Let me play in the league i want!


Approved user
Aug 3, 2017
As we all know you can manipulate (and its not forbidden as far as i know) in what you league you want to play by intentionally loosing anyway. So why not let me choose in what league i want to play? Only limit is the highest league which i have to reach once to op for it.

I dont see the point in intentionally losing just to get into the league i want, there are no other disadvantages for losing anyway besides the time and the 1 archer i lose on each fight ...


Approved user
Sep 20, 2017
this wouldn’t work. Medals determine your league. If everyone could just pick what ever league they wanted then there would be no point for medals and leagues full and leagues empty. So you want to be able to pick whatever league you want and still keep your medals even if your medal count puts you in a higher league?


Approved user
Feb 12, 2017
You can play the league you want, it depends on your medals ;) If ya dont want to move up in league dont get any more medals ;) leagues are ment to be changed, dropping medals also, same as moving up.


Approved user
Aug 3, 2017
this wouldn’t work. Medals determine your league. If everyone could just pick what ever league they wanted then there would be no point for medals and leagues full and leagues empty. So you want to be able to pick whatever league you want and still keep your medals even if your medal count puts you in a higher league?

younsee, this is already possible, you just lose purposely. it just eliminates the pain. and as i said, the highest leaque youncan play still,determined by your highest medal count history. and yes it still would work, as you dont always just want to gather ressources often you want to have a challenge or a good fight. and rewards for wins in higher leaque should still be much higher too. but especially for gathering ntg you play in lower leaques anything else is a pain in the ass.


Approved user
Sep 24, 2017
If they want to work on such a feature, they should allow to reduce your medals to any lower value than current value. Because as you said, going down is brainless activity while going up is hard and you have to work for it.


Approved user
Feb 8, 2018
I dont like the idea of being able to move up without working at it, but i dont see a downside to being able to auto-dump any number of medals. is there and expoit or downside people can think for only being able to drop medals at will?


Approved user
Feb 12, 2017
If they want to work on such a feature, they should allow to reduce your medals to any lower value than current value. Because as you said, going down is brainless activity while going up is hard and you have to work for it.

noone drops just for dropping, you will go and gather resources also doing that. When I had walls to build I collected tens of millions rez by dropping, and more when moving back up again :cool:


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Maybe WE can offer how many medals for defense, instead of the usual +16 -23 system?
Before I log off I can offer, say, 80 medals for anyone who wants to attack me. My base is fairly solid so the only people who would risk attacking me are those desperate to climb and is willing to throw everything at me or a CW player who thinks they can take me. The downside for me is, if I’m climbing, I stand to go down fairly quickly if I lose, or if I’m not climbing I can accidentally go up quickly. But if I am climbing and defend successfully, I can climb relatively easily.
The upside is, if you’re climbing you get there quicker, IF you win. :D
So if you want to get to a higher league quickly, you might not need to ‘next’ so much, just pick a winnable base that is offering high medals.
This would make attacking a better incentive in higher leagues where the +1 -38 is just a painful grind.
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Approved user
Feb 8, 2018

what happens if you put 1? you are a magnet for medal droppers? im intrigued by the idea but it sounds like itd be easy to exploit and confusing to newer/noobier players


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
I would think, if someone is medal dropping they’d prefer to get to the lower medals as quickly as possible, so 80 medals at a time would be more attractive than grinding down 1 at a time, no?
Chances are if I’m offering one medal they’ll pass me by.
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Approved user
Aug 3, 2017
I dont like the idea of being able to move up without working at it, but i dont see a downside to being able to auto-dump any number of medals. is there and expoit or downside people can think for only being able to drop medals at will?

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