• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Season 7 - Swift & Stalwart


Be the first to the frontlines of battle as Season 7: Swift & Stalwart kicks off tomorrow at 11am EST! The preview went live in the Week Ahead post that went live on 3/3, and you’ve been able to pick up the Season 7 Pass Part 1 since 3/7. The pass will help you acquire plenty of Season Boosted Troop Tactics to get you a head start in the Season. Let's take a look at the rest of the upcoming changes you’ll be working with until 5/26!

Season 7: Swift and Stalwart
Does slow and steady win the race? Find out in Season 7: Swift & Stalwart! Prepare for extreme damage output from Armored Cars & Ranged Infantry while trading off a large amount of movement speed. Also, watch pridefully as your Towers decimate attackers by firing slightly weaker projectiles twice as fast!

This Season begins on 03/10 at 15:00 UTC and will end on 05/26 at 15:00 UTC.

New Offensive Strategies!
Ranged Infantry Damage +50%
Ranged Infantry Movement Speed -40%
Armored Car Damage +75%
Armored Car Hitpoints +75%
Armored Car Movement Speed -50%
Paratrooper Attack Speed +133%
Paratrooper Damage -55%

New Defensive Strategies!
Tower Fire Rate +100%
Tower Damage -40%
Spike Trap Damage +30%

Special Unit Bonuses:
Nobunaga Damage +50%
Petra Herrera Damage +50%
Propaganda Directive Damage Boost +150%
Surveillance Directive Duration +30%
Miyamoto Musashi Damage +50%
Nodachi Attack Speed +50%
Nodachi Hitpoints +50%
Humvee Range +1
Nighthawk Hitpoints +30%
Nighthawk Hangar Hitpoints+400%

Additional Bonuses:
Alliance Law Donation Oil Cost -50%
All Aircraft Train Time -80%
Space Needle Research Decrease +100% (Shows as -20% Research Time Reduction)
Eiffel Tower Peace Treaty Cooldown -3 Days
Barracks Upgrade Cost -40%
Factory Upgrade Cost -40%
Airstrip Upgrade Cost -40%

Much like each season prior, you’ll find a daily Supply Drop that has chances to give you Season Boosted Nodachi Samurai Army, Armored Car Mk3 Army, and Humvee Army Troop Tactics. The Supply Drops will be available from 3/10 - 5/26.

Mid-Season Update 2 5/5 11am EST: Factory, Barracks, Airstrip Upgrade Cost Discount. -50% Armored Car Movement Speed (Down from -75%)
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Fake captains log.
The shooters are going so slow that it’s tomorrow and my guys still haven’t cleared the other half of the map.
‘but it’s ok, because they are also very slow. Wait, that what I just wrote. They are slow and not fast at all. Yes, that’s it.
shooters are slow, and move even slower.
update. My shooters got stuck in another bastion. It’s cool though, I just started reading Homers the Odyssey.
fake captain out.

( still love this darn game )
I am not trying to be harsh or mean, I get your upset you went all in on riflemen set up because of bonuses in excess of +50% damage ya can get from council alone.

What I don’t understand is that completely ineffective war army. Seems your using it for quick raiding, is this the reason you not putting your focus to building a offense that will work in war?

Now they hurt ya style of attack for 3 months basically, that’s time to get ur new style developed and help your game in long run. Because i promise you this no good defender will be 5 ⭐️ with your current attack style even without seasonal. Tips switch to heli or mortar/seige or one of the other attacks styles. Now there is no amount of complaining you can do (trust me I have tried) that will fix your shooters. All your going get is told that same over and over too just get over it.

Now go kill some game pixels with new attack style you can do it and the challenge will be worth it .
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I am not trying to be harsh or mean, I get your upset you went all in on riflemen set up because of bonuses in excess of +50% damage ya can get from council alone.

What I don’t understand is that completely ineffective war army. Seems your using it for quick raiding, is this the reason you not putting your focus to building a offense that will work in war?

