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Should the current levels of RSS production be the new standard?

Should the current levels of RSS production be the new standard?

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Approved user
Sep 19, 2016
Should the current levels of resource production be the new standard? Higher resource availability is better / worse for the game?


Approved user
Apr 12, 2017
Everything should stay at these increased levels. But yes, by increasing resource production while keeping building upgrade costs constant, we're effectively going back an age or so in terms of easiness to advance. With the imminent Cold War Age release, this makes a lot of sense.


Approved user
Jul 10, 2017
Resource production is definitely better , especially when looting bases..... why not have blessings (for 3-7 days duration) that increase resources at that level at least!


Approved user
Mar 17, 2016
This game isnt farmville. 95% of your loot should come from raiding.
That's the point though. Increased production introduces more loot into the game economy and takes the strain off some of the littlest guys who would otherwise be getting smashed for their savings as suddenly there's a whole lot more bases worth attacking.
It encourages growth for newer players and considering there is a new age being released soon every little bit extra helps. The guys at the top will plow through the resources and that trickles down through the ages as the players below them have to attack those below them and so on. The state of the game economy after a new age is not pretty and avoiding it happening again would be ideal.


Approved user
Sep 19, 2016
That's the point though. Increased production introduces more loot into the game economy and takes the strain off some of the littlest guys who would otherwise be getting smashed for their savings as suddenly there's a whole lot more bases worth attacking.
It encourages growth for newer players and considering there is a new age being released soon every little bit extra helps. The guys at the top will plow through the resources and that trickles down through the ages as the players below them have to attack those below them and so on. The state of the game economy after a new age is not pretty and avoiding it happening again would be ideal.


95% of my loot definitely comes from raiding.


Approved user
May 19, 2016
Where do you think all of the resources come from? Ultimately, most of them come from caravans and farms - to be stolen by others, and stolen again by others, and so on, and so on... Of course some amount of it comes from war loot, event prizes, and such, but the bulk of the economy is based upon resource generation and redistribution. Any boost in generation would consequently boost redistribution...


Approved user
Apr 17, 2016
Making current resource production permanent would be a slap in the face of all those who toiled hard for past couple of years. If a percentage of community has hard earned their oil/food/gold (oil mostly) , it shouldn't be made easy for the rest.

Any suggestion to make rss products permanent should be accompanied with a plan to nicely compensate active players who have been around for a long time .
Something like free instant upgrade to 8 buildings in atomic, 6 in global , 4 in industrial . That's it . Below ages should still toil for all buildings .And there has to be locking mechanism of some sort . A player should be able to choose the feature only once (not like once he got 4 upgrades in IA , he will get 6 again in GA).


Approved user
May 28, 2015
I like the idea of higher production from farms, caravans, and oil wells. 👍 It has been rather pointless upgrading the resource production buildings. The returns from the upgraded buildings haven't been justifying the cost and time required to upgrade them.

Increasing the resource production wouldn't just make the game easy. Protecting the resource buildings better by modifying the layouts to better protect the resource buildings is an additional level of complexity that the change would bring in. Right now, most players don't bother upgrading or protecting their resource production buildings.

And, making it worthwhile for players to upgrade the resource production buildings would also make it one of the upgrades which players would want to finish before advancing through the ages. Right now, most players just skip these upgrades and move through the ages. This is good from the perspective of the game developers too.

In summary, there's benefit for the top players (added challenge of protecting their resource generation buildings better; better resources at the new age about to be released), there's benefit for the little players who're starting out with the game (better return on raiding), and there's benefit for the game developers (more time spent by players in each age, where they try to upgrade the resource production buildings).

Overall, it would be a win-win for everyone.


Approved user
May 12, 2017
That's the point though. Increased production introduces more loot into the game economy and takes the strain off some of the littlest guys who would otherwise be getting smashed for their savings as suddenly there's a whole lot more bases worth attacking.
It encourages growth for newer players and considering there is a new age being released soon every little bit extra helps. The guys at the top will plow through the resources and that trickles down through the ages as the players below them have to attack those below them and so on. The state of the game economy after a new age is not pretty and avoiding it happening again would be ideal.

IF they made the production buildings worth upgrading we wouldnt have a loot issue, but most people dont waste the resources on upgrading their production buildings.

Increasing the worker required to upgrade and making the times way too long, disincentives nearly everyone that isnt fully maxed from upgrading them.

Lets just take GA farms for example. Lets assume we have our farms maxed through IA and need to upgrade at the GA level. Its going to take 4 workers a total of 15 days to max a single farm at the GA level(15 and 16) You have 8 farms to upgrade. if you wanted to just do farms it would take you 1 month of only upgrading farms, no hunting, no upgrading walls, nothing, for you to max them out.

Reducing the worker cost to 1 worker per building and making the max upgrade time say 3 days, its my guess that most of the people that arent upgrading right now would. There we go, an automatic boost to the economy.

Other than grinding for oil, ive never had an issue raiding loot. The only place i see any complaints about food/gold is in the higher levels because no one is upgrading the buildings again due to the exorbitant upgrade times and worker cost.


