• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

QOL changes


New member
Jul 15, 2024
I have been playing Dominations for a few years now and I am coming to the point where there is not much point of me playing so often. This is because of the really long upgrade times and costly upgrades. I believe ALL upgrades should be cut in both cost and time. This will incentivize people to play more often and create a much more enjoyable game. Additionally, not being able to use tactics or generals for 10 days just because you are trying to progress in the game is insane. You should be able to use all game features even whilst upgrading buildings.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2021
I agree that the upgrades has become too long. If it wasn't for managing munitions building and WW, I would not have much to do for periods of 15-20 days. The cost of the buildings doesn't bother me, as my storages gets filled much faster than the building times.
I dont think that BHG should just make the upgrade times shorter, though.
But since it is a game where more and more technologies becomes available with the ages that increases or decreases different aspects of the game, it would make sense that the later ages gets access to better building technologies (engineering knowledge, cranes, motorized machines, powertools, better materials etc.) that has to be researched and gives building time reduction. It could either be a library research or a great leader.
You could even introduce a new building dedicated to ways to optimise different aspects of building and army upgrades.
If you want it to be a slow progress to get better building times it could fx be 50 levels each giving 0.5% building time reduction.
I would still gladly invest in it as a part of general progression experience in the game and to make the overall progress better.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
They just gave us instant upgrades, reduced citizen requirements, reduce build times all the way up to drone age by 50 to 75%. I do not see why anymore is justified.

Folks complained its good for new player base etc to get that changes listed above. Now that some of those player have progressed to drone age and auto age, now it starts again. (When I pointed out Auto got nothing it was funny now y’all don’t like it when drone or auto not getting the hand outs because it effects y’all )

I understood the arguments before good for new players and still was not happy when they gave in. Now the call again for more free upgrades or reduced time is back. Seems to never stop. Everything can’t be free or earned in first year or two.

Not calling out anyone just think asking for more after all they have given comes across as ungrateful and wanting the game handed to them from start. I guess the next call will be basically able to go from start too Auto age in 6 months. Kidda takes point of playing the game away.

Not to mention this has been brought up many times. It is just repeating the same request

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Not to mention this has been brought up many times. It is just repeating the same request
I was thinking the same thing - like somebody found a 5yr old post and decided to re-post. 😄

Although it does seem strange that Generals can train while the Armory is upgrading them but not when the Castle is upgrading - or tactics can't train while the Academy is upgrading. We can train troops while Barracks and Factory are upgrading ...