• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Make it possible for the museum to automatically sell mysterious Fragments to Blueprints


Approved user
Jul 18, 2016
Find it time consuming and frustrating to craft & sell artefacts especially if only interested in blueprints. Can take ages - a simple exchange to blueprints option would be a useful addition.


Sep 25, 2022
You can buy Blueprints for Fragments in the VIP Store.
The going rate (today) is 150 fragments for 35 blueprints and you can make the purchase 5 times.
It is VIP Level one so available to all.

Granted, it is not every day (that'd be nice) but it does happen occasionally (and randomly).


Sep 25, 2022
I did not mean to imply it was a (total) solution...
Just that there is now an avenue to do what was requested.
That feature seems relatively new to me so I wonder if it was a QoL improvement slipped in since this thread was originated (July 29th).

Ashhurst Turbo

Well-known member
Dec 8, 2020
I'm a leader of an alliance in a group of 6 alliances. We often visit each other's alliance to share knowledge. One of the discussions was related to the number of Mysterious Fragments everyone was sitting on. Another leader said he had 400,000 in his store and that a member of his alliance had maxed out the storage. We discussed exchanging them for blueprints, researchers & benefactors in the store. The main frustration was the number of options available to get the stored number down. One of the suggestions that had everyone's support was to have additional artifact crafting tabs available. for example, 10, 15, 20, 50, 100, 500 & 1000 artifact tabs. Speeding up the crafting process was also supported by everyone. Ashhurst Turbo, Alliance 4 AOE.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
I am the most loved person in forums. Fragments are easy Blueprints are just as easy. With the adds of counsel and manufacturing think the entire museum crafting system could use a player friendly revamp to reduce time to craft take the boring out and quality artifacts need not take 3 month to find that 4 liners. The entire crafting system is boring and little hard for new players to understand and just beyond boring for old players. Just my thoughts lol

😂 I know you all thought I was going disagree lol

Automation Age Players are People/ Customers too


Approved user
Oct 13, 2017
I have 400k fragments in one account, 700k in another account. I just don’t have the time to craft all day to consume them. The dribble that was offered for a time of 150/35 was not enough. There needs to be a 5000/1200 exchange or something like that to help us just burn through them faster.

They are so annoying to convert that people just don’t do it. (Myself included)


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
It’s the entire museum crafting in my eye that needs a complete revamp.
Current system take forever and boring. This is annoying to all level of players . Drop rate of 4 and 5 line artifacts need big player friendly adjustments.

I say again with add of counsel and manufacturing the museum is not the end all be all anymore still important but would be nice to make easier and way less time spent.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
I'd be happy to craft 5 artifacts at a time if there wasn't the incessant tapping required. 1 tap - instant transfer to storage.
3rd best option: use 1000 fragment at a time and send artifacts straight to storage.
But I get that players want to see the artifacts on the same screen so 2nd best option: 1 tap = instant display of all 5 artifacts.
But the best of all - 1 tap uses much more fragments (up to 5000?) AND they're displayed instantly - AND we can select a sell or store option directly from the same screen!


Approved user
Feb 28, 2018
One of the suggestions that had everyone's support was to have additional artifact crafting tabs available. for example, 10, 15, 20, 50, 100, 500 & 1000 artifact tabs.
技術的な理由により、博物館の保管能力は 255 に制限されていました。 誰もが少なくとも 24 個 (マルチプレイヤー 12 個、戦争 12 個) の成果物を表示して保存しておきたいと思っています。 おそらくそれ以上でしょう。 したがって、一度に 200 個以上のアーティファクトを生成したいと考えるのは意味がありません。

I'd be happy to craft 5 artifacts at a time if there wasn't the incessant tapping required. 1 tap - instant transfer to storage.
3rd best option: use 1000 fragment at a time and send artifacts straight to storage.
But I get that players want to see the artifacts on the same screen so 2nd best option: 1 tap = instant display of all 5 artifacts.
But the best of all - 1 tap uses much more fragments (up to 5000?) AND they're displayed instantly - AND we can select a sell or store option directly from the same screen!
良いアイデア、良いランキング。 博物館のユーザー インターフェースを作り直す必要があるという意見には完全に同意します。 (アニメーションが少なくなります)

I have 400k fragments in one account, 700k in another account. I just don’t have the time to craft all day to consume them. The dribble that was offered for a time of 150/35 was not enough. There needs to be a 5000/1200 exchange or something like that to help us just burn through them faster.

