• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Google Play remains disconnected

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Approved user
Sep 10, 2015
Hey folks, reaching out to the community here! Maybe some one can help me on this one as my options are becoming exhausted.

Firstly, here is my situation. Dominations cannot/will not connect to Google Play games and therefore will not load my Industrial Age base. This is across 3 of my devices, all of which are working normally. Main device (and the one I've been mostly working on) is Samsung Galaxy Tab S. Model Number SM-T800. Android version 5.0.2.

Secondly, here is what I have done to try to trouble shoot.
- I have contacted Google support who have tried their best. Trouble shooting steps included: Clear Data & Cache on Google Play Store, Google Play Games and Google Device manager so many times I lost count. Clear Data & Cache on Dominations. Uninstall Dominations. Remove accounts from the device and try doing the process over again. Factory Reset (which I had done on my own prior to contacting Google). My device is connected with Google Play and I can view my profile, etc but Dominations will not connect or link devices.
- I am now in contact with Dominations support but they are walking me through the same steps as Google - only over the period of days instead of minutes.

Thirdly, this all started several weeks ago. I had temporarily disabled my registered email with Google to fix some issues I had with it (nothing related to gaming). Once I recovered the email address and account I had noticed Dominations did not want to connect to Google Play. The email account works as it should and emails have not stopped flooding in. Also, Dominations was working as it should between devices so I did not think much of it. Fast forward to about 4 days ago, I had done a factory reset on the tablet and cleared cache & data on my cellular but are still both connected to the proper email address. Upon starting up Dominations, it goes to the tutorial and I begin anew in Stone Age. In Settings, Google Play remains disconnected and to Link Devices I need to be connected to Google Play.

It is worth mentioning that I have not noticed any other game acting like this. Only Dominations.

I have heard of this happening with Clash of Clans and have been told there was a fix for it. I am not ready to give up and throw away my level 145 base. Please provide input or direction in this! It will be very much appreciated!



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SquibC Hey! Please submit a ticket through our support portal here. (scroll down to click on the blue "Contact Us" button). Please include all device details, the OS you're running, and your player name and ID if you know it. They will be able to look into this issue further for you. :)


Approved user
Sep 10, 2015
Hey Seraphine! I have been in contact with support for a few days now with no luck. Thought I'd reach out to the community :)


Approved user
Dec 15, 2016
Dominations is not downloading

From this morning Dominations is not downloading.
the loading bar reaches to 30% and stops
this happens on 2 devices
Is it possible on the server technical work? or I have one such problem?



Approved user
May 17, 2018
event not possible to complete (not that I care anyway)
WW attacks not possible to make. This is serious
Zero info about this outage for so many hours

I wonder if we are gonna learn what happened....All wars must end as tiebreaker, event cancelled


Approved user
Aug 4, 2018
It is early here on the east coast. They should arrive in the office in another 30 min. Hopefully someone will reboot the game then


Approved user
Mar 17, 2019
Games is not starting

Since a couple of hours I can't enter the game.
I've rebooted my phone and also installed the game from crack...but it still doesn't start.

Is there a known reason for that?
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