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DomiNations 2 Year Anniversary! v5.5 Update Notes -


Community Manager 
May 16, 2016
DomiNations 2 Year Anniversary! v5.5 Update Notes

v5.5.X ‘DomiNations 2 Year Anniversary’ update is here!

Marco Polo, the Traveling Merchant
  • Marco Polo now periodically visits your town to offer his wares!
  • Trade with him for Troop Tactics, Event Buildings, National Trade Goods, and more!
Friendly Challenges (Not yet activated!)
  • Challenge your Alliance members in practice battles to hone your strategy
  • Create your own Challenges to test out new Town and War Base layouts
  • Friendly Challenges don’t consume troops, medals, or resources!
New University Leader: Amelia Earhart
  • Research Amelia Earhart’s skill tree at the University to bolster your air force and oil economy!
  • Harness the power of her Capstone Skill, The Ninety Nines, which gives you +1 additional air capacity
New World War Tie-Breaker
  • If two Alliances finish a World War with the same number of stars and average destruction, the winner is now determined by who has the least amount of time elapsed in battle
  • In ties, winning your battles as fast as possible is the key to winning the war!
  • Only the time elapsed from the best attack against each War Base counts
New Atomic Age Upgrades
  • Farms and Caravans can now be upgraded to level 18
  • Oil Wells can now be upgraded to level 6
  • The University can now be upgraded to level 6
  • Fighters and Bombers can now be upgraded to level 18
  • Transports can now be upgraded to level 12
Other Improvements
  • A new ‘Recommended Upgrades’ button has been added next to the Store button to provide advice on what to upgrade next
  • A Quick Victory star timer has been added to the battle HUD for easier tracking in battle
  • Improve your strategic planning with more information on the World War Scouting screen
  • The Announcements window now has tabs so you don’t miss out on discounts, sales, events, and updates!
Performance Improvements
  • Improved performance and stability on older devices
  • Fixed a handful of rare crashes
Balance Updates
  • Betrayal, Protect, and Sabotage Tactics now cost 2 Tactics Capacity (was 1)
  • War Academy level 5 (Enlightenment Age) now provides +1 Tactics Capacity (was +0), increasing Tactics Capacity by 1 from Enlightenment Age onward
  • Stronghold now spawns the any remaining donated Troop Tactics when destroyed
  • Fixed Atomic Age HP for French Consulate, Khan Dais, Zulu Kraal, and Long House (was 1600, is now 1950)
Bug Fixes and Improvements
  • Prevented a crash when dropping Troop Tactics in battle
  • Fixed a crash on the battle results window
  • Prevented a rare crash when going into World War battles
  • Fixed a crash caused by claiming a tactic without a War Academy
  • Game no longer crashes when tapping on the Aztec Temple
  • Fixed a disconnect caused when players sped up University research
  • Fixed an issue where adding or removing Troop Tactics from the Stronghold could cause them to be lost or duplicated
  • Troop Tactics are now included in the World War battle prep window
  • Stronghold properly updates with when new Troop Tactics are added
  • Same Troop Tactics with different levels will now appear sorted alphabetically
  • Fixed an issue causing too many donated troops to spawn in World War battles
  • Offensive Blessings now show up in Attack History even if only Troop Tactics were used on offense
  • Coalitions more reliably appear in the World War map
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong image could appear in the Announcements window
  • Fixed bonus Trade Goods not appearing on the battle results screen
  • Sneaky units like Commandos no longer trigger the S.A.M. Battery trap
  • Prevented an exploit allowing buildings to be stacked on top of each other
  • Players can now view Active Troops in Factory and Airstrip info windows
  • Players can now access friends’ Alliances through Alliance Friends tab
  • World War now displays total attack duration in place of average attack duration
  • Added attacks used and battles won to World War banner in World War report window for Battle, Alliance, and Enemy tabs
  • Clarified message when claiming a Troop Tactic reward from an event
  • Added "please wait" message when claiming Expedition rewards
  • Improved messaging for “Finish Now” or “Instant” finishing University research
  • Tower Blessing now correctly indicates that it buffs the Stronghold
  • Teutonic Fury buff effects now appear in World War battles
  • Added clarification text to Blessing descriptions: (An attack must deal 10% or more damage to your town to consume this Blessing)
  • Event building info windows now display correct stats in Bronze and Iron Ages
  • Offensive blessing info windows in Attack History now show applied buffs
  • Stradioti UI portrait no longer displays Hussar image
  • Security improvements
  • Minor art and text fixes
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Approved user
Apr 7, 2016
I was censored. The :( was "Fudge Uncle" as you may have guessed. Although I abbreviated it, so not sure why that needed censoring because FU could have stood for Fudge Uncle....

Wynne D Fanchon

Approved user
Apr 19, 2017
Jarl Valkyron Game was getting very stale when my buildings were being sabotaged and getting steam rolled by ranged units. Every player with a brain had more sabotages than any other tactic, followed by protects/betrayl....see the problem?

Sabotage is a powerful tactic and with the update coming out, people have to find different tactics combinations, strategies and comps to work around the Meta. Are we in the perfect Meta at the moment? Probably not because there are units that need to be buffed, nations that need to be nerfed and buildings that need to be balanced.

Game isn't balanced 100% around World Wars buddy. They are also taking into consideration the frustration that players are having on defense when protecting their resources.


Approved user
May 21, 2016
Just lost a long time player because of these updates... the first of a few I suspect!

Everyone upset about tactics, constant attacks by three witches, sandbagging in wars...

And I've not seen Marco Polo yet!