Now they hurt ya style of attack for 3 months basically, that’s time to get ur new style developed and help your game in long run. Because i promise you this no good defender will be 5 ⭐️ with your current attack style even without seasonal. Tips switch to heli or mortar/seige or one of the other attacks styles. Now there is no amount of complaining you can do (trust me I have tried) that will fix your shooters. All your going get is told that same over and over too just get over it.

Now go kill some game pixels with new attack style you can do it and the challenge will be worth it .
My friend that is no way even close to being accurate. I have been using shooters for the past 2 years. With museum perks, council, and the library completed. I’m rolling 11k in DPS, 1200 HP. 6.5 range. I roll everyone. im at Maxx power for Drone age. This season moved me to 14K in DPS. I didnt need the increased power. The speed was the best part of my shooters. The manufacturer perks helped with that.
the speed is key for my style.
shooters take a solid strat to be successful. When I pull troop tactics, with the wonders I use. It doesnt matter the level. 450 to 470. All get smashed. All of them.
but the slow speed is a death sentence
mortars get to many shots at my guys now.

like I said before. Cruise over to the Holy Grail. just post your base. You will see what maxed out shooters do to any defense.
on the flip side, my D is nothing to brag about yet. At level 380, it’s all offense right now. The defense will come, but it’s a slow process. So in the mean time. I get 5 stared all day.
Well since we throwing levels out level 456 will be level 460+ when finally do oil rigs for added fluff lol
Try something new brother cause if they ant working BHG is not going change entire season just for you. Just saying

Ps: never seen a Automation bases get smoked by rifflemen or armored cars in war. If your talking raiding nobody cares lol Holy Grail rank 2933 Leader Husher I mean zero disrespect but I would change style I don’t think it will work when you start fighting alliances in top 1000. Again no disrespect intended.
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None taken Seek.
ive used them all. like I’ve said before. I enjoy the shooters ( the Brits ) because they weren’t designed to eliminate buildings.
I’m not being hyperbolic about rolling levels 450 to 475. None of that matters. they all roll me. the game is an offensive at heart.
my rank, and my clans is irrelevant overall. I built my model around mass amounts of troops with great range, quick movement, and an average HP.
Ive seen all the top alliances. They are so freaking strong from top to bottom. My defense would hurt them in wars. But, my offense would not be an issue. this season of swift and stalwart is almost over. Then it will be back to the high speed model I love.
a few years back when I was in the space age, using bazookas, jets, and tanks. A guy dropped into our alliance for about a month. It was his back up account. Industrial age. He exclusively used shooters. He would just flatten people. He showed me how to drop them, and what to take about with my bombers. It has been a great ride since then.
‘cruise by after this seasonal event ends. Post your base and you will see. The British shooters are for me the most balanced attack group out there. For me anyway. Reminder. I get killed by every darn type of attack there is. It’s like a darn free for all. It’s a bit embarrassing to get smashed like that, but, I’ll keep building the D. The offense is not an issue.
None taken Seek.
ive used them all. like I’ve said before. I enjoy the shooters ( the Brits ) because they weren’t designed to eliminate buildings.
I’m not being hyperbolic about rolling levels 450 to 475. None of that matters. they all roll me. the game is an offensive at heart.
my rank, and my clans is irrelevant overall. I built my model around mass amounts of troops with great range, quick movement, and an average HP.
Ive seen all the top alliances. They are so freaking strong from top to bottom. My defense would hurt them in wars. But, my offense would not be an issue. this season of swift and stalwart is almost over. Then it will be back to the high speed model I love.
a few years back when I was in the space age, using bazookas, jets, and tanks. A guy dropped into our alliance for about a month. It was his back up account. Industrial age. He exclusively used shooters. He would just flatten people. He showed me how to drop them, and what to take about with my bombers. It has been a great ride since then.
‘cruise by after this seasonal event ends. Post your base and you will see. The British shooters are for me the most balanced attack group out there. For me anyway. Reminder. I get killed by every darn type of attack there is. It’s like a darn free for all. It’s a bit embarrassing to get smashed like that, but, I’ll keep building the D. The offense is not an issue.
A good Bomber muse can take most type of bases. Your shooters I get I used them many moons ago. But I see good bomber muse lose all their ground troops and still 5 star bases granted take them alittle while 3min or so.

