• Upcoming Hotfixes
    Two fixes are going out soon. One addressing the loss of Crowns and the 2nd Drone Command slot, the other addressing players in Asian territories unable to log into the game. Players will receive compensation for each issue that affected them, and crowns lost will be restored. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Design Spotlight: Combat Rebalance!


Approved user
Feb 8, 2018
Solution 1 sounds really fun. Id love watching replays of attacks (AI or not) with interesting new army compositions. bonus for defense would be gravy


Approved user
May 26, 2016
Oh well, that's so easy! You don't need more than one step to make this game unplayable. Just make available 5-6 silo buildings and that's it. Nexon gets rid of us and we get rid of Dominations. There's always something else to do with our free time. :)


Approved user
May 19, 2016
I’ll echo everyone’s sentiment that troop cards (especially the overpowered ones) and war matchups are the problem, not a lack of defense. It’s a rare exception when we get an even matchup these days. I wonder now if that’s intentional to force the underdog to buy a lot of troop cards??? Instead many just give up before the war is started.

Way overdue to make the less used troops more useful. But I have little confidence in Nexon getting the balance right. Remember when everyone used to use only sabotages? The solution was to force everyone to use all decoys!

Plenty of high level CWA bases that are extremely difficult to five star in wars with defensive coalitions. Not sure where they’re getting their “data”. The same place that said Japanese and Greeks were the two most popular nations? Maybe for abandoned accounts!


Approved user
Apr 16, 2017
TinSoldier , your sentence " For the past several months, our team has been digging through the vast mountains of combat data that is collected in the game and have found a couple of things we’d like to address" brings us a lot questions , could you answer them please ?!

Also have your team noticed how many players are cheating in the game ?
Also have your team noticed how much replays are wrong and ridiculous ?
Also have your team noticed decoys tactic still affects in the game and freezers defenders ?
Also have your team noticed how much AI is still ridiculous ?
Also have your team noticed how much Elephant Archers are OP ?
Also have your team noticed how much matchmaking system is ridiculous?
why still your team couldn't fix none of them ? after 2-3 year ??? why even couldn't fix in game chatrooms issues ! lol

there are thousands questions without any a little bit care about or respond !

Could you tag those people or quote their sentences about easy 5* in wars?? surely you can't due to they do not exist !!

5 starring in wars even is tough for lower levels , for example tell me how a GunA can defeat the same age while its enemy has a tough base and 2 groups of EA and 1 AC (Armored cars) ? tell me how is possible ? Ive an alt acc GunA, I challenging you to defeat it by my condition even if you are in one age above , if you could do that or anybody could , I'll change my side and always will support your team .

everyone already know your real face NEXON & BHG , you can't deceive us! this is another big step toward P2W
but in the reality this is not toward P2W but is toward suicide !
Go ahead ! you are good at it !


Approved user
Dec 1, 2016
Nerf the HT and I will burn you alive! If you are wiped by HT army maybe you can invest few million oil yourself rather than crying about it.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
if you’re finding people are good at 5 starring, that would be because the people who cant, simply quit doing wars. its either you 5 star, or you dont play at all.

even if you dont use troop cards, wars stop being profitable after global age. even before that if you cant 5 star. regular players quit doing wars and only serious addicts keep doing war, and obviously they will be skilled, but they do not represent the whole population. you need to be trying to lure those regular people to wars rather than squeeze the addicts.

even after you buff the defense, your ‘data’ will still show that people are good at getting 5 stars. because even more players who cant do that will have quit.
Last edited:


Approved user
Jul 12, 2017
i'm much less critical than the consensus so far ... certainly the things they are attending to deserve it for a better game.


Approved user
Mar 15, 2018
Maybe, if some of the developers actually played their game, they would know what the he** it was they were doing!

The only reason that defence would ever, in a million years need rebalanced is if the entire attacking army was made up of elephant archers.

This is by far the saddest news I’ve ever read on these forum and I tell you right now, if you increase defence anymore than it is (especially in the higher ages)… You will kill your game. Shame on you.

You want to make it harder for attacking arms to get five stars? Get rid of elephant archers and other ridiculously over powerd troop cards. It makes no sense to buff defence because players are using premium cards in which their sole purpose is to crush enemy bases.