Approved user
Oct 18, 2016
According to the changes, the tactics are meant to make things more fair for the little guy. My medieval account now gets one sabotage, so how is that helping the little guy? Or do you mean by 'little guy' the Dawn Age, Stone Age the Iron Age and Classical Age? The other tactics are utterly ineffectual when battling up.

Also since you keep matching my medieval account against enlightenment and industrial age in multiplayer and war, it just means I have less to battle with. How is your matching up helping the little guy? Or is medieval a big player now? I am frankly, confused.


Approved user
Apr 12, 2017
Well, I, for one am happy with the tactics change.

First of all, the game isn't balanced, and the reason the game isn't balanced is that most of the player base rushes offense, since that is the exciting aspect of the game, and is also achievable quicker. Some of us though max upgrade defenses, walls etc., before moving up an age. This is ultimately pointless though, since offense rules this game, and any defense can mostly be five-starred. I take great pleasure in the fact that a lower age cannot five-star me without additional pay2win troop tactics, all through gunpowder, enlightenment, and my current young industrial (lvl 143) age. Even current age players can rarely five-star me when I get towards the end of an age (upgraded every defensive building etc.)

Secondly, I don't believe that five-starring a base should be the norm. Five-starring should be an achievement. With the change that tied wars provide 100% war loot (from the 40% it was previously), the concept of denying stars to the opponent was overlooked making it less of a war and more of a race to get max stars.

Therefore, for the above two reasons, I welcome the tactics reduction, and welcome the challenge put forth to players who have rushed their offenses and mostly ignored their defenses, or at the very least, let their defenses take a backseat.

I used to have 4 tactics spaces with my EA war academy and used to take 4 sabotages or 3 sabotages and 1 betrayal into war depending on if the opponent had a bunker or not. I do understand the concerns of people who are constantly "attacking up by more than 30 levels" but that shouldn't be necessary if they fixed sandbagging. Typically if the game is balanced, then in my opinion, nobody should be able to five star an opponent that is up by more than 30 levels.

However, the whole concept of the stronghold is to satiate the pay2win players, and I vehemently disagree with the concept being applied to world wars. This change with the stronghold spawning all donated troop tactics when destroyed is meant to placate that base who have paid good money to purchase troop tactics, which then remain unused and disappear out of the game when clever attackers sabotage the stronghold. That is not good for business, since nobody wants to pay money for something that doesn't ever get used. So I understand why the developers are pushing the change through.

World war to me is about skills, and skills should be rewarded. Nothing must be allowed to be brought to war, that can be purchased. This includes one time buildings such as the bazooka tower.

Ultimately though this is just a silly game. You win some wars, you lose some wars. If you lose a war to a sandbagging alliance, or one that has spent thousands of dollars, so be it. They paid for the win, let them enjoy it. I don't really care since I have spent a grand total of $0 on this game. Yes, it is sad that skill isn't rewarded, but I'd be happy that some whale won their war against me and continue buying things and funding my entertainment which I get for free. :) Skills were never valued in this game anyway. Ask anyone who the "top players" in the game are, and they'd point you to the medal table which is populated by people who got an edge by buying houses, estates etc. That doesn't make them a "top player" in my book.

Quang t legend

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
According to the changes, the tactics are meant to make things more fair for the little guy. My medieval account now gets one sabotage, so how is that helping the little guy? .

No where it say to help little guy, it say to help defend against attack because there are too many 5 stars in war. Now you need to be happy with 4 stars or less.
The good news is it take only some week to advance from Medieval to EA, just prepare to advance as soon as you reach level 60!


Approved user
Dec 28, 2016

can you explain why the change to the stronghold??

The Castle doesn't deploy it's generals when destroyed. The Command Post doesn't deploy units when destroyed. The Town Center doesn't deploy units when destroyed.

The difference between these 3 and the Stronghold? The Stronghold is the only building that can be supplied with purchased units.


Approved user
Apr 26, 2017
The new tactics capacity rules are really annoying and upsetting me. And ruins my usual strategy of the game. And it's unfair because I have to do time consuming updates to the other tactics when I want to use them. You should change this back! I think I'll take a break from the game...


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Errrr, you do realise I meant I'm no longer spending money, right?
I'm quite sure BHG/Nexon is earning enough at this stage, no need for me to pay anymore to a company that, frankly, disrespects their customers.


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
Short summary of the last 4 pages in case Nexon haven't figured it out

People are irritated because the changes made in the last update only only benefit those that pay to win and disadvantage those that don't. You haven't even tried to disguise it.

Any longer than that and Nexon and big huge games may not understand.


Approved user
Oct 20, 2015
Hmmm friendly challenges have lost me 38 medals. Nice bug but given previous track record they are gone forever because they never rest medals. The cost to the player is immense.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Wynne, Nexon could've left the tactics as one slot each and put a cap on, for example, 2 of each type of tactic. I think this would've been a better way to balance it.
I personally take 2 Sab, 2 demo, 1 protect & 1 betray to each battle. THAT's balancing.


Approved user
Apr 7, 2016
really? I would love to lose medals more easily.

But, everyone plays the game differently, but now they took away my fun. :(

Of course Nexon couldn't implement anything that players actually like without screwing it up.

Why no bugs in the tactic changes so they have to roll that back?

Wynne D Fanchon

Approved user
Apr 19, 2017
Manifesto True, but it doesn't solve the imbalance of other tactics that are hardly used which is what they were trying to go for, not to say that 5.5 accomplished that to the fullest. I just don't see barrage being used ever, even at a low level of play, rangers can already destroy infantry and nobody will ever waste a tactic slot for barrage. I personally think it needs to be removed and First Aid needs a bit of a buff, reduce the duration but increase the amount of burst heal each pulse to compensate.