As for alliance rank and level, alliance ranking I just looked ya on domistats , as for level it pretty much irrelevant after about 400.

Try heli with +1 range and your bomber set up till season is over and if you like mass troops i suggest apc mrl mix seeing that working allot lately
Oh not 460 yet lol will be cause of the free fluff instants on oil rigs when it comes.
Good luck hope ya try the mixes I suggested and hope they work for ya
Just shooters. No troop tactics. Only sabotage and bombers. A spy plane with a bonus jet.
with troop tactics, and my three wonders. No level matters. None.

im only bitching and whining about the speed loss. That’s all.
I appreciate the advise for overall attacking strats.
I scored with some incredible perks that increased my shooters power by 110%. My council adds another 75%
with the manufacturer and library. My shooters just happen to be very very effective at everything.

I also enjoy the feedback. That’s how I improve. Advise from other players is critical. I’ll try all the mixes.

as for the APC‘s. Have them maxed with maxed infantry and a great set of perks from the museum.
‘but dropping 170 hi-powered shooters is very difficult for any base to deal with. Maxed bombers, spy plane, with some sabotage. Every base looks really really nice.

open invitation to stop by the Holy Grail. No need to stay. Just cruise in. Post the base. I’ll bring everything I have to the party. lol
Level 478. No wonders used. No troop tactics. Just the core troops. 3 bombers, 1 spy plane, 7 sabotage, 1 bonus jet.
170 shooters. With my 3 wonders, and the Terra Cotta army it would have been an easy 5 star. But I only use those for war.
‘for normal attacks I stay away from those perks. I never want to rely on the additional perks until war. War is a team effort, so I pull out all the stops.
And I the battle above, I ran out of time due to the slow attack speed. That’s what I’ve been crying about. Speed is the key.
May 26th is almost here. This has been the slowest season ever.
its only temporary.
seeing as I have been complaining about this season. Why stop now. lol.
‘here is another issue. a maxed out bastion slows troops by 78%. Ranged infantry speed was slowed by 5o%.
so when ever they have to go through those or that darned barbed wire. It is absolutely awful.
Thanks Easter Bunny.

last note.
‘This is still a ton of fun to play.
Cheating is allowed here at dominations, right? Otherwise, how the hell do you explain someone having 780,000 points during this event.


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We are getting close to the end of the super slow shooters event. Man, I am looking forward to this one being over. It’s funny to watch the shooters I get from the expeditions move 2 times faster than my core shooters. But, without the perks my guys have, they are just fodder.. I do like the power when I get in range. All those shots at a target just overwhelm them. But, speed is the key. my shooters can’t get out of the way of those darn mortars. Only 24 days left. It’s like waiting for Christmas. Lol
11 days left until my shooters are back up to normal speed. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Wait, is that a train? Am I crazy for being bothered by the slow speed? Crazy, I was crazy once, they locked me up in a rubber room with rats, rats make me crazy. Crazy, I was crazy once, I was locked in a rubber room with rats, rats make me crazy. This conversation will continue until 5/31. In my head. This conversation is only going on in my head, right?
11 days left until my shooters are back up to normal speed. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Wait, is that a train? Am I crazy for being bothered by the slow speed? Crazy, I was crazy once, they locked me up in a rubber room with rats, rats make me crazy. Crazy, I was crazy once, I was locked in a rubber room with rats, rats make me crazy. This conversation will continue until 5/31. In my head. This conversation is only going on in my head, right?
Out of curiosity, have you considered adding a speed & range boost via the manufactory during this season?
I’ve maxed that out already. It was great right up until the seasonal update.
but, there’s only 8 days left.
5 days left. My alliance has 2 more wars still. Until the speed and swiftness of my high flying shooters returns. I will do my best to forget about the slow rolling slug shooters I have now. but because I love them so, I couldn’t bring my self to not use them. Slow and strong is no match for fast and furious.
heck yea. Heck yea. The 26th is tomorrow and the slow and whatever is almost over. Maybe in time for my teams war.