Lastly, don’t preach this to us as if you want to make your game more exciting, we all see through that BS and know it’s solely to get more people to buy troop cards.

I for one say, that the community should stand together and withhold any troop card purchases. Let these “developers” know that this is the final straw.


Approved user
Sep 19, 2017
This will be an utter and complete bloody disaster. There is no doubt this will be the biggest balls up in the entire development of this game between developers who don’t play the game and can’t provide a working chat, quality testers who don’t exist and little to no communication from forum admins.

Before you even start rolling this out how about sharing the entire rebalance log so we aren’t wasting time in the museum spending on unit buffs likely to be useless very soon.

EDIT: how about looking at the ideas and feature request forum before trying to push out your own bright ideas. Loads of things required to improve gameplay and reduce freezing/lag


Approved user
Oct 15, 2017
For the love of god, DON'T BUFF DEFENSES ANYMORE! Ever since the missile silo was introduced it has become impossible to defeat bases that aren't severely behind on their upgrades. Don't nerf troops either, buff some like the mortar maybe but nerfing them will kill this game for avid raiders. I can barely scrape by a three star victory in world wars even with full Elephant archers. Don't do this! Don't make the game even harder than it already is, even the paying players won't be able to do anything, only the non-paying cheaters will be left.


Approved user
Feb 26, 2017
I agree with Houkai. HTs aren't overpowered. In fact they are rather weak unit compared to other unit combos. All HTs army can attack only undeveloped bases most of the times, and that's pretty OK.


Approved user
Apr 30, 2018
Ok... lots of points being made but I am with TS here on most of them -
1. Rebalance troops - check (long overdue)
2. Improve defence - check (i am bored of WW games which keep going to time and I am in a level 11 top 100 alliance)

But the mistakes not being corrected are:
1. Overbuffed EAs (enough said above already)
2. Oversupply of resources (all containers are full for last 3 months)
3. Museum (the whole thing is a garbage)


Approved user
Mar 21, 2016
Even though almost all people in this thread are telling Nexon that buffing the defense is a very terrible idea in the current environment,
I am pretty sure they will ignore all our voices and proceed with their plan to promote more pay2win.

There are so many issues that hasn't been fixed yet and I don't believe the combat rebalance is the most urgent one


Approved user
Sep 14, 2015
I better have a dig around... I mist have missed the thread of players complaining that the game is to easy!

Maybe I was to busy reading the threads about over powered pay to win armies, cheaters, world war matchup shambles and chat bugs....

For me personally a good Cold War base or well designed max Atomic base is already out if reach for 5 stars (mainly because I only really have useless event armies from the dock, I need to save the really good event armies for an emergency)

Also personally for me, the way things have been for the past year and a half, you only make me inclined not to spend on the game, as its just a money pit of spending on disposable items to keep up.

I do not look forward to the game yet AGAIN being made harder to encourage the purchase of extra armies. 2 Space War Tactics, Stronghold, Silo to name a few "balance" changes and now this....

I've seen Nexon BHG attacks on some of your podcasts, how can you say its to easy, you guys barely manage to scramble a few stars together whilst having a bottomless pit of event armies to add and select!

Sad Times yet again

British Lions!
British Lions!!


Approved user
May 19, 2016
Big Huge Games THINKING...

this UPDATE:

We give you *new!* DOMINATION! Bonus
Grants you larger resource gains the more stars you earn in battle!

next UPDATE:
We give you *new!* BHG! Bonus
Will buff all defenses and nerf the most common used troops so getting 5 stars will become impossible!



Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Interesting that the devs are making changes based on 'vast mountains of combat data'. l have to wonder what, if any, feedback they've used from the forum. They could've saved themselves lots of time and just asked us.
I'm happy if they decide to buff unused troops and leave existing troops out of the ''rebalance'', except l fear that there will be both nerf and buffs.
And it will be based on what THEY think is best, not what we want.
And, as others have noted, how many complaints has this forum had that wars are too easy? I'm going to say none.
Buff or rebalance lesser used troops. The ones that work, leave them alone.