Generals should have the primary goal of Generals


Approved user
Sep 27, 2017
1. Because it's natural.
2. Because a General has a special skill against generals.
3. Because this will make the tactics of using generals more meaningful


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
WTH is it „natural“? HT are not attacking HT preferred, Zookas are not attacking Zookas preferred, etc.

yes , generals have higher damage against other generals. It is a question of skills to drop a general that he fights others. If the game would do it automatically you need no skills anymore.

what do you mean with „meaningful. Using generals is senseful every time - if done wisely.


Approved user
Sep 27, 2017
...It is a question of skills to drop a general that he fights others. If the game would do it automatically you need no skills...
The skill will not help you, since the General WILL NOT attack the General, but will choose any nearby target! Only a random combination of circumstances leads to a gene-gene fight, and this is not correct.
As for "natural", the General is the leader, and if the leader enters the battle, he will naturally choose the leader's opponent as the strongest figure equal to himself. Examples of HT or Zooka are not relevant here. Strange that this should be explained.. watch some battle movies or something :)
..If the General is seen as meat, what is the spirit of this game?


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
Its a strange and static philosophy behind your thoughts, just said tbh. You can definitely play the game the way that a general attacks a general - if you really want it for what reason ever. You can use AR, clear around generals with planes, etc., several different ways are around. Well, for „natural“ the general is the leader :), again as you like it, but there are a couple of them on the playing field. You attack with three generals and can take four additional ones with you using TT cards. So have fun with the decision which of them is the „natural“ leader. 😁 In war reality generals usually sitting behind the battle lines, drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. Never ever one of them is running in front of his troops. Think you have watched more Lord of the rings then „battle movies“.


Approved user
Sep 27, 2017
Yes, this game has nothing to do with real life, it is just closer to the Lord of the rings. :) Any opinion can be justified. I believe that generals should have a primary goal. Ideally, BHG can implement settings for troop types at the discretion of the players. But of course it is easier to change nothing, so everything will remain as it is to your satisfaction.
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King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
I think you are wasting a lot of frustration on a simple ideal. Yes everyone has a right to an opinion and yes this game is not like real life but it is a mobile game with limited mechanics. Deploy, target, rally, win. That's the basic formula. Not rocket science.
As long as generals can be used in the mix 'somewhere', I don't think the devs are overly concerned about their special abilities.
Just play and enjoy yourself. :D

ps: this game has as much in common with real life as it has with LotR.

B like Big Bug

Approved user
Sep 25, 2019
Now the generals do not have a primary goal. Why? Generals should have the primary goal of Generals

nice idea.if there is a range for genearals that Where the general was attacking the opponent's generals or strong priority forces,(in that range),not needed to nerv zhokov and attack became more professional .
this game is not real life.but its so nice and can be Much more attractive.