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DomiNations 2 Year Anniversary! v5.5 Update Notes -


Community Manager 
May 16, 2016
DomiNations 2 Year Anniversary! v5.5 Update Notes

v5.5.X ‘DomiNations 2 Year Anniversary’ update is here!

Marco Polo, the Traveling Merchant
  • Marco Polo now periodically visits your town to offer his wares!
  • Trade with him for Troop Tactics, Event Buildings, National Trade Goods, and more!
Friendly Challenges (Not yet activated!)
  • Challenge your Alliance members in practice battles to hone your strategy
  • Create your own Challenges to test out new Town and War Base layouts
  • Friendly Challenges don’t consume troops, medals, or resources!
New University Leader: Amelia Earhart
  • Research Amelia Earhart’s skill tree at the University to bolster your air force and oil economy!
  • Harness the power of her Capstone Skill, The Ninety Nines, which gives you +1 additional air capacity
New World War Tie-Breaker
  • If two Alliances finish a World War with the same number of stars and average destruction, the winner is now determined by who has the least amount of time elapsed in battle
  • In ties, winning your battles as fast as possible is the key to winning the war!
  • Only the time elapsed from the best attack against each War Base counts
New Atomic Age Upgrades
  • Farms and Caravans can now be upgraded to level 18
  • Oil Wells can now be upgraded to level 6
  • The University can now be upgraded to level 6
  • Fighters and Bombers can now be upgraded to level 18
  • Transports can now be upgraded to level 12
Other Improvements
  • A new ‘Recommended Upgrades’ button has been added next to the Store button to provide advice on what to upgrade next
  • A Quick Victory star timer has been added to the battle HUD for easier tracking in battle
  • Improve your strategic planning with more information on the World War Scouting screen
  • The Announcements window now has tabs so you don’t miss out on discounts, sales, events, and updates!
Performance Improvements
  • Improved performance and stability on older devices
  • Fixed a handful of rare crashes
Balance Updates
  • Betrayal, Protect, and Sabotage Tactics now cost 2 Tactics Capacity (was 1)
  • War Academy level 5 (Enlightenment Age) now provides +1 Tactics Capacity (was +0), increasing Tactics Capacity by 1 from Enlightenment Age onward
  • Stronghold now spawns the any remaining donated Troop Tactics when destroyed
  • Fixed Atomic Age HP for French Consulate, Khan Dais, Zulu Kraal, and Long House (was 1600, is now 1950)
Bug Fixes and Improvements
  • Prevented a crash when dropping Troop Tactics in battle
  • Fixed a crash on the battle results window
  • Prevented a rare crash when going into World War battles
  • Fixed a crash caused by claiming a tactic without a War Academy
  • Game no longer crashes when tapping on the Aztec Temple
  • Fixed a disconnect caused when players sped up University research
  • Fixed an issue where adding or removing Troop Tactics from the Stronghold could cause them to be lost or duplicated
  • Troop Tactics are now included in the World War battle prep window
  • Stronghold properly updates with when new Troop Tactics are added
  • Same Troop Tactics with different levels will now appear sorted alphabetically
  • Fixed an issue causing too many donated troops to spawn in World War battles
  • Offensive Blessings now show up in Attack History even if only Troop Tactics were used on offense
  • Coalitions more reliably appear in the World War map
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong image could appear in the Announcements window
  • Fixed bonus Trade Goods not appearing on the battle results screen
  • Sneaky units like Commandos no longer trigger the S.A.M. Battery trap
  • Prevented an exploit allowing buildings to be stacked on top of each other
  • Players can now view Active Troops in Factory and Airstrip info windows
  • Players can now access friends’ Alliances through Alliance Friends tab
  • World War now displays total attack duration in place of average attack duration
  • Added attacks used and battles won to World War banner in World War report window for Battle, Alliance, and Enemy tabs
  • Clarified message when claiming a Troop Tactic reward from an event
  • Added "please wait" message when claiming Expedition rewards
  • Improved messaging for “Finish Now” or “Instant” finishing University research
  • Tower Blessing now correctly indicates that it buffs the Stronghold
  • Teutonic Fury buff effects now appear in World War battles
  • Added clarification text to Blessing descriptions: (An attack must deal 10% or more damage to your town to consume this Blessing)
  • Event building info windows now display correct stats in Bronze and Iron Ages
  • Offensive blessing info windows in Attack History now show applied buffs
  • Stradioti UI portrait no longer displays Hussar image
  • Security improvements
  • Minor art and text fixes
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Approved user
Apr 6, 2017
This tiebreaker "solution" only advantage the heavy team profiting of the crappy matchmaking and sandbaggers. Even if you 5 star their 3-4 iron age quicker, it will take more time overall to take care of their 26-27 Atomic bases than them to wipe your smaller alliance. I also feel bad for the macthmaking glitch, the more AA defensive building I get the more I going down in war ranking, it's unfair for my opponents.


