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Alliance troops dont defend.

Hagen von Tronje

Approved user
Dec 30, 2015
The troops that I get donated from my alliance, my city center not defend. If I attack, I can use them normally when I am under attack, they do not intervene in the fight. They are also after a complete defeat still in the city center and I can use it the next attack. Only in defense they are useless. Does this bug anyone or am I the only one?


Approved user
May 2, 2015
Well it might be tricky.
You send out a donation request and you log out. You are attacked and defeated 5 mins later and getting a Peace Treaty. After this attack you get the donated troops from allies (let's say 10 mins later). The donated troops will be there next time when you log in, but as they were donated after the attack, they just don't show up in the replay as at that time the troops were simply not yet there.

Other scenario: You check your TC and you see the defenders inside. Then you log out. First attacker comes - kills the defenders, but crashes or closes the game. As such, you have no record in your defense log about this attack. But you do not have anymore defenders in your TC. Comes the next attacker and finishes his attack, you'll get the log. At the replay the defenders are not showing up as the TC was at the time of the second attack already empty.


Approved user
Jan 19, 2016
Thanks radzeer, but in my case I know I have troops when I log out and I have the same troops when I log back in. It feels like somehow I'm missing a step or something. I can't recall any time that my troops have ever defended my base and I'm in an active alliance so I always have troops on hand.

Hagen von Tronje

Approved user
Dec 30, 2015
I have since four days, the same troops in my city center. Even after two totally destroyed city centers they are still available. They are simply not used in a defense.


Approved user
Oct 3, 2015
Are you upgrading your city center to the next age? I know that disables town center defenders, so it might do the same thing for allies.

It also takes a few seconds for defenders to spawn, so another possibility is that attackers are taking your town center out so quickly that the allied troops don't have time to emerge.

Hagen von Tronje

Approved user
Dec 30, 2015
No, the city center was not upgraded. The bug is reported by Nexon and known, but there is still no solution. Have been several screenshots posted at the support.


Approved user
Mar 21, 2016
I have the exact same thing in my base. I never ever have seen troops spawn from my TC (at least not the donated troops). And im 100% absolutely sure they were there. Also no sabotage is used on the TC. It is absolutely clear there is a bug or something going on here. By the way my nation is British.

Leo DomiNations

Approved user
Mar 14, 2016
Joined this forums, in part, to verify others were having this issue after I reported it to in-game support with some skepticism. After sending screenshots confirming I indeed had troops in my TC both before and after an attack, the game master referred me here. I can confirm all the claims above - very active attacking / defending, a TC that never is leveled so quickly that troops have no time to spawn and no sabotage tactics have ever been used on it (I have only reached Medieval Age and am Roman, so no incentive to sabotage the TC). This is my second account and I can also confirm that my alliance troops DO defend my TC in my initial account from another device.

So, does anyone have the latest status on whether this bug is being addressed in an upcoming patch? I was hoping this recent update would fix it, or my upgrade from Classical to Medieval. But, alas, it persists and luckily, my base design holds its own. It would do so much better if the defenders would come out. :)


Approved user
Jan 26, 2016
I have the same problem. TC Ally troops not defending. I have Troops when I log out and the same troops when I log in again. Also no Sabotage was used on my TC.


Approved user
Jan 26, 2016
I just wrote to CS. I was told they might fix this in future updates. MIGHT!?!? And who knows if they do fix this when that update is coming.


Approved user
Mar 25, 2016
i can confirm that my alliance troops do not, and never have, deployed to defend my th. Multiple example, support case opened with Nexon.


Approved user
Nov 26, 2015
So, before library research in GPA, troops don't defend and how about in world war ??
Even if i always send cannon to my mediaval teammate, there is no sense with this bug ??


Approved user
Mar 31, 2015
I'll have to check this one, but indeed it is tricky...

1. if you request, most of the time you get the troops after reopening the chat window.., so be patient, before loggin off, wait for those defenders to arrive.

2. If your TC is in upgrade, they do not come out....

3. if they do come out and do not get destroyed, the surviving troops return to your TC.

4. They only come out of your TC if the attacker comes within reach of your TC...

5. If the TC is destroyed before troops come out, the defenders survive

so, If you have no TC upgrade running, you can confirm 200% that troops have arrived, the TC is not destroyed before it can deploy its troops or the attacker was within reach of the TC, you might be right.

So, beware of the above rules and check again.


Approved user
Mar 31, 2015
Took me 5 minutes to check, and they do defintly come out the TC, I had gatlings waiting for the attacker, very obvious, they came out

However, I did notice this already in war battles, the troops come out before the timer on the TC is finished....

I had multiple times in war battles, throwing a sabo on the tc, before the timer ran out, and the artillery was already deployed from the TC.

So that might be your problem, you watch and see what happens when the timer is done, but look more closely, and you will notice that your troops might be already on their one way trip to walhalla before tou think they should come out of your TC..

So nexon, no issue here, but there is an issue with the time troops come out of the TC and the actual timer of the TC, they do not line up


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
The timer on the TC is for the generic foot soldier defenders. The donated troops come out instantly when an attacker comes within range.


Approved user
Mar 31, 2015
Aha, that I didnt know, I always assumed they come out with the foor soldiers... never too late to learn..

But, then again, my troops come out to defend, maybe others get lazy troops, or forgot to pay them for their effords.. :)


Approved user
Mar 21, 2016
And again, I can 100% confirm. Even after the update my donated troops really don't defend during battle. This night overnight I have been attacked 3 times. On every attack the enemy even destroys or walks passed my TC. And the troops don't come out. I still have the troops available for my attack. (2x cannon).

That was only this night. I actually have never seen these troops disappear or defend overnight.
I really think it has something to do with the choice of nation. British in my case. During WW, all the British enemy's don't seem to have defending donated troops.