• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Alliance Chat Bugs

NoMem Wilson

Approved user
Jul 15, 2015
So I requested troops and logged off while I retrained I know I got filled while I was offline when I logged back in the troops were gone or I had no troops which this happens a lot they just disappear so I requested again immediately upon request the troops finally showed up well then my requests said 0/0.
afterwards I could not talk in Alliance chat well I could but if I restart a game it disappeared and nobody else would see anything I typed I cannot donate and I cannot request or it says 0 0
customer service advised me to go to another alliance and try and send them screen shot which I did in the new alliance my request said 0/36. It even showed the ticker saying troop request was sent but nobody in that Alliance seen it when I restart the game it disappeared like I never talked or requested so I wrote CS again. They then give me the usual Spiel of internet connection all that stuff only app open yeah okay I've done that before I even talk to you guys but fine still no luck I am locked out of my home Alliance we have 3 hours left in war and we really need my attacks in customer service is not releasing my hold to let me rejoin my alliance that they asked me to leave


Approved user
May 14, 2018
Same. I moved from one allianse to another and now they can not see my messages and troop requests. And I can see messages from 2 alliances - new one and old one :(


New member
Jun 4, 2017
Thank you for your continued patience, everyone!

We have made additional bug fixes to chat. Please let us know if there are any outstanding issues.


Approved user
May 20, 2017
We continue to see old chat... we are 20 player that moving from the same alleance to a new one ... and continue to see the old chat (my player ID 24452649 if you can check)



New member
Jun 4, 2017
Update: 21:30 UTC (5/14/18)

We need to roll back the chat fix that went live a few hours ago. While it did fix some of the errors, it was causing additional issues on a server-level. We apologize for the continued interruptions with chat while you move from Alliance to Alliance. We are investigating and preparing alternative bug fixes.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
Nothing has changed. I can still see old alliance chat, I can’t request troops, and other players can’t see my messages.


Approved user
May 6, 2018
Troop donation bug....""ally has received maximum troops...."

From yesterday In our alliance troop donation a new problem has emerged.Whenever anyone tries to donate it says""Your ally has received maximum troops.....troops are returned"".....I wonder if anybody else is facing this problem....all the members in my alliance are facing this problem....No one can donate and everyone says they haven't received a single troop even though the message says Ally has received maximum troops....any solution will be appreciated....


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
Now our alliance can no longer send or receive troops massive screw up again nexon way to go take a problem make it worse ,


Approved user
Jul 12, 2017
similar here, though curiously we can give only 2 units, even when 39 slots available.... then it behaves as you describe.


Approved user
Apr 23, 2017
When I join an alliance, I am unable to chat or request troops. I can donate and can post friendly challenges. I also see the chat from a previous alliance that I joined briefly. I am unable to play the game properly as without chat or donated troops I am unable to participate in any world wars.

Steve 红龍

Approved user
Jun 28, 2017
Can someone explain to me what does this mean in my in game chat ? Can’t see, can’t donate nor donate troops ? 😢😢 134342BF-8091-4B84-8A5D-AF10D06C46BF.jpeg


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
I have 33 space I got 1 ha 9 spots and 5 shooters 5 spots which now equals 27/33 and the rest can't be filled , I think eceveryo should be saying their goodbyes ....well on a side app and this game over the last three years has now hit an all time low , I want to throw up when I think about how much I spent on it having faith they would fix it at some point. This is completely ridiculous now. People are saying spam chat with 1000+ messages ....why should I have to do that ohh FYI I did then unistall and reinstall and same crap , this game is now a chore not entertaining at all , why should us they players have to think about how to get around all the crap , why wasn't chat fixed in 20 mins if point of sale was down bet that would be fixed in about 5 mins, and my final what in the world ( not my word choice) is who in the world keeps spwndspe on this at this point why pay a cent I probably have 12k to 14k in the game over 3 years guess how much since chat went down 0 , so from someone that loved this game , goodbye dominations , I fugue as Cs says thanks for your patience ...I mean . money...I'm all out of patience and no way would I spend again. You made a model when stong hold came out pay to win ..ok that's fine I was paying and we won some lost some but here's the deal pay to win means higher expections from the player , and holy cow how you didn't meet those expectations for a good gamong experience for entertainment , how is it that every time you update or change qnyanyth it breaks 5 other things then it takes weeks to fix those . I do not need a third job that I have to pay money to show up for and make me solve or ask how to solve basic coding issue . Goodbye dominations


Approved user
Feb 15, 2017
Chat, donations - embarassin for nexon.

Well nexon you are beyond a joke now. Time to delete the game. Chat is screwed. Donations are now screwed as you try and fix chat.
you need to fire your so called developers amd stopped focusing on greed over quality.

you introduce features that nobody wants ‘zoom to polo’ where the offers are so,laughably crap it makes me weep.
this pre battle screen is soooo annoying...

and now you screwed chat up last week, still not fixed and now donations are impossible. In fact i even have lost the request buttons.
Please tell me who your outsource developers are so that i can ensure i NEVER EVER EVER HAVE TO WORK WITH THEM IN REL LIFE.


Approved user
May 6, 2018
Last year when I started playing COC had 4.5 ratings and now it has increased to 4.6 on play store.....but ratings of dominations is 4.3 only and now I think it will start decreasing.....For last 2 months April and May I will rate it as the buggiest game I have ever played in my whole life......