• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

5.5 Reflections and how pay to win is killing the game for me


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
I really loved this game, but since the last update, for the first time, I've begun to have feelings of leaving. I'm not there yet, but the game has taken very bad turns in the last few updates.

The #1 problem is the Stronghold. The community originally asked for extra troop cards to be limited or eliminated from world war. Unfortunately, the developers took the idea and made it 100x worse. The stronghold limits extra troops on offense, sure (if you call 4 a limit...I'd prefer 1 or 2 max), but having the extra troops DEFEND is what is killing the game. The last update that makes ALL the troops spawn was the nail in the coffin, basically requiring purchase of cards to be competitive. Maybe this isn't a problem for the vast majority of players, but in the top 20 alliances, war is simply unsustainable now. Every tough war means you have to pack strongholds with premium cards, which cost money. To have even the slightest chance of getting a 5-star, you now have to use premium troop cards on offense too. This means, on average, every player is using 12 (TWELVE!!) premium troop cards every war (4 to donate to defense and 8 for the two attacks). That is crazy. It has turned into pay to win in the worse possible way. If you don't buy premium cards and use them in these competitive war, you have ZERO chance of victory. Sure, some skill is required, but the money element is now essential, and is a big put-off for me. It didn't used to be like this. When war was first introduced, it was all skill, no money involved. Now it's 50% money, and 50% skill. This isn't the same game I started playing. I came from Clash of Clans, and Dominations was originally refreshing and fun, but now it's turned into a pay to win horror show, getting worse each update.

The ability to put paid-for buildings in war is also a problem. It used to be you could only put buildings won in events in war. That was fine, as everyone was equal. You had to use that building or lose it. Now the devs sell bazooka towers at cost. Again, it's pay to win.

I really don't care about the tactics change. It's fine really, as it affects everyone equally, and doesn't require money to be spent. I think there were far better solutions to the problem than what was implemented. The way the developers did it, basically means you must get the brandenburg gate, and nobody will every use betrayal or protect now. Poor choices.

One quick note about the dock: it's useless at higher ages. Surely the same "data" used to justify the tactics change can show the devs lvl 7+ docks are rarely used. Why? Because 5 workers and 5 days is never going to be worth one troop. Even worse, some of the multi-day expeditions return stuff you can get in literally a single multiplayer battle. The community has put forward many solutions, but the devs haven't even acknowledged the problem, let alone work on a solution.

I've said this many times, but the developers need to focus their revenue schemes on advancement and cosmetic changes, but keep world war money-free. You've already opened the can of worms that is the Stronghold, but you can still fix it. I'm under no illusions that you will remove the stronghold, but at the very very least, revert the 5.5 change that makes all troop cards spawn from it when destroyed. Even better, remove all defensive troops from the stronghold. Instead of selling insanely over-priced troop cards and packages, focus on cosmetic enhancements. It will have no impact on war, but you'd be amazed how many players would pay for cosmetic items. Decorated buildings (at cost), special statues on the edge of their base, etc. Plenty of players will pay for that. But please, let us have our war back. Money should not be a prerequisite for victory in war.

It's not all negative though. I do like a lot of things the devs have done recently too. I like the 3 new uni leaders. This was a huge improvement over the initial set of leaders, and has really fixed what was broken (the insanely long research times). The friendly challenges are great too, thank you. The atomic age release was great too, for the most part. Just wish the devs would listen to the community more. The game is great, but just seems for every step forward, it's two steps back, at least recently.
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Brand Marrow

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
selfishly, I dont care too much if Nexon makes their money off the top alliances... if you have to spend oodles of money to be top of the leaderboard then that is only going to effect 50 or so alliances that buy into that chase and are big spenders. Sandbagging is much more critical as it effects every alliance, including the vast majority which are more casual and are just spending a few dollars here and there and enjoying chatting and hanging out together.... since sandbagging also doesnt make nexon any money (probably the opposite as it makes people quit) I am more hopeful for a fix that works, eventually... once developers pull their.....ummm... sliderules? from their..... holsters?


Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
I think the OP's issue, and what you brought up, are both very important. Just different folks impacted by different things. Ironically, sandbagging is one way teams can advance pretty high on the leaderboard right now without premium troop cards. Just make it so you overpower your competition so much that troop tactics dont matter. Anyhow, I think both problems are awful for the game, although personally Sandbagging impacts me much more than the SH problem (which also effects me negatively just to a lesser degree)

Motaz Tarek

Approved user
Apr 19, 2015
i have the honor of opposing SH idea from day one
and i had the honor of opposing Estate from day one too
i knew it would end up in more and more pay 2 win and eventually pay 2 play gameplay
lack of farsightedness of many players made them get dragged step by step in this trap till they regret paying in this game now
it's not about skill any more, the most skilled player would never win without paying for troop cards
wait for it.. wait till normal players run out of troop cards they got from alliance gifts and these cards become exclusively in the hands for who pay for them and then boom they realize how much worse these changes have become


Approved user
Mar 1, 2017
hmm i'm with 'brand marrow' on this one .... the 'winners' holding esteemed titles in leaderboard are "paying" for the rest of us ...
we should thank them and allow them glory, but they are not really playing the same game ... they are in a different competitive class.... professional players versus casual/fun players.

and really for strategic players who don't spend realmoney, facing one of them means you've made it to the top of the game... it's an honor just to meet them; those who 'pay' for the rest of us.
so don't get upset, just adjust expectations down and it's no harm on anyone; it's even a non-attachment spiritual exercise for enjoyment of life.


Approved user
Apr 15, 2016

I wanted to get my 2 cents in here. I've spent a lot of time with some great people on the lower end this past... well since the 5.5 update. I've been extremely frustrated with the mismatches, and my failure and inability to take my targets in war. I'm struggling to get things together. I put it out there, as you have done. But lo and behold as a result of the wonderful community here, I've come to have a new troop comp, a new war base, and a refound love, not for NEXON. But for the game, and moreover for the community. Ask for help and there are a ton of resources available!! If at any point I can help, from promoting to advice, just find me on discord and I will do my best to help. This game at the core is amazing, moreover don't forget to live, and enjoy the people.

Duble Iskender

Approved user
Mar 19, 2016
sry if you look countless of empty bases @ here. majorty never accept this foul ethic.
i cant agree p2w. i cant let. nor life nor game. my blood is not for sold
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Approved user
Jan 27, 2016
Well, the difference u r talking about is not really there. You CAN be on top of the game without money spent. The problem is breaking lets say top20. There the p2w wars begins, as Quovatis said, and he is a very experienced player in these wars.
But also money cant buy skill, that means u cant be on top without being great in Dominations. Alliances like Great Wall, Jakarta folks or KU are among major spenders but they never were in top20 then just few days.
What is foul is that when some of those top20 alliances reached the top they did with pure skill. Now their glory and hardwork can be erased because they are not enough p2w, and thats whats really really BAD imo.


Approved user
Dec 25, 2015
So the solution is PRETTY simple... Go back and play Clash of Clans. :)

No premium cards there, no pay to win stuff... Since Global Age update, I told you all this game was heading into a very bad direction. It was so obvious, but you all refuse to see... In that time, Im near maxing my CoC town hall 11 (last level there, Atomic Age here). And good luck maxing AA here...

Honestly I dont understand why so many CoC quitters there, it has always been a better game. And a huge update with boats is coming...

I only enter this game because I have friends here that dont play CoC, but for me, its so obvious this game is heading into a very bad direction... Starting a CoC account from scratch, its a bit late now, but if you already have one, solution is damn simple: go there.

Years after Dominations is shut down, Clash of Clans will still be running...