New member
Apr 24, 2017
No Title


  • photo9543.jpg
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Approved user
May 5, 2016
You are making the game too hard already, especially for newer players. I AM ALREADY having a hard time keeping my alliance members playing and participating in wars since you haven't fix the match making yet. And your "tie breaking concept" only works on a tie! It doesn't help when your competing against stronger alliances. And since you already diminished our capabilty by reducing the number of tactics, i can just see my alliance members, especially the newer ones passing on wars.

If you wanted to balance the game, you should have fixed the matchmaking first. At least with the tactics that i had, i had a chance to beat players with 20 or 30 levels higher than me! Now, wth, I might as well drop my medal count and sand bag as well since there is no point on having higher medals and be punished for playing the game properly. I've been with you guys from the very start, and after two years of loyalty bringing friends and family from CoC to this game thinking you guys were better.... well, we are just dissappointed.

Well, my alliance will pass on a few wars for awhile. I hope they'll still be playing if you decide to change your mind.


Approved user
Feb 17, 2017
I was just pondering the game and some of the issues that players are commonly frustrated with, and I came up with something!

THIS IS A BRILLIANT IDEA! Players seem to irritated that there aren't enough raiders, saboteurs, and mortars in war attacks, so CLEARLY Nexon should double the troop space of siege, ranged infantry, healing carts, and barrack heavies (and for you HT people, double that troop space as well!). That way players will use more of these other troops! SOLUTION! I am so smart that I could work at Nexon.

Holy S**t, that's a great idea! Nexon really could use a game designer like you.


New member
Apr 25, 2017
Guys, this is an absolute none sense! How do you think that you will balance the game when this war tactics capacity usage is increase?!?! This upgrade will purely make every new player's life hard in the game. I am level 54 in the Medieval age. I have invested a lot to upgrade my war academy to level 2' so I can have three slots, now I can't even have one protection and one sabotage, whereas I used to have even two sabotage tactics and protection!!! This is pure none sense. I have planned to spend more momey in the game, but with this attitude from your side, you wouldn't see a penny more from me as you don't deserve it.


New member
Apr 25, 2017
I think the change of tactics spaces is a very bad idea. 1- we got used to playing with the tactics and they are very important 2- the strategy will take a hit and we will lose our benchmarks 3- the interest of the game will diminish


New member
Apr 25, 2017
I think the change of tactics spaces is a very bad idea.

1- we got used to playing with the tactics and they are very important
2- the strategy will take a hit and we will lose our benchmarks
3- the interest of the game will diminish


Approved user
Aug 20, 2015
Agree these must be the worst two bugs Ive seen yet. Apart from being locked out for twelve days, and the alliance membership issue....


Approved user
Oct 22, 2015

I believe this to be almost entirely untrue. Please reference the matchmaking thread for screenshots showing you the opposite of what you are stating, assuming the previous average time was just the total elapsed time broken down into a per base average. Our very first two stalemates after the announcement, against heavy top 20 sandbagging teams would have turned into losses because of this rule.

Please consider a common scenario of 26 atomic bases, 4 iron age bases (a 13% sandbag which is more than enough to completely break matchmaking). This often will give a +25-35 level advantage on the top 26 bases. If my team is able to down the bottom 4 bases in 30 seconds, it is perhaps a 60 second advantage for a bottom end base which would normally be brought down in 90 seconds by an advanced player. So, we have a 60 second advantage on 4 bases....or 240 seconds total. So, about an 8 second benefit per base that the non sandbagging team gets. Now, lets look at the other 26 bases. Assuming a 30 level gap, it is probably fair to assume 4 offense/defense buildings per level (with the balance being economic since 4 buildings barely gives you like 75% of a level in later levels). So this means about 120 offense and defense building or research upgrades difference between the remaining 26 bases. This is so much of an advantage, it makes the 8 second/base advantage we got from those iron ages not even mean anything at all....they dont even register on the sandbag-o-meter.

Between this tiebreaker, significantly reduced ability for players to hit up in strength (tactic change), and the fact you have completely ignored sandbagging for the last 9 months....you have made sandbagging even more important than it ever was before.

