• Upcoming Hotfixes
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I can't get ahead at all


New member
May 6, 2017
I am playing at the Enlightenment Age. Up until this level i didn't have this problem. But recently I cannot get ahead. Anytime I am attacked, the attacked gets 100% or nearly 100% destruction and takes loads of food and gold and oil. When I attack I usually do well, but most opponents have little oil. So I might do three or so attacks, go up 500 oil or so, maybe up 500000 gold, and about 200000 food (because of the cost of food to buy new troops and tactics). But the I get hit with an attack that takes 200k gold, 250k food and 1200 oil.
I can't get ahead at all, and my oil which had built up to like 35k is now at like 15k after a week.
It's weird and frustrating.

nikki bella

Approved user
May 12, 2016
Hi there and welcome to the most frustrating level in Dominations. EA is tough because IA can hit and hit hard! Those planes!!

You have to batten down the hatches and drop medals down. Any oil out is a target and not your first priority in EA anyway. I found the training blessing really helpful and confined my raiding to blasts of an hour at a time, always with the target of gaining more than you will lose. Expect constant raids. Let peace treaties be your friend . Slowly build up, prioritise offence so at least you can hit harder bases with more loot.

Good luck, it doesn't last forever and those pesky IA will move on to the next batch of fresh meat.


Approved user
Jan 4, 2016
Try using up those resources wherever possible, so looters don't have much to raid. There's always general upgrades in EA or a few factory things, as for excess there's walls when not saving for upgrades.
Aside from that keep your TC outside your walls so medal climbers can snipe you and give you a treaty.

Best of luck! EA really is the worst


Approved user
Apr 7, 2016
Yeah it's a pain to be in EA with high resources. In the end, the only reliable way to defend against Industrial attackers is to age up yourself, and build some Industrial defenses. In the meantime, here are some things you can do to minimize resource loss:

1) Lower your medals, how much medals you have makes A LOT of difference in the amount of attacks against you. Generally speaking, if you want to protect your resources, the lower the better.

2) Get a good base layout that protects your resources, with oil in the middle. TC outside the walls, no need to protect that. If people destroy your TC you get a free peace treaty which means you can get attacked less, and the medal loss is only good for you. Things that you want inside the walls are the refinery, mills, markets, and mortars. Further protect that stuff with cannon towers and traps and it will be quite unattractive to attack your base. Also make sure that walls are very segmented so that they can't just break 1 wall and steal all the loot.

3) Always rearm traps and put up full defensive blessings. The latter can be hard to pay for because of all the trade goods but trust me, it reduces attacks against you a lot (and when people do attack they'll often fail to steal your oil, even industrial attackers). The 2 blessings that are absolutely vital are tower and fortification blessing. Defender and storage blessing are more for show, only get those when you have lots of trade goods.

And, if you are having trouble doing building upgrades:

4) Do university research. This can help your base a lot. It's slow, but typically the resource costs are low, so if you lack resources for building upgrades and have free citizens, send them to the uni.

I hope this helps!


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
If you have problems upgrading things, you have to leave little resources for people to rob. The best way to upgrade things in EA is to drop your medals to 300 or so. Put aside an hour, fire up a training blessing (you can do without it, but try to attack easier bases and not lose your entire army) and destroy easy abandoned bases for loot. Collect all the resources you need, then spend them for everything you need. This way people won't be able to rob your resources because you gain them and lose them before they even have an opportunity to attack.