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
I don't agree with Brand. The Stronghold troop card issue does in fact affect everyone. Yes, the top 20-30 are affected the most but because of the poor matching system many alliances are in fact matched with those in the top 20-50. It's bad enough when your alliance is matched with one of those top groups and you're not even in the top 100, but add in the fact that those top groups have full armies in their Stronghold adds insult to injury.
The matching system causes much pain to those alliances who can't even compete. Players get discouraged and many are starting to stay out of wars. The Stronghold is slowly killing this game as is.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
Agree - our weekend match we were outleveled on the top 90% of bases by 32 levels due to sandbagging, and they loaded up many bases with full SH and elephants, and of course had no need to use offense coals because of the mismatch so had loaded def coals.....it really makes for a crap experience all around.

Before glory, we never ever thought about doing a war below 40v40. Now we are lucky to have 25 opted in. Roster is still full, but so many discouraged players because of such a bad experience due to sandbagging+sh.


Approved user
Apr 7, 2016
CoC a better game? No lol, not even close. Yes, Dominations has its issues, but that doesn't take away that the basis is much better. Of course, most of it is preference. If you prefer CoC's style, like, the flashy colorful cartoon magic bs that looks the same as in the 857398 other games that do flashy magical colorful cartoon style, then sure, you'll always prefer CoC. Doesn't make it a better game though.


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
From the point of view of an alliance just below the top 100, stronghold defensive troops don't come into play in the slightest. I have never attacked anyone with them. We put them in bases in a recent war and it didn't seem to make a difference. The thing that kills the war for us is the inconsistency of the matchmaking. Wars are either incredibly easy and boring or so hard that they are impossible. But more critical the thing that kills the game for us is the constant plague of bugs and glitches that compounds with every update released. I just wish they would stop trying to think up new content that might keep a small percentage of us playing and paying. If they would just fix the game I'd happily continue to play and may even pay. Just sayin.

Joe Shamback

Approved user
Oct 16, 2015
So the solution is PRETTY simple... Go back and play Clash of Clans. :)

No premium cards there, no pay to win stuff... Since Global Age update, I told you all this game was heading into a very bad direction. It was so obvious, but you all refuse to see... In that time, Im near maxing my CoC town hall 11 (last level there, Atomic Age here). And good luck maxing AA here...

Honestly I dont understand why so many CoC quitters there, it has always been a better game. And a huge update with boats is coming...

I only enter this game because I have friends here that dont play CoC, but for me, its so obvious this game is heading into a very bad direction... Starting a CoC account from scratch, its a bit late now, but if you already have one, solution is damn simple: go there.

Years after Dominations is shut down, Clash of Clans will still be running...

If only Supercell would make a good war game...
I joined this game because i thought itd be similar to Civ. It was a really good game for the first 8 months or so. It seriously went downhill after the greed took over. I get it, they need money, but there are so many ways to make money besides the stupid tactics theyve employed. But its never enough for these guys, and by throwing a million things into the game, theyve pretty much broken the basis of it all. The AI is so bad at this point, i dont know how they could ever get it working right again. It has to be pretty complicated if simple things like healing carts cant be fixed for ages, and now this night witch bug ruining the game for many. Not to mention the ongoing chat and donations bugs, tactics bugs, etc etc etc. Someone tell Supercell to make a real war game. I cant get into the fantasy stuff, even though the game is technically very sound
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Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
So true, and well said. Of course they need to make money, but they could have done it in a way that didn't completely break the great game they had. They have failed to do that.


Approved user
May 14, 2015
From the point of view of an alliance just below the top 100, stronghold defensive troops don't come into play in the slightest. I have never attacked anyone with them. We put them in bases in a recent war and it didn't seem to make a difference. The thing that kills the war for us is the inconsistency of the matchmaking. Wars are either incredibly easy and boring or so hard that they are impossible. But more critical the thing that kills the game for us is the constant plague of bugs and glitches that compounds with every update released. I just wish they would stop trying to think up new content that might keep a small percentage of us playing and paying. If they would just fix the game I'd happily continue to play and may even pay. Just sayin.

SH recent changes is another incentive for top 50 teams to not fight each other and increase sandbagging. Just saying.


Approved user
May 28, 2015
I tried and didn't like CoC. Dominations is a better game. But the dumb updates and troop cards are ruining it.