Peace Treaty Duration Reduction


Big Huge Moderator
Staff member
Apr 21, 2015
Greetings Leaders,

We’re aware that many players have recently been encountering an issue where they are unable to find a matchmaking opponent.

We believe this is due to the rapid increase in matches following the new seasonal Leaderboards release causing more Peace Treaties to be placed on bases.

To combat this, we will be reducing the duration of multiplayer, defeat-earned Peace Treaties on active bases to the following:
  • 8 hours reduced to 2 hours
  • 12 hours reduced to 3 hours
  • 16 hours reduced to 4 hours
We appreciate any feedback on how this affects your gameplay. Please drop a comment below if you’ve noticed an improvement or have any concerns with this change.

UPDATE 11/12:

Greetings Leaders,

Thank you to everyone who was able to share constructive feedback on the recent Peace Treaty change, this is incredibly valuable to us.

Our decision to shorten Peace Treaties was the quickest and simplest fix we could enact to resolve the larger issue of players unable to find multiplayer battles following the Leaderboards release. However, the impact on player experience, especially more defensive-minded players, is stronger than intended, as our primary goal was to address the matchmaking issues we were seeing.

We are working on a long-term solution to address the matchmaking issue as well as account for the feedback we have received around the Peace Treaty timer change and aim to implement these as soon as possible.

In the meantime, we will be adding a free offer for one of each Defensive Blessing from the Temple, which can be found in the Sales Window, as well as an extra chance at Defensive Blessings from Supply Crates to help alleviate some of the extra burden this has put on defenders.

We greatly appreciate the suggestions that are coming in. While many of these may not be technically feasible, or have other issues that keep them from being a viable solution, please continue to share your thoughts as we will continue to monitor and update in this thread.

UPDATE 11/19:

Greetings Leaders,

We are continuing to work on best possible solutions for the ’No Opponent Found’ multiplayer battle issue and the subsequent Peace Treaty duration reduction.

Today we are rolling out further modifications by increasing the duration of multiplayer, defeat-earned Peace Treaties to the following:
  • 2 hours increased to 4 hours
  • 3 hours increased to 6 hours
  • 4 hours increased to 8 hours
We are also implementing ‘Inactive Player Peace Treaties’ for accounts that have not logged in for an extended period of time. These accounts will have significantly reduced Peace Treaties for as long as they remain inactive. Once the account logs in it becomes active again it will begin receiving the regular, full-length Peace Treaties.

Work is currently underway on additional solutions to alleviate matchmaking issues while getting peace treaties back to their original state. We hope this latest adjustment will offer a better experience in the meantime.
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Approved user
Jun 17, 2019
I did had problems with finding opponents last week-end, but since yesterday all good !


Approved user
Feb 2, 2016
Couldn't care less, don't do anything with the new seasonal system. That is easy to say with almost everything finished.
But and here is the culprit lower age players need the time to sleep and built up an oil stack to upgrade their fighters, generals and HT's you can't do that anymore unless you attack 24/7. I have already one player who is taking a break after discovering his peace treaty lasted only 4 hours.
Not everbody wants to be in a ratrace some players see playing games as a relieve for stress etc. maybe nobody at BHG played this game starting let's say 5 months ago?


Approved user
Oct 18, 2016
I agree with Borck . I reconfigured my base to induce a peace treaty as a behavioral response to the new seasonal leaderboard and how it made me feel.

Right after I dropped another $100 on the game I see this new announcement stating how the rules are changing to combat an unforeseen response to the triumph system of play. Yes, you are fighting me on needing a respite from the frenzy by letting my base go into peace treaty mode.

I still have players in the alliance who don't know why they are getting a gold token every week! It's no wonder some are "taking a break" from things. The only anticipated event that is NOT happening is the introduction of a Drone age, which has been awaited for 9 months. And now I understand more rules tweaks are going to happen between now and then.

When is too much of a good thing just plain too much?
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Approved user
Dec 3, 2016
Great, because of this leaderboards I’m already getting raided by Information Age players all the time and now you also reduce peace treaty time? Are you trying to get rid of all “normal” players, who don’t have time to play all day? It’s near to impossible to save up any oil this way.

leaderboards is also stupid because only players who can play very many games a day have a chance at winning some decent awards. As a result the good and very active players get even better, meanwhile the others lose interest in the game.

