Why BHG?


Approved user
Jul 16, 2018
Why BHG_Muet, TinSoldier

Why are you guys ignoring your player community? And why do you give such a horrible support to your customers?

There are several things bothering me big time, and now with the training blessing broken I got some time off from the game to think about them.

First of all a lot players here on the forum have a key role in there alliance since they care about Dominations. Losing these players would most likely be a great loss for the alliance there running and maybe even mean the end of that alliance. If they stand up and call out to you for information have questions about bugs or other things, it's polite to respond to them. My parents always taught me answer if your asked something. Live learned me that if I want something from somebody I have a better chance in getting it by showing empathy and not ignoring the person I want something from.

Second, how hard can it be to create an algorithm that detects cheaters. Players advancing in just a few weeks/months without spending any money on the game is impossible. About half a year ago it looked like you started to handle cheaters proactive. What happened to that? I even noticed a decrease in bases that where upgrading all buildings at that time. Just calculate the max experience points a player can gain with 21 builders per age. Double that amount to be on the save side to start with and start reviewing the bases that come up. After your done reviewing start auto banning these bases. It doesn’t have to be flawless in a few weeks, but at least give us something to look forward to. Give us that warm feeling you acknowledge the problem and are working on a solution.

Third, why are you in such a hurry in rushing into new age’s? Would think 80 till 90% of your active players can’t advance to DA in long time. Why not first fix the current issues for that 80,90% and there are a lot of issues to be fixed. Most of the current issues are holding back players to spend some money. Even if it’s just a started pack. New players entering my alliance I advise to not spend anything to save them from the disappointment they might have when they need support or how you handle things. If they decide to spend some money anyway there at least warned.

Fourth, your pricing of items and legendary artifacts. How many do sell of them? I would never spend 250 euro for just one item. Or 20 euro for a building that lasts just 7 days. 250 euro I could buy my self a PlayStation 4 on discount and that 20 euro gives me a game with that. And you know what that game is for live and the PlayStation gives me years of fun.
About the training blessing and some other issues currently going on the game. Do you really think ignoring it will let it go way? Just like the 3 extra troop space the war bases are missing from the perk level. How hard can it be to fix things if you focus on the issues. You can implement a new event system but can’t fix the 3 missing troops in our war bases or the training blessing.

Dominations has a great game play that’s why most of play. You should build on that, and on your active player base. If you focus on that the money will be coming in by itself. Happy players are willing to spend some extra cash if it’s a good product with a fair base.

Fix the issues, stop the cheating and listen to your player base and the game would become awesome for everyone.


Approved user
Dec 6, 2018
Your post is a good example of why they are so unresponsive. How much would you respond if you were them? They are constantly being tagged in posts that contain no useful information and are essentially just long rants saying “why are you so useless?” That gets old pretty fast. I get that people are frustrated but this is not how you persuade them to do something. One idiot has even tagged Muet in a post that just says “f*** off”.


Approved user
Jul 16, 2018
Maybe your right Stormicus. Or they are tagged that much because people just want to know if BHG is doing anything about the issues. A regular status update in the bugs and know isseus sections would most likely half there tagges.
If I were them I would make sure they don't have to tagg me, and that the information is allready published.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
And your post is a good example of a pointless post. No offense.
You didn't add to the conversation, you havent offered a better commentary for the topic and you haven't offered an alternative or better solution than the OP.
Why bother replying?


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
Tagging them will increase until there is no appropriate community management taken place. People are asking questions here getting no serious response at all. Neither a regularly update on the training blessing not anything else. Tbh NO information at all on the training blessing was posted in this forum or on Twitter. If they don’t want to talk with us they can close all their social media channels immediately.


Approved user
Aug 12, 2016
Your post is a good example of why they are so unresponsive. How much would you respond if you were them? They are constantly being tagged in posts that contain no useful information and are essentially just long rants saying “why are you so useless?” That gets old pretty fast. I get that people are frustrated but this is not how you persuade them to do something. One idiot has even tagged Muet in a post that just says “f*** off”.

Hi there. I am still waiting the ban hammer. They DO NOT read the forums man. Game's dead.


Approved user
Dec 6, 2018
If you were them, would you come onto the forums and read long posts abusing you every day? How long would you carry on doing that, do you think?


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
If I were them I would have managed this forum and the information processes long time ago. They have opened the gates to hell over the last weeks, this is their decision. The reactions are as they are now, doing nothing will change nothing.


Approved user
Jul 16, 2018
I would have too it's my job. If I can't handle it and/or can't manage it, I would have to change my job. They can't make everybody happy. But they can make sure they did the best they could.
If you have a dissatisfied customer in your store you can’t hide behind your counter. This will increase the dissatisfaction and make the customer only more annoyed.

And name calling is not my thing Stormicus, don't think anything in this post is offensive or rude. Don't really see why you have a issue with my post.

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Continuous , untested and bug-ridden updates that largely only provide benefits for those paying the biggest bucks at the very top(and/or cheaters), while breaking features for everyone. Sadly, a long running state of affairs that they can't even bother to apply a thin veneer of competitive and balanced gameplay to anymore. A single community liason with an extremely limited schedule who can best be described as, unresponsive, over the years. Dumpster fires left burning for weeks, months, ever with no response while a post about the color of a fox's fur or the story behind a troop card receive paragraphs of background near instantaneously. Sure, most of this is company policy and probably not the man himself. Though most folks in customer service don't get to ignore 99.9% of things that come their way either. So there's probably no need to pass the Kleenex and break out the tiny violins just yet.

