Five days is more than enough time for me to "get ahead".