Why I'm quitting


New member
Sep 5, 2021
I've decided to quit playing. I've played 6 weeks, spent maybe $50 and reach level 110. The reasons why, for those interested, are:
  • Updates take days (weeks) and it will be months or years before I'm a competitive, contributing player. There's simply nothing to do most of the time and this will get MUCH worse.
  • I'm bored with a game where success depends little on my skill or dedication but rather on the generosity of up-level players providing units completely disproportionate to anything I can attack with or defend against.
  • I appreciate that BigHugeGames is in this to make money, but in my opinion, it simply costs to much to here to even pay-to-just-be-competitive.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
Yes this is exactly what new players come up against. You are right in all points.
If BHG wants to correct this, then a building time rebalance should take place soon. There is a major difference between enlightenment and industrial age buildings time and indeed it keeps getting worse with each age. As an info age player, 18 days for most of my upgrades, is simply disheartening and boring.


Approved user
Sep 27, 2017
They will not change the time - this is a conceptual thing in this game. And this is not a problem because there are a lot of players who are satisfied with a game designed for years. The game is being killed by something else - cheaters and a terrifying imbalance from the museum and sales of other inadequate and harmful things like Eisenhowers, etc.


Approved user
Jan 4, 2016
I would very much like to meet all these people that are "satisfied" with the game design that has made it completely impossible to catch up without spending money at all; I'd say from as far back as Global or Atomic Age. Without buying houses early or even the Estate you are at a complete disadvantage and there's no catch up mechanic to allow to players to progress quicker. The main attraction to other similar games such as CoC is that they actually tailer lower levels to let them progress faster and catch up with higher levels (apparently); an experience which just doesn't exist in this game.


Approved user
Jul 11, 2015
They will not change the time - this is a conceptual thing in this game. And this is not a problem because there are a lot of players who are satisfied with a game designed for years. The game is being killed by something else - cheaters and a terrifying imbalance from the museum and sales of other inadequate and harmful things like Eisenhowers, etc.

I partially agree with this. I’ve been playing since 2015 and i’m an info age player. The reasons why I’ve stopped playing as much is because this game is just a constant grind with hardly any payout, for example the museum and these so called “lucky crafting” events. All the algorithms are rigged for minimum luck, with the hope that it influences players into purchasing chests for a chance at a legendary artifact; yup the gambling. This game is no longer built on skill. All attacks/defences are number based. The better the museum (numbers), the better the player. This is compounded by premium troop tactics to provide that little extra edge. I believe leaderboards was simply a feature so BHG could sell more retrain blessings. Unfortunately for BHG, they didn’t anticipate that this would exhaust the attack pool. Gambling is a huge aspect to the game now. Everything is a gamble. Problem is, it’s not been done very well, and has turned a once enjoyable strategy game into a worthless pile of junk. I’ve literally spent thousands in this game, and have to admit I do feel stupid for it now. So yeah, to sum it up, this game has poor customer service, always full of bugs, cheating is as bad as it was back in 2017/2018, and to some extent it’s even worse now. I think players of all ages have just generally lost any confidence in BHG. I think the only hope at this point is for BHG to mend their reputation. Scrap the museum, and go back to formula. I’m pretty sure players will generally be happy with that, and cut their losses. Personally I think the museum was the start of the end for this game anyway.


Approved user
Sep 27, 2017
The beginning of the end was a turn in p2w, because they are not able to implement it delicately and with a sense of proportion. But, even Museum (as an element of this vicious p2w) could be tolerated if it wasn't immediately seized by scammers. Any innovation is meaningless and harmful while the scammers rule. Cheaters and bugs! That's absolute evil! When a person who has spentu money feels cheated, this is the end of the business. It's amazing how it doesn't reach bhg and they persistently continue to draw worthless new levels and various nonsense instead of solving key problems. We won't be able to convince them to adjust their business model (remove the chests, Eisenhowers, moderate annoying sales, etc.), and we can't even persuade them to solve the underlying problems... Yes, we can only get out of this game.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Won't the bases of the quitters still be there on the servers? So the minority who spend big on this game will still be here, raiding bases as norrmal and spend as normal, yes??
BHG won't care if you leave.


Approved user
Sep 27, 2017
King Crimson said:
Won't the bases of the quitters still be there on the servers? So the minority who spend big on this game will still be here, raiding bases as norrmal and spend as normal, yes??
King Crimson said:
BHG won't care if you leave.
Yes, they do
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Approved user
Apr 25, 2015
I've been here from the first month this game existed. Everything people are complaining about has been a complaint sine the first months. People still play the game, they pay, and many enjoy it. If they do not enjoy the game they move on to another game. It's a game, if you don't enjoy it just try something else, not worth the headache. I have never paid and am happy grinding. Which I do in many of these games and do not mind. I realize I will not compete at the same level as those willing to pay, but once in a while when I do put up a good fight, it feels very satisfying.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
People still play the game, they pay, and many enjoy it. If they do not enjoy the game they move on to another game. It's a game, if you don't enjoy it just try something else, not worth the headache

People ARE still playing this game, yes, but A LOT has left the game over the years.

Those who still spending money towards this game are mostly from top 150 alliances, let's be real here....

Is there another similar game to Dominations? Do enlighten us, I've looked, and there is nothing that comes even close to Dominations.

I still enjoy this game, I do, and there is nothing wrong with DEMANDING better gameplay, quality, CS and so on.

Graewulf I

Approved user
Jul 28, 2018
I agree totally with your post. My only complaint is that there are so many inactive Alliances when you are searching for a new one, but even that isn’t a problem with players that are solo or in a long relationship with same Alliance.

Ivan IV

New member
Dec 21, 2021
From time to time, I log into the game and see that most of my research has been completed. In total there were about 38 days. I take a look at the accelerators and I see that I am missing some of them. I contact support and they only know how to tell me that I have used up speedups. That is false. 38 days of accelerators is 90,000 points on the event and I only have 2750 points for missions. I feel cheated and deceived by these people. I will not play a game of big huge games in my life. At a bad time I started to play and spent money in these. Uninstall. How can delete all my account and city? I don't want anything left here.


Approved user
Oct 2, 2016
You didn't look very far then. Clash of clans does this genre much better than domi. The graphics are a different style and it's fantasy themed vs "historical". However, the gameplay is very balanced and is not p2w at all. You also have a ton a options to choose from for attacking and defending. Domi only has a very few select attacking armies that are effective. Plus it takes a long time to develop other armies to even try them in domi vs clash. There really is no comparison.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
Mechanics are the same or very similar, yes, visuals are completely different and unappealing to me personally. Witches and Goblins? No thanks.

So like I was saying, what else is there APART from COC?
I'll tell ya now. Nothing.


Approved user
Apr 25, 2015
I disagree eith Dracula3811 , I did Clash of Clans before Domi and I do not think they scratch the same itch. Domi is way better in my opinion, you have much better control of troops on attacks, COC you just let them go and hope, drove me nuts.

That said, LordStark263AC I am not saying you will find a replacement that is exaclty Domi. You probably won't, I'm just saying that at some point if it gets frustrating enough it probably makes more sense to move on to something else. Yes, we have lost many people over the years, we lost A LOT of people the first year, it's a game and turnover is very high. But the game has reached some what of a plateau and I do not think there will be big changes happening. It is what it is now.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
redprince Yeah I'm considering migrating back to PS. It's been over 6 years now, playing Dominations.

I do miss COD, FIFA and GTA.... 😔