Yeah, I just don't understand where this seemingly random vitriol comes from either. Too bad the devs and associates are so powerless over this game and its forum. What with being hemmed in by the great unwashed they're trying to sell things to having the temerity to demand action, or information at the very least, on bugs both new and old alike. If only people were nicer......
Last edited:


Approved user
Dec 6, 2018
But actually, that isn’t their job. Their job is to keep the game going for as long as possible without spending too many resources on it. As long as it’s making money, they will keep trying to add new things to keep people interested. It is a business after all.

I agree that your post was not abusive or calling names, but it’s quite long, and all the questions in it are rhetorical, a hook for you to hang a complaint on rather than a genuine question. You aren’t offering any startling new insights, it’s just another list of the things in their “too difficult” pile.


is this thing on?
Apr 18, 2018
Agreed with Stormicus although I lack a proper solution to offer (I attempted a let's-fix-NTGs thread using constructive language and realistic solutions but feels like it fell on deaf ears); how the Training Blessing bug is being handled has zapped my energy to put into this game. They could hold a "everything trains faster" event (I forget the name, but they happen every year or so) until it's fixed, but nope.

That said, what OP wrote isn't the main point here; instead it's a general response to what this forum has become. Every thread, no matter the subject matter, turns into a rant fest full of negative comments and often unrelated comments to the topic. Post about apples and everyone complains about pencils, unicorns, and tabs vs spaces.


New member
Jan 17, 2024
Agreed with Stormicus although I lack a proper solution to offer (I attempted a let's-fix-NTGs thread using constructive language and realistic solutions but feels like it fell on deaf ears); how the Training Blessing apk is being handled has zapped my energy to put into this game. They could hold a "everything trains faster" event (I forget the name, but they happen every year or so) until it's fixed, but nope.

That said, what OP wrote isn't the main point here; instead it's a general response to what this forum has become. Every thread, no matter the subject matter, turns into a rant fest full of negative comments and often unrelated comments to the topic. Post about apples and everyone complains about pencils, unicorns, and tabs vs spaces.
It's understandable that you share Stormicus' sentiment regarding the lack of a proper solution for the Training Blessing bug in the game. It can be disheartening when efforts to address issues seem to go unheard. One possible suggestion could be to propose a temporary event that boosts training speed until the bug is fixed, as it has been done in the past. This could potentially alleviate some of the frustration and maintain player engagement. However, it's important to remember that the main concern you're highlighting is the forum's current state, where threads often devolve into negative rants and unrelated discussions. To address this issue, fostering a positive and constructive environment could be encouraged by moderators, such as redirecting off-topic comments or initiating discussions that encourage meaningful exchanges. This way, the forum can regain its focus and become a more valuable resource for everyone involved.


is this thing on?
Apr 18, 2018
It's understandable that you share Stormicus' sentiment regarding the lack of a proper solution for the Training Blessing bug in the game. It can be disheartening when efforts to address issues seem to go unheard. One possible suggestion could be to propose a temporary event that boosts training speed until the bug is fixed, as it has been done in the past. This could potentially alleviate some of the frustration and maintain player engagement. However, it's important to remember that the main concern you're highlighting is the forum's current state, where threads often devolve into negative rants and unrelated discussions. To address this issue, fostering a positive and constructive environment could be encouraged by moderators, such as redirecting off-topic comments or initiating discussions that encourage meaningful exchanges. This way, the forum can regain its focus and become a more valuable resource for everyone involved.
It appears ChatGPT is responding to 3+ year old threads now :)


Active member
Aug 23, 2022
The bad part of the three year old post popping up is that it shows the same problems still exist. BHG you just got busted out by ChatGPT.

I just dealt with a CS rep not reading my complaint and given me a cutt and paste response basically. (No I will not name the CS rep).

Now if BHG was brick and mortar company, the CS rep would have people such as myself coming to them in person. I bet the CS reps would not cutt n paste a response then.

CS reps need to do their job little better on that. They are already dealing customers having issues, ignoring them, cutt and paste responses, asking for picture without reading the ticket, and out right acting like the player is unintelligent. It called customer service so remember that when talking to customers ( people who pay your salary).

I hope the upcoming revamp will fix these issues. But as ChatGPT pointed out this still happen 3 years later.

Just saying Broke Customer Services 9yrs strong not a good look for the company.


Approved user
Jul 11, 2015
Folks have been making the same grievances since at least 2017. Remember the matrix hack? 7 years later it seems the game is still in a bad state. History shows BHG and Nexon are not going to change, you may as well accept that or quit the game. I quit back in information age 2 years ago and haven't looked back. Oligarchs and cheaters run this game, don't fool yourselves and think otherwise.

Romeo Jellybean

New member
Jun 3, 2024
As long as there are people paying enough to keep BHG going & as long as the game is still playable as we expect, some minor bugs will continue to be ignored. Thats so sad