• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Introducing our new Community Managers!


Big Huge Moderator
Staff member
Apr 21, 2015
Hello DomiNations Leaders,

Today we’re introducing a couple of new team members here at Big Huge Games who will be taking the lead for our Community Management. We have many ideas and goals for our community and are looking forward to building a new and improved place for DomiNations fans to congregate.

In the coming weeks, you may see some changes to how things have been organized in the past, but like all good things, this won’t happen all at once. We hope you’ll be patient as we settle in and are excited as we are for the next stages of DomiNations!

Please give a warm welcome to Ayo and Leviathan:

“Hello, Leaders! I wanted to take a moment and say hello, I've recently joined the team here at Big Huge Games as the new Sr. Community Manager.

So here's a little bit about me. I actually got my start in the industry through the community. Ten years ago, I jumped headfirst into the forums for a game that I could not put down. I started by making guides, user-generated content (skins), and contributing to the conversations and theory-crafting that make forums so special. Eventually, I was offered the chance to join the Community Team there and work on a game that I was passionate about. Interacting and helping to grow communities has always been a passion of mine. A strong community can provide so much to both players and the dev team, and I'm excited to see what we can do to help this community continue to grow.

When I'm not gaming, I like to learn and create as much as possible. You will usually find me deep into a guide or sketching in my pad. I'm really big on arts and crafts, so I'm always looking for a new tutorial to pick up or shopping for a new tool or gadget to add to the wishlist.

I look forward to getting to know everyone here on the forums, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!”
“Hi there! I recently started at Big Huge Games as Community Coordinator. I have two years experience in mobile gaming community management and am very excited to expand on that here. Part of my role will be to learn about your needs as a community and to find out what areas we can best improve. As a creative, I am most excited to breathe new life into the look and feel of our community and try new things.

Some of my personal favorite games include Final Fantasy 8 (inspo for my forum handle), Fallout 4, The Last of Us, and Towerfall Ascension. I also enjoy a good arcade bar where you can usually find me playing pinball.”
We would love to get to know you a bit better, so feel free to introduce yourself here. Let us know how long you’ve been playing DomiNations and one thing you think can really help improve our community!
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Approved user
Mar 13, 2016
Hi Ayo and Leviathan😃. And welcome to your new roles! I’m GeeGee currently the ‘caretaker‘ Leader of The Aesir, a team comprising a mix of Digital through to Gunpowder Age players. We are an active and fun loving Alliance who enjoy Wars, despite the mid-matches😉.

We/I look forward to catching up with you both on here and other channels! Hopefully a Twitch feed will follow soon (™️)! It’ll be great to put faces to names and catch-up on new developments with the game😃


Approved user
Mar 13, 2016
Oh....5 years playing time. One thing to improve...tempted to say a fix for Perks Level 3. Oops, I said it😂. I think more ‘face’ time with you Community agents will be great. We lost you all for a while on Twitter, but it’s good to see TheWise has picked that back up recently😃


Approved user
Jun 11, 2018
Welcome Ayo and Leviathan! I'm bred2bbroken (aka bred) over at WastedPotential and I've been playing for about 4 years.

I think we need Llamas in the game. Llamas would be a great addition to my two base wolves, Oscar and Fiona, and my base turkey Henrietta!

Thanks for listening!


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
Hello and welcome Ayo and Leviathan. My forum name is Horsepower and my in game name is Dradis. I’ve been playing Dominations for about 5 years now and absolutely love the game. I’ve met many wonderful people and enjoy the building process/team work within my alliance. I’m a long term member of Tactical 31.

If you’re sharp, knowledgeable and helpful as Jenny and Josh are, I’m sure you will help complement the team at Big Huge Games. I’m very happy you both will fine tune this forum and add new features and benefits for players.This is definitely overdue. Please feel free to contact me anytime via my VIP email should you have any questions or need more perspective from a player’s point of view.


BHG Moderator
Staff member
Jun 28, 2020
Thanks for the warm welcome, It's great to see so many dedicated players on the forums! We're excited to be here and are looking forward to talking with all of you more in the future.

Hi Ayo and Leviathan😃. And welcome to your new roles! I’m GeeGee currently the ‘caretaker‘ Leader of The Aesir, a team comprising a mix of Digital through to Gunpowder Age players. We are an active and fun loving Alliance who enjoy Wars, despite the mid-matches😉.

We/I look forward to catching up with you both on here and other channels! Hopefully a Twitch feed will follow soon (™️)! It’ll be great to put faces to names and catch-up on new developments with the game😃

We're looking forward to it as well, I think we have some fun stuff in store for the community.

Hello and welcome Ayo and Leviathan. My forum name is Horsepower and my in game name is Dradis. I’ve been playing Dominations for about 5 years now and absolutely love the game. I’ve met many wonderful people and enjoy the building process/team work within my alliance. I’m a long term member of Tactical 31.

If you’re sharp, knowledgeable and helpful as Jenny and Josh are, I’m sure you will help complement the team at Big Huge Games. I’m very happy you both will fine tune this forum and add new features and benefits for players.This is definitely overdue. Please feel free to contact me anytime via my VIP email should you have any questions or need more perspective from a player’s point of view.

Hi Horsepower, nice to meet you, we're still getting up to speed but I will keep that in mind. They will be very glad to hear that so I'll make sure to pass that along.

Welcome Ayo and Leviathan! I'm bred2bbroken (aka bred) over at WastedPotential and I've been playing for about 4 years.

I think we need Llamas in the game. Llamas would be a great addition to my two base wolves, Oscar and Fiona, and my base turkey Henrietta!

Thanks for listening!