Wolfgang Weiss

Approved user
Jul 17, 2015
DIe Verkürzung der Friedensvertragsdauer ist der größte Mist den Dominations je veranstaltet hat. Für einen zwar regelmäßigen, aber nicht dauernd anwesenden, angreifenden Spieler eine Katastrophe. Ich werde ohnehin schon dauernd überrannt. Dies wird sich noch verstärken. Hab keine Chance mehr irgendetwas zu erreichen. Nur noch Opfer.
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Approved user
Oct 18, 2016
Translation from Google:
"The shortening of the peace treaty is the biggest crap Dominations has ever done. A disaster for a regular, but not always present, attacking player. I'm already being overrun all the time. This will only increase. I don't have a chance to achieve anything anymore. Only victims."


Approved user
Sep 24, 2015
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry…
Is this all you have to solve this issue? Really?
I have two accounts, an INFO A and an AA. It’s annoying to set up Blessings often but I don’t lose much, however, it’s crazy for my AA account, I have been attacked more than ever before, losing tons of resources and now with reduced PTs I will be hammered with no possibility whatsoever of getting enough resources for all necessary upgrades. I don’t play as much this Aa account as my main one, so log PTs were actually a blessing, now you’re telling me they have been reduced. C’mon!!! This is the stupidest thing you have come up with. You don’t understand what this means for everyone but mostly for lower level players, which will never be able to get enough resources to catch up on upgrades unless they play endless hours. I hope you cancel this reduced PT thing ASAP since you will be doing more damage than good. Put your neurons to work and please come up with some better solution and not this nonsense.
Btw, this new leaderboard is not really worth it, players will get bored soon and rewards are not good enough


Approved user
Mar 25, 2019
You need to be giving lower level players more ways to protect their resources if you're going to let them be attacked three times as often. Players pushing up the leaderboard only need stars, not resources, so a successful attack that steals few to no resources won't hinder their efforts while also enabling the defending players to save up resources they need.


Approved user
Oct 2, 2016
I don't like this change. I have a lrr base to get crowns and to get peace treaties. The reason for the pt is so i can get and have troops for war attacks. This reduction of pt means that it will be more difficult to get troops for war. Of course, bhg could give us a toggle on tc troops as to whether they defend or not. Same thing with generals in the fort while we're on the topic.


BHG Moderator
Jun 8, 2020
This does not affect any Peace Treaties other than the ones earned by your base being defeated

Simon LeBeuf

Approved user
May 26, 2015
Will you also let animals spawn 4 times faster/more, so it is possible to get resources for blessings, or reduce blessing cost x4?
Will you also increase the amount of entries in the attack log, so it is possible to get the refunds before the entries “run out” for those that also have a life IRL?
This have not really been thought thru that much, right? You have just pissed your pants to get warm…


Approved user
Oct 13, 2017
I think the core problem here is not peace treaty length but instead upgrade times being so long. With such long upgrade times newer players are stuck at lower ages and so the attack pool for Info bases is kept small.

reduce upgrade times so that more players can quickly advance to space age. Only the last 2-3 ages should have long upgrade times. Industrial-CW upgrade times should drop by 50% or so.


Approved user
Dec 28, 2017
Very sad to read this change - certainly doesn't seem to be in my interests : level 250+ and only able to log in once a day....sounds like my defences will be left wide open. I have never had any problems finding a match when attacking so really don't understand this one.

Disappointing. Think this needs to be reversed.


Approved user
Dec 28, 2017
I think the core problem here is not peace treaty length but instead upgrade times being so long. With such long upgrade times newer players are stuck at lower ages and so the attack pool for Info bases is kept small.

reduce upgrade times so that more players can quickly advance to space age. Only the last 2-3 ages should have long upgrade times. Industrial-CW upgrade times should drop by 50% or so.

Absolutely spot on. Upgrade times are ludicrous but reducing them in levels below 200 would really help


Approved user
Apr 9, 2015
Well, I don’t mean to be a drama queen, as I know there are so many, and I wouldn’t even bother to post this if the OP didn’t ask how this will change my playing.

I've been playing every day since April ‘15, and I’ll give it a try, but I’ll probably quit. I can’t imagine how I relate to the game working for all the attention it’s about to demand.