Approved user
Mar 17, 2016
The only place i see any complaints about food/gold is in the higher levels because no one is upgrading the buildings again due to the exorbitant upgrade times and worker cost.

That would be nice and all but more often than not people, myself included, abandon upgrading economic buildings well before IA. I didn't even know that the worker need increased for farms at GA.

The reason no one upgrades these is because there is always something better to upgrade instead, defence, new building, uni, the list goes on.

Also it's strategy for some, some smart Korean players have accounts with lvl 1 farms and caravans because it artificially lowers their overall lvl and makes them look weak on paper while being very strong because all their time is in defensive upgrades.
IMO the best fix would be automatically upgrading these buildings the same as the houses for each age, as that isn't going to happen and no one wants to upgrade them anyway boosted rates are going to work a lot better.


Approved user
May 12, 2017
That would be nice and all but more often than not people, myself included, abandon upgrading economic buildings well before IA. I didn't even know that the worker need increased for farms at GA.

The reason no one upgrades these is because there is always something better to upgrade instead, defence, new building, uni, the list goes on.

Also it's strategy for some, some smart Korean players have accounts with lvl 1 farms and caravans because it artificially lowers their overall lvl and makes them look weak on paper while being very strong because all their time is in defensive upgrades.
IMO the best fix would be automatically upgrading these buildings the same as the houses for each age, as that isn't going to happen and no one wants to upgrade them anyway boosted rates are going to work a lot better.

That would be another solution but not probable.

They could force us to upgrade them as well. For instance, you cannot upgrade your mills, markets, refinery until you have the previous age production buildings maxed for that age.

I think mine are level 10 or something near that, before i realized i was wasting my time upgrading them.

But if i could upgrade all 8 at the same time using 1 worker each and taking 3 days or less i would.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Lighten up, and take it when we can.
If we had to toil all these years that's too bad but lets enjoy it now that its here, rather than complain!


Approved user
Sep 19, 2016
For the sake of clarification, I'm a lvl237 aa, maxed attack, maxed defence, all farms / vans are lvl 12. Walls going to lvl 14 currently. The walls grind is the main purpose for the point of this poll, the game is better for raiding with the economy in its current state.

Players with maxed walls either concentrated on those over defence or went unpunished for using a hack.

In any case, the economy is better now.

Also, the date of my first in game achievement is the 11th May 2015, so this post is not a slap in the face to players who've been playing the game for a long time - I am one. The economy is better now!


Approved user
May 12, 2017
For the sake of clarification, I'm a lvl237 aa, maxed attack, maxed defence, all farms / vans are lvl 12. Walls going to lvl 14 currently. The walls grind is the main purpose for the point of this poll, the game is better for raiding with the economy in its current state.

Players with maxed walls either concentrated on those over defence or went unpunished for using a hack.

In any case, the economy is better now.

Also, the date of my first in game achievement is the 11th May 2015, so this post is not a slap in the face to players who've been playing the game for a long time - I am one. The economy is better now!

Of course its better because a level 12 farm is currently producing around a level 17 farm.j

We wouldnt have economy issues if it didnt take 5 days to go from a level 12 to a level 13, and 4 workers and 7 days to go from a level 14 to a level 15, 4 workers and 8 days go go from 15 to 16, and 9 days to go to level 17 and 10 days to go to level 18.

Again as i said previously, it would take an entire month of doing nothing but farm upgrades to get them maxed at the GA level assuming you already had IA level maxed. Not to mention thats just farms, so you need another entire month to do your caravans. If we had an upgrade system like i have shown below, the economy wouldnt be nearly as bad as it is as more people would be willing up upgrade the production buildings. AT max level a Space Age could have all their farms/caravans upgraded in 5 days and 12 hours if they did all 16 at once.
LevelUpgrade Time ClockCitizens Required CitizenAge Unlocked
11m1Bronze Age
42h1Iron Age
66h1Classical Age
810h1Medieval Age
1014h1Gunpowder Age
1218h1Enlightenment Age
1320h1Industrial Age
151d1Global Age
171d8h1Atomic Age
191d18h1Cold War Age
212d12h1Space Age

My problem with this poll/thread idea is that it doesnt solve the root problem, it only puts a band aid on it right now. The only way to actually fix the economy is to get people to upgrade the production builds, otherwise we will be back here in a years time saying resources are crap in cold age/space age because people still have level 1-12 production buildings when they should have them in the 20s.

Player retainment is also an issue for the economy but that another can of worms.


Approved user
Jan 4, 2016
Increased production not only helps the economy but also encourages more player interaction. I'm a 221 Atomic with everything (except farms and caravans) upgraded to GA lvl, so the 50% off deals haven't really effected me yet. That being said; despite the long wait times for buildings to finish, I'm playing more than I have in the past year. The increased resources not only allows for better looting, but also helps when grinding towards the expensive upgrades including walls. There is literally NO downside to more resources in the game.
​​​​​​People seem to have a problem with low lvl economic buildings, but this boost in production should encourage people to upgrade those buildings. I have lvl 14 caravans & farms, so this event is fantastic for me. If others want the same rewards, then honestly you should invest time into them.