• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Nerf Elephant Archers already


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
This has been long overdue. Elephant archers are just too powerful. High level wars are dominated by them on both offense and defense. In fact, the hardest CWA bases are almost impossible to 5-star without Elephant Archer extra cards PLUS 7 elephant archers from an elephant stable merc camp. This is ridiculous. You introduce so many neat armies, but they are all worthless because EAs are the best choice in 90% of the situations. It's also absurd that a gunpowder age unit with an elephant and arrows is still the most powerful unit in the cold war age.

Elephant Archers just have no weaknesses. The have range, they can shoot over walls, they do a lot of DPS, they have splash damage, and they have a ton of health. On defense, they don't take the bonus damage from aircraft, so they are incredibly difficult to destroy. No other troop comes close to these attributes. In my opinion, for balance, they need the splash damage removed, and they need to take bonus damage from aircraft.

I know Nexon makes a ton of money when these are on sale, and the above reasons are why. But it has led to incredibly stale gameplay at the top. If you care about the community, you will nerf them, and allow us to use a much wider range of strategies. This is, after all, supposed to be a strategy game.
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Approved user
Aug 3, 2017
saw a replay lately where the whole attacking army was destroyed with 50% of base still intact mostly defense buildings. attacker dropped 3 elephant archers and they cleared the rest. he prbly. could have eepl9yed only them in the beginning and 5 star the map lol. they do to much dmg. to buildings for archers ... should 10% on buildings.


Approved user
May 10, 2017
Yeah if they just removed their invincibility to aircraft it would help a ton. As is, defensive EA with max Maori is virtually impossible to kill unless you have your own EAs to counter or carry a couple of betrayals with you. What makes it even more frustrating is that certain alliances (or regions really) have unlimited EA, so if you are a fairplay alliance without these "perks" you are always facing an uphill battle.


Approved user
Nov 27, 2016
I have to agree on this. Saw a powder take out a high level atomic with just EAs....that is proof it is unbalanced and OP


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
Of all the units to balance, elephant archers have been the most obvious choice for years. But Nexon chooses instead to balance Baltimore fencibles and shieldmaidens. The only logical reason they have not done so is because it makes them money. Shame.


Approved user
Sep 18, 2017
Technically Elephant Archers should be similar type of unit to Heavy Tank, but this does not explain why aircraft doesn't do extra damage to them. Nexon is on to something here, silly US government spends over $750 billion on defense budget annually, instead we should just train some elephant archers and dominate the world. Move aside M1 Abrams, that elephant archer is going to stomp all over you and pierce your armor with its arrows.


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
EAs are superior to heavy tanks. EAs can shoot over wall and still do splash damage, heavy tanks can't. EAs don't take bonus damage from planes.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Just to play devils advocate, if Nexon nerf the EAs then all those people crying that defense is overpowered will cry even louder. Nexon could argue that EAs are their way of boosting offense.
Sure, its a ridiculous argument and they ARE ludicrously overpowered, a single unit shouldn't be the difference between a 50% victory or a 100% victory.
Maybe one day Nexon will get the 'mix' just right.
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Approved user
Jul 12, 2017
yep; EA holds a clear pride of place now that no other unit really has.
if i see them coming at me in war ... i know that person probably needed to pay to take me, which is a laugh.
though they are an imbalanced piece, i think they do have a place in the game.


Approved user
Aug 25, 2016
Sorry but I have to disagree here only because I believe your in 1 of those top alliances, well that’s just what it’s like up there, my alliance isn’t even in the top 100 and we see hardly any EA. Your alliance can always drop lol but that won’t happen so keep getting out your credit cards to stay up there,
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Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
You have to look at this from Nexon's shareholders (the big heads) perspective to understand why it will not change or be nerfed.

Shareholders tell their CEOs: "We want profit!"
CEOs consult with marketing experts, specifically people who study gamers and their spending habits, and tell BHG: "Make your game like this this and this so it extracts maximum profit".
BHG complies, even if they wanted to resist, Nexon owns them.

Pay to win mechanics (elephant archers, elephant stables, bazooka sentries) make the game worse? Yes.
But, do they earn money and make that revenue sheet go deep in the green? Oh yeah.
So why should the shareholders and CEOs give a damn about the majority of the playerbase's wishes and desires for a fair game that's not decided by the contents of your wallet?
As long as you make the p2w system small enough and escalate it slowly as it goes, you won't chase away the non-payers instantly. And you'll allow the players who get a rise out of beating people solely with their credit card, a nice opportunity to contribute to your green business results sheet.
That's exactly what's happening here, and the game will be kept on life support if needed, as long as this method keeps resulting in the aforementioned business reports.


Approved user
Sep 14, 2015
My Global Base got minted by a low IA in one war and our at the time max AA got munted by a low Global, both Ellie attacks...

But to be honest, just get rid of all the stupid Event Troop "Tactic" Cards altogether ;-) did anyone actually seriously ever want attacks and war tactics to be nerfed numerous times for defences to be buffed to make Event Troops more necessary....

I doubt it very much, and if the community had been respected they would not have introduced them in the first place....

The games been wrecked!

Nexons quest for £ has made more people leave than stay and spend (my £ strike is holding up well, 1 year strong) lol

Balance that with a lot of Customer Service questions.... value for money HAHAHA

British Lions!
British Lions!!


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
The games been wrecked!

Nexons quest for £ has made more people leave than stay and spend (my £ strike is holding up well, 1 year strong) lol
I honestly can't agree with the first comment because I'm still playing, you're still playing, there's plenty of us still playing! The annoying thing is it's a great game and Nexon knows we like it. :D
I'm undecided about the 2nd comment. There are enough people still playing and the percentage of those playing that are paying is clearly enough for Nexon's needs at this point. But is that a bad thing? Those that are paying are allowing you to play this game for free. If Nexon had no income the game wouldn't exist. At worst, if Nexon were desperate we'd have ads pop up between battles or after logging in, etc. THAT would be annoying.
Maybe the EAs aren't so bad after all. ;)


Approved user
Dec 1, 2016
While I do agree with that, there is also the possibility that BHG will finally make the game players want(whatever the hell this is) in an attempt to make them happy and thus spend more money.

I too spent my fair share of money on the game in the past. But haven't made a single transaction in the past 2-3 months. And since my progress slowed to a crawl, I doubt I will at least in the next few months.

However, I want to stress out that I did not boycot the game. I simply don't have an incentive to spend as of now.


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
It is bad because P2W systems are what's holding a good game from becoming a GREAT game (along with sandbagging, bugs and very much needed balance decisions but that's besides the point)
But from a business perspective, Nexon doesn't need a great game, they just need a game that profits. Thus, widespread player enjoyment out the window, enter p2w.

And they have no incentive to change it. Money is still rolling in, free players and small spenders aren't quitting in big numbers, which gives the whales incentive to pay for advantages over them, everything is good as far as Nexon sees it.
This will change over the years as whales get bored of the same battles, free players get bored of seeing disadvantages, and eventually it will go to life support & shutdown phase like any other f2p - p2w title.
But one thing that doesn't make sense is that they would at least care about their cashcow enough to FIX THE BUGS already.
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Approved user
May 14, 2015
I agree with Quovatis on this topic. And then, we will have to accept the fact that maxe bases with powerful defensive buildings up (e.g. Bazooka tower) will be extremely hard to 5-stars, nearly impossible for 99.9% of players. There are a lot of nerf possible. Reducing their range to 4 comes to mind. It's one of the biggest nerf possible.


Approved user
May 2, 2015
It cant be done so easily. Those who bought EA Cards would be handicaped