Daily Rewards


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
A few months ago we did a poll here on the forum about what we would like to receive as rewards for watching the Daily Rewards videos. I believe that the wish of the majority was somehow fulfilled and this is a positive point for the BHG team.

But since then, on Saturdays and Sundays where the rewards for the videos are crowns, I don't get the proper amount of crowns for the videos watched.
Upon completing the 7 videos containing 68 crowns, I never get the 68 crowns. I have to check every time how many crowns I have before watching the videos and verify that I actually received them.
When I have patience I get in touch with CS asking for the correct delivery for the videos watched. They find that I have not received a certain amount of crowns and send it to me. But I'm not obligated to have to check every time if I'm going to receive the crowns properly or not. It's absurd after a few months I have to poke CS every time due to this glitch if I want to get the crowns for the videos watched.
It doesn't happen to other players in my alliance, but if it happens to me, it can happen to other players and they just haven't noticed.
Fix this problem, please. I can't stand having to complain twice a week for a crown repair that you guys don't give me.

I wonder how many times I've wasted my time watching videos and how many times I haven't received the reward.


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
Every week, 2 times a week. It's the same thing.
You forcing me to complain to CS for the correct delivery for the daily rewards videos.
Your team has been aware of this for months.
I would love not to have to check my rewards.
I would love not to have to complain to CS over and over again for the same reasons.
I would love for CS not to have to keep worrying about this, as there are more serious issues in the game to resolve.

You need to find a way to correct historical flaws. Fix bugs that have been dragging on for months and years.


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New member
Oct 5, 2022
The multiverse of mobile gaming now offers something for everyone, from arcade games and simple puzzles to high-end first-person shooters and multiplayer RPGs. Player retention is an integral part of the success of any game, and, as more and more games appear on the market, it is vital to ensure that your players are inspired to come back and play every day.

If you are working on a mobile game, one thing you should consider are daily login rewards. Each time a player starts a session that day, they are rewarded with something. It could be in-game currency, XP Points, cosmetics, and others. This rewards the player for doing what they want to do anyway, play your game! It also creates a sense of progression and a way for players to earn with their loyalty vs any specific game achievement.

To inspire the design of a daily login system for your game, here are a few games that use the reward system effectively to inspire long term player retention.Read me