However, I really do commend and appreciate you for coming out into the community and posting on this issue. I really hope there is much more in the works, in the very very near future, to combat sandbagging.
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Approved user
Aug 19, 2016
Marco Polo, the Traveling Merchant (game will be more “heavy” – bad)
  • Marco Polo now periodically visits your town to offer his wares!
  • Trade with him for Troop Tactics, Event Buildings, National Trade Goods, and more!
Friendly Challenges (Not yet activated!) (No one believes that this will be – bad)
  • Challenge your Alliance members in practice battles to hone your strategy
  • Create your own Challenges to test out new Town and War Base layouts
  • Friendly Challenges don’t consume troops, medals, or resources!
New University Leader: Amelia Earhart (useful only for big players – bad for new players)
  • Research Amelia Earhart’s skill tree at the University to bolster your air force and oil economy!
  • Harness the power of her Capstone Skill, The Ninety Nines, which gives you +1 additional air capacity
New World War Tie-Breaker (Not reasonable – If I win any war, that mean I win it… can split glory points or something like that)
  • If two Alliances finish a World War with the same number of stars and average destruction, the winner is now determined by who has the least amount of time elapsed in battle
  • In ties, winning your battles as fast as possible is the key to winning the war!
  • Only the time elapsed from the best attack against each War Base counts
New Atomic Age Upgrades (useful only for big players – bad for new players)
  • Farms and Caravans can now be upgraded to level 18
  • Oil Wells can now be upgraded to level 6
  • The University can now be upgraded to level 6
  • Fighters and Bombers can now be upgraded to level 18
  • Transports can now be upgraded to level 12
Other Improvements
  • A new ‘Recommended Upgrades’ button has been added next to the Store button to provide advice on what to upgrade next (who needs it? who ask it? – not useful thing - game will be more “heavy” with all new features)
  • A Quick Victory star timer has been added to the battle HUD for easier tracking in battle (will be good if will work properly – but I don`t believe)
  • Improve your strategic planning with more information on the World War Scouting screen (maybe better)
  • The Announcements window now has tabs so you don’t miss out on discounts, sales, events, and updates! ????
Performance Improvements (absolutely lies)
  • Improved performance and stability on older devices (absolutely lies)
  • Fixed a handful of rare crashes (absolutely lies)
Balance Updates (absolutely lies) (now games is borring… no fun to play it)
  • Betrayal, Protect, and Sabotage Tactics now cost 2 Tactics Capacity (was 1) (worth thing what can be )
  • War Academy level 5 (Enlightenment Age) now provides +1 Tactics Capacity (was +0), increasing Tactics Capacity by 1 from Enlightenment Age onward
  • Stronghold now spawns the any remaining donated Troop Tactics when destroyed
  • Fixed Atomic Age HP for French Consulate, Khan Dais, Zulu Kraal, and Long House (was 1600, is now 1950)
Bug Fixes and Improvements (lies no one believes that you fixed bugs)
  • Prevented a crash when dropping Troop Tactics in battle
  • Fixed a crash on the battle results window
  • Prevented a rare crash when going into World War battles
  • Fixed a crash caused by claiming a tactic without a War Academy
  • Game no longer crashes when tapping on the Aztec Temple
  • Fixed a disconnect caused when players sped up University research
  • Fixed an issue where adding or removing Troop Tactics from the Stronghold could cause them to be lost or duplicated
  • Troop Tactics are now included in the World War battle prep window
  • Stronghold properly updates with when new Troop Tactics are added
  • Same Troop Tactics with different levels will now appear sorted alphabetically
  • Fixed an issue causing too many donated troops to spawn in World War battles
  • Offensive Blessings now show up in Attack History even if only Troop Tactics were used on offense
  • Coalitions more reliably appear in the World War map
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong image could appear in the Announcements window
  • Fixed bonus Trade Goods not appearing on the battle results screen
  • Sneaky units like Commandos no longer trigger the S.A.M. Battery trap
  • Prevented an exploit allowing buildings to be stacked on top of each other
  • Players can now view Active Troops in Factory and Airstrip info windows
  • Players can now access friends’ Alliances through Alliance Friends tab
  • World War now displays total attack duration in place of average attack duration
  • Added attacks used and battles won to World War banner in World War report window for Battle, Alliance, and Enemy tabs
  • Clarified message when claiming a Troop Tactic reward from an event
  • Added "please wait" message when claiming Expedition rewards
  • Improved messaging for “Finish Now” or “Instant” finishing University research
  • Tower Blessing now correctly indicates that it buffs the Stronghold
  • Teutonic Fury buff effects now appear in World War battles
  • Added clarification text to Blessing descriptions: (An attack must deal 10% or more damage to your town to consume this Blessing)
  • Event building info windows now display correct stats in Bronze and Iron Ages
  • Offensive blessing info windows in Attack History now show applied buffs
  • Stradioti UI portrait no longer displays Hussar image
  • Security improvements
  • Minor art and text fixes


Approved user
May 2, 2015
Please allow tactics to be transferred to the Stronghold at least...
That would at least be a bit of a compensation for those who don't have bought troop cards, by that way we could have 11 tactic slots (Koreans 12) and we could use the tactics we were used to in mp/war at least.
All the announced good things are not included anyway, I hate to say that, but this is the worst update ever...


Approved user
Mar 25, 2016
Wars should not be pay2win reserved for alliances spending $1,000s

matchmaking fix to address sandbagging is important

spawning troops from stronghold makes it much!!! Less fair for regular moderate spenders

making tactics take more space disheartens our lower age team members, making it harder to keep them in the game

think of ALL players, not just the millionaires
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New member
Apr 25, 2017
This update has gotten alot of people to quit some have said this has made alliances quit. As an early ia player im screwed now my attacks are goin to be near impossible to hit other ia players and get decent loot. If you wantted other tatics used should make them stronger or more helpful.