Messages disappear in Alliance Chat


Approved user
Jul 24, 2017
Nexon Support,

For the past few months, whenever i’ve been posting my WW attack plan through chat, some of my message posts disappear a few seconds later! This is very frustrating as I then need to retype my whole text again!

Some of the things i’ve tried:

- I’ve tried closing the app on IPhone and then relaunching
- Deleting and reinstalling the whole app.

Clearly there’s a bug in the chat.

Can you please investigate and let me know if you’re aware of this issue, how this is being resolved?

Has anyone else experienced this?


Approved user
May 17, 2018
For weeks now,
- I tap on chat button and I have to wait about 10 secs for the chat to appear
- when I get to write something, in the middle of typing, the windows is minimized and have to tap on my last word to continue typing
- many times while I type, everything is lost, chat is unavailable message appears, then chat is back again.