• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Next up ... Scripting!


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
I can reassure you that DomiNations is not dying, in fact it is only going to get better. We are cataloging every comment we receive and the team is hard at work on improving the game. We will soon be starting several policies to address scripting, cheaters, and bugs. We want to make sure that players have a great experience and we will work hard until your and our own high expectations are met.

Please keep your comments coming, they really do help us shape the game.
I've not had direct evidence of scripting, but if Nexon Community Member Jesse says its out there then I believe it! There are some top-ranked people who attack me and seem to always do the same thing every time: dump everything at the shore then no tactics no rallies nothing. It doesn't seem to be too big of a leap from scripts that keep you logged in to scripts that search for battle, dump troops, then rebuild. What's your experience?


Approved user
May 2, 2015
i haven't noticed any drop and forget attacks, but i know how easy that would be to set-up on a pc running an emulator, so i wouldn't doubt they are out there.


Approved user
Feb 23, 2015
My troops may be victims of this, they ignore rallies and forget what they're meant to be doing. (I'm not going to hi-jack your thread to b!tch about AI)

Does this take the cheating to a whole new level or do you put it in the same category as the rest we've been experiencing?


Approved user
May 2, 2015
scripting is a different kind of game manipulate. most of the time it doesn't involve modifying the game, which most of the hacks do. it instead is a program to automate a repeative process, in this case attacking, then queuing the any rebuild, then keeping the screen on until it's ready for the next attack.

the simple level of this would require the user to wait long periods of time between attacks, which makes it a very poor choice. but the next level of scripting program actually take screen capture and make adjustments to the script based on those images. some are even so good that they could easily bypass the occasional code that pops up if you play to long.

I've played other games that had a big issue with scripting, and the only real solution was to change the way the grinding worked in the game, to a method that couldn't be scripted easily.


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
Scripting was the main reason I left my previous game. There was no possible way to compete with these "auto-clickers" as we called them. In that game you actually won stuff to help you improve your game and the mini contests required skill and persistence to win. When going up against a human it was a matter of who had the better set up and all things being equal who is gonna break and make a mistake first. But when you go up against a computer there's no point. You will never win. It always amazes me that these people who cheat to play a video game think so little of themselves that they can't rely on their own abilities to get what they want. What sad pathetic lives they must lead. And to do it in this game is even more pathetic because there's really nothing to win at the moment. So you are at the top of some list and you got there by keeping your computer running. So what? How long can you stay there? For as long as your computer has power. Why? Because it makes you feel good to be ahead of the other people who actually want to use their brains and come up with the best strategy to advance in the game instead of using your own skill to accomplish the same. Right now in this game the only people we are competing against us ourselves. We are trying to move up in age, upgrading our bases, collecting resources and medals so that our base game is better than it was yesterday. It's a process, and there's satisfaction in this journey that the cheaters will never feel. With that we have accomplished much more than they ever will because computers cannot give you that, you make it yourself.


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
What the f*&#??!

Why are kids, who have this much talent, wasting their energies with things like this ???! They could be computer programmers making good money - like working for BHG.


Approved user
Apr 30, 2015
I think I'm just lucky. I've only encountered one hacker, and he had a redoubt in the classical age.