Need help with new war troop combo


Approved user
Apr 5, 2016
I'm Drone age level 357, Korean. All my troops are maxed, with the exception of the latest factory update. Anyway, for a while now I've been running the follow troop combo.
12 Saboteurs
16 RPGs
1 Machine Gun
5 Soldiers
3 level 70 generals (Napoleon, Churchill, and Zhukov)
3 Decoy, 4 Betrayal and 1 Assault Rally
1 Recon, 6 Fighters

Just doing the normal use a decoy or 2 to draw out the defenders, use my recon and fighters to take out the Rocket Arsenal before they deploy, drop Generals and Heavy Mercs to lure the defenders. Then encircle the base with Saboteurs, then encircle the base with RPGs. I use the remaining Decoys to distract the defenders as they approach my Generals and Mercs, then the Betrayals to capture any Heavy Tanks. Then just a matter of using planes to clear defenders and recon to help with the assault.

It's been working pretty well until recently where I've been hitting a few snags, especially with higher level bases than myself. Plus when this combo fails, it tends to fail horribly (just 1 or 2 stars).

I've been trying out some new combos and so far haven't found anything that seems reliable.

I was hoping to probe the folks on here for any ideas that you think might work for me.

Oh, I'm also considering switching to German for extra 15% boost.

Thanks for your time and consideration.
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Approved user
May 17, 2018
- Commando/Zooks, first used somewhere in early 2019, is among the most successful army combo you could use up to early info age. From then on, things change rapidly... machine gun towers spawning machine guns, added SAMs/GCIs, ADs, HP of buildings and suddenly CZ is no longer that successful. You are a hero for still using commandos. There are alternatives though...

- mortars + artillery + APCs. We call it Lego. Very strong. No need for premium TTs unless you go against top 3D bases
- Helicopters/transports. Strong but needs BHM and recons
- Fighters with mortars. Very very strong but needs premium TTs

PS. I edited to say that all the above apply to WW. I do not speak about normal mp mode
PS2. and yes switch to germans


Approved user
Apr 5, 2016
Thanks so much for your reply, I appreciate it. The first combo you mentioned seems the most intriguing to me. Could you provide a sample layout for those troops? Like how many of each? And would I use fighters and recon with that? Or something else?

And if you use that combo, or know how to deploy it, could you give an overview of how to use it in WW?

Forgive my ignorance, but what is BHM?

I know you have a lot of knowledge, so I really appreciate your input.

Deja Trop Tard

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2018
Mortars + artillery + APCs are mostly played with transports. Either trransports allows to snipe missile silo ; or some generals + merc will serve to absorb missile silo, while ground troops are elsewhere. mortars easily kill defenders, artillery easily destroys buildings. Generally deployed in a line , or in a corner. If you deploy in a corner you need a way to get QV like sniping TC .

Need few wars to get used to lego but easier than CZ. if you good at CZ you good at *any* technique :)

BHM is black hawk medic , a very strong TT to heal heli cause those are glasscannons -> strong dm, weak hp.

EDIT - any mortar army needs both aztec + mongols. Then more generally cherokee, but some players would use americans, and in fighters+mortars case then americans are obvious


Approved user
Apr 5, 2016
Thank you sir! I really do appreciate all of your input.

As a first stab at it, I'm going with this combo
2 APCs
3 Arty
18 Mortar
5 Soldiers for shaping the battlefield

2 Transports
2 Fighters

I'll swap around my Museum to fit the new troops.

I'll try this for a bit and report back. Of course, any suggestions would be valued.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
Thanks so much for your reply, I appreciate it. The first combo you mentioned seems the most intriguing to me. Could you provide a sample layout for those troops? Like how many of each? And would I use fighters and recon with that? Or something else?

And if you use that combo, or know how to deploy it, could you give an overview of how to use it in WW?

I prefer:
4 artillery
3 APCs
rest mortars

Alliance gate: 3 artillery, 6 mortars

Everything else is as @Deja Trop Tard told you.
You will need a museum for it if you are gonna run it in WW. And an appropriate council of course.

PS. visit us a Greeks reborn to see it in action if you want


Approved user
Apr 5, 2016
Just wanted to give you guys an update. I've been using this style attack since for a while now, and your advice helped a lot.

Here are a couple things I've noticed.
I need to pick a good spot to deploy. In the past, I'd pick the strongest part of the base to hit first. But, with the mortars and APCs, I find this doesn't work as well because these troops new a few seconds to 'form up' defenses (spawn troops, get ranged out etc...).
Also, I will sometimes use my transports to take out the silo, if it looks doable. (Especially in multiplayer where I don't want to deploy generals)

So far everything is working well. A few more people in my alliance are also trying out the new combo and doing well with it.
I've kind of settled on
3 Arty
14 Mortars
1 Machine Gun
2 Infantry

I've also changed up my tactics as well and added in a First Aid, and Protect. I didn't typically use those with my commies and zooks attacks.

Thanks again for the tips, and I'll post any significant updates.