They are so annoying to convert that people just don’t do it. (Myself included)
おい、フラグメントは実際には希少品だということを忘れているよ。 (ある程度賢明に) 扱えば、破片がますます多くなるのは、宇宙時代の成果です。 そうすれば、24時間年中無休でアーティファクトを作成でき、フラグメントは増え続けます。 フラグメントを使い切ることはできなくなります。 これが本当の贅沢です。
宇宙時代よりも進んだ人は、博物館で大いに活躍するはずです。 博物館で熱心に活動している場合は、数週間または数か月後には 999,999 個の破片が得られるはずです。 だからこそ、ここで誰かが断片が「多すぎる」と文句を言うのが私には理解できません。
時間といくつかのクリック作業により、アーティファクトを探している間、これは無料で無限の数のブループリントに変わります。 そうしないと、お金で設計図を購入する必要があることに注意してください。


Approved user
Oct 13, 2017
技術的な理由により、博物館の保管能力は 255 に制限されていました。 誰もが少なくとも 24 個 (マルチプレイヤー 12 個、戦争 12 個) の成果物を表示して保存しておきたいと思っています。 おそらくそれ以上でしょう。 したがって、一度に 200 個以上のアーティファクトを生成したいと考えるのは意味がありません。

良いアイデア、良いランキング。 博物館のユーザー インターフェースを作り直す必要があるという意見には完全に同意します。 (アニメーションが少なくなります)

おい、フラグメントは実際には希少品だということを忘れているよ。 (ある程度賢明に) 扱えば、破片がますます多くなるのは、宇宙時代の成果です。 そうすれば、24時間年中無休でアーティファクトを作成でき、フラグメントは増え続けます。 フラグメントを使い切ることはできなくなります。 これが本当の贅沢です。
宇宙時代よりも進んだ人は、博物館で大いに活躍するはずです。 博物館で熱心に活動している場合は、数週間または数か月後には 999,999 個の破片が得られるはずです。 だからこそ、ここで誰かが断片が「多すぎる」と文句を言うのが私には理解できません。
時間といくつかのクリック作業により、アーティファクトを探している間、これは無料で無限の数のブループリントに変わります。 そうしないと、お金で設計図を購入する必要があることに注意してください。
“With time and some click work,”

That is what we are complaining about. I don’t have time to craft. I would like an option to convert to blueprints without spending non existent time.

Until then they just keep building.

And I also disagree that they are infinite. With care they go a long time before exhausting but I have spent 2 hrs crafting with care and still went down 10k fragments. The only way to get infinite was to use the cheat server… otherwise you have to raid an awful lot to makeup crafting losses.

Maybe someone else has had a different experience but I typically go down slowly when heavy crafting even post space age and upgrading all 3* artifacts prior to sale.


Approved user
Oct 13, 2017
I'd be happy to craft 5 artifacts at a time if there wasn't the incessant tapping required. 1 tap - instant transfer to storage.
3rd best option: use 1000 fragment at a time and send artifacts straight to storage.
But I get that players want to see the artifacts on the same screen so 2nd best option: 1 tap = instant display of all 5 artifacts.
But the best of all - 1 tap uses much more fragments (up to 5000?) AND they're displayed instantly - AND we can select a sell or store option directly from the same screen!
I like the last option. Kind of like the select photo option, get a check box next to all the ones you want to sell and sell them in batches. Also include a sell all button just to reduce taps for those that don’t care to upgrade 3* artifacts due to laziness.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
There are apps for that kinda thing, although they're illegal 🤌😂
Let’s not bring that up or the alliances that got caught using them lol Which I wish they banned every account and renamed that alliance Cheater Scum and for those that didn’t get banned totally you should have


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2020
I sure would love this, even at a very poor rate. I’d exchange 10k fragments for 1000 blueprints any day of the week, especially with my sub Space Age accounts.