We'll have to look into those Llamas for you but no promises :)


Approved user
Sep 27, 2017
Hello newbies!
I hope you will start by reading this forum :) Here is written a lot about the bugs and shortcomings of this game that accumulate over the years. Yes! That don't improve for years, no matter how strange it is! In the fifth year of the game to see this is simply unbearable, I hope you can change something.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
Welcome guys to this wonderful game!

My forum name is wrathchild and my ingame is Oddin, level 298 Digital age player in one of the top 30 alliances in the leaderboard. I play for 4+ years and I just hope that you are gonna help in the communication part between players and devs. There is a lot of work to be done actually.

In many cases you will find that players know this game better than the folks that work for BHG. Do not do the same mistake. Play Dominations every day like we do and see for yourself, all the bads and cons so you know what we are talking about! This is the one thing that I would want from the community managers.

The dominations community is very dedicated despite the rampart cheating, the bugs and the many unwanted changes in dominations (rebalance stages, p2w, op troop cards, WW museum, op artifacts, WW matchmaking etc). All I can promise you is that if you take advantage of this great community, together we can greatly improve the game we all love.

p.s. you should also find our discord server Dominations Prime
Also here: The alliance gate
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Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
I still have a wolf running about on my base from 2 years ago. Never bothered killing him, now he's my pet.


Approved user
Sep 24, 2015
Ayo Leviathan Hello and welcome, great to have a new CM and CC as well, my in game name is same, Magenia, leader of USA★Elite, been playing for over 5 years now.
you will see this is a very active and dedicated Community, keep close and you will see


Approved user
Jun 3, 2017
Hello Ayo and Leviathan,

I'm a player from the alliance First Order and am playing since February 2016. Currently DA level 301 and this is the only mobile game I play for longer than a couple of weeks - so keep doing a great job as this is the best mix of strategy and combat currently on the app store. As for wishes I would like to see more engagement with the community, be it regular Twitch streams or rare Discord posts - as most of the time I have the feeling that nobody is really listening to the community.

Cheers Dimun


Approved user
Oct 18, 2016
Welcome. Been playing DomiNations since BattleNations folded in 2016, and also play Grepolis. Have started putzing around on wiki pages as I see data out-of-date. Glad you are both on board.


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
Hello and welcome Ayo and @Leviathan. I’m GailWho playing with Wasted Potential. I have been playing since the beginning of the game and involved in the community just as long. Although I haven’t been around as much lately especially here on the forum. I’m looking forward to the things you have planned for the community. If there is any way I can help, let me know.

Hugs and kisses, Gail

PS I am also an advocate for the addition of llamas to the game.


Approved user
Oct 31, 2015
Hi. I’ve been around since the beginning, exploring the lesser-traveled modes of playing the game. I hope that the return of moderators to the forum comes with a renewed interest in improving the game. Just read the forums to find out what matters most. There are issues that have gone unresolved for far too long that should be reassessed. Many are things that used to work but were broke by poorly-tested updates. And llamas.


Approved user
Apr 4, 2017
Dear Ayo , dear Leviathan ,

Welcome. It is nice to see, that somebody is back to care about us.
As you may have noticed, only few people are left using the forum. I really look forward reading your posts and replies to our questions and remarks.

By the way, do you play Dominations as well? In which Age are you playing?
I would make things a lot easier to talk to someone who knows what we are talking about ;-)

Best regards from Germany,
Arminius (leader of Alliance Ü30)

Big Sky Finger

Approved user
May 3, 2017
Welcome Ayo and Leviathan !

Wow, I'm super late to this party lol. I am Big Sky Finger from Knights of Nee. I'm sure you have noticed by now that the DomiNations community is full of so much support. Just some absolutely awesome people I've become acquainted with, many of them have become close friends.

I would like to second Oddin's suggestion regarding considering Discord. When I started the game I was a mere fly on the wall here in the forums (obviously still kind of am), but on Discord the community is still quite vast and interactive. There are also a couple of Line groups that still exist, but once you access one it's not hard to access the other. Either way, it is so nice to be heard and have contact with you. I am just one of many that has grown to really enjoy the game and the people that play it.

Again, welcome! :)


BHG Moderator
Staff member
Jun 28, 2020
Dear Ayo , dear Leviathan ,

Welcome. It is nice to see, that somebody is back to care about us.
As you may have noticed, only few people are left using the forum. I really look forward reading your posts and replies to our questions and remarks.

By the way, do you play Dominations as well? In which Age are you playing?
I would make things a lot easier to talk to someone who knows what we are talking about ;-)

Best regards from Germany,
Arminius (leader of Alliance Ü30)

Thanks, Arminius. Yes, I have a bit of catching up to do, but I am actively playing. I'm about to enter the Global Age; I should be there by the end of next week. In the meantime, I'm getting in battles and helping my alliance with War whenever I can.

Welcome Ayo and Leviathan !

Wow, I'm super late to this party lol. I am Big Sky Finger from Knights of Nee. I'm sure you have noticed by now that the DomiNations community is full of so much support. Just some absolutely awesome people I've become acquainted with, many of them have become close friends.

I would like to second Oddin's suggestion regarding considering Discord. When I started the game I was a mere fly on the wall here in the forums (obviously still kind of am), but on Discord the community is still quite vast and interactive. There are also a couple of Line groups that still exist, but once you access one it's not hard to access the other. Either way, it is so nice to be heard and have contact with you. I am just one of many that has grown to really enjoy the game and the people that play it.

Again, welcome! :)

We've noticed that! There are many awesome dedicated players playing DomiNations, and we look forward to getting to know you all a bit more. Games have such a unique way of connecting people, and it makes me happy to hear that you've found a bit of that while playing. Nice to meet you Big Sky Finger :)