I've answered questions around this in a few other posts on the forums, but I'll take your post as an opportunity to collate a bunch of it in one place. While I can't share every detail of our algorithm (people might take advantage of it then!). I can share some of the basics!
Step 1: When an alliance enters matchmaking the leader had to say who was joining them in war. We take this list of players and then look through their main bases. On those bases we look at things like buildings,
troop tactics, munitions, etc. and their levels. We use this to assign a "war weight" to each player. I'll also note here that if a player somehow manages to not have all of their buildings on their war base, that just puts them at a disadvantage because we counted everything on their main base. War bases are just for you guys to reorganize things as you wish
Step 2: We do some math. We combine all of the war weights of each player in the alliance into a total "alliance war weight" We don't do a simple summation here because we don't want to heavily disincentivize alliances from bringing along a couple weaker players to show them the ropes.
Step 3: We do some more math. We also figure out an alliance's power spread. This is our attempt to handle the scenarios where 1 alliance may have 10 drone age players, and another alliance may have 1 player in each age (I do not recommend doing this by the way
). The first alliance will have a tight spread, while the second will have a very broad spread. I will also make a note here that while I use age in my example, we take in a multitude of variables into account here, and age is not one of them. The reason for not using age is that the combination of our other values shows us a more accurate power level than something on the integer scale of 1-16. We use this power spread to try to match alliances to similar power spreads so everyone in the war is more likely to have someone else they can be on even footing with. But, the longer you're waiting in matchmaking the less we require the power spreads to match so you can get into War in a decent time.
Step 4: We toss the alliance into matchmaking! This is where all of the alliances have their values compared and we attempt to find the best match we can in the least amount of time we can. Something you may realize though is that those are two goals that contradict each other. If we have you wait longer, then the chances of you finding a better match increase as you see more opportunities, but that leads to longer matchmaking times. While if we reduce matchmaking times then you guys get to War faster, but the overall quality of everyone's matches will go down. Its a tough balancing act!
Step 5: War!
I've simplified things down here, and maybe have shared a bit more than I have in other places but I hope this gives everyone an idea of how we go about matching two alliances. In short: glory (which I didn't mention but I believe everyone knows about by now), alliance war weight, and alliance power spread are what we look at when deciding who should War against each other.
EDIT: We look at your tactics, not your troop tactics, my b!