• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Nexon’s game servers were hacked!!! Be awere!


Approved user
Apr 24, 2017
We don’t know who he is. And never had an interaction with him. Just appeared from no where and started with this crap. And still, even if he has something personal against us (which we don’t know what or why) or anyone else, it’s Nexon responsibility to fix this crap and their lack of security. It can’t be acceptable that someone can access accounts just because he feels like it at some given day!


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
Radzeer Chill out. By "soooo" I meant if those who know who he is not doing much, what do you expect me to do? I only pointed out he targets specific alliances.
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New member
Jun 4, 2017
We have been working on this interruption since it was first raised, but have focused our communications in private channels like Discord and CS tickets. The information shared there has been valuable in some of the security precautions we rolled out with 7.2 and other server updates.

If you have any information you think would be valuable, please feel free to send me a message. The team is working diligently to monitor issues, repair accounts, and roll out preventive measures.

B like Big Bug

Approved user
Sep 25, 2019

A few month ago ,my game was hacked same yours.for a while he was manipulating my game.once he used a lot of builders in my game,i sent a message to cs.and i told them somebody hacked me and cheat in my game.they wanted my information.for a few days i can't log in to game.(4-5 days).after it i log in.it slooks like hachers gone.
but,2 days after it ,i got banned.cs said i used resours cheat.i send him my last email and explain what was happened and i said they can check my purchase and my game.he sent me an ready message:This decision is final and there will be not further discussion!!
I lost my game.and cheaters play yet with levels over 300.(I reported some cheaters when they are atomic and they are lvl 330.i have my emails and cs response about this.they didnot got banned .just player who spent money,got and get banned)
if they heard me,and checked servers and account login,you arent in treible now.
but a way,i play on gunpowder now.without spending and saving on gmail.superman can get my game another time,but not my billing informations.