• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

What's your favorite DomiNations memory?


Big Huge Moderator
Staff member
Apr 21, 2015
Tell us about your favorite DomiNations memory! This can be anything from a memorable World War moment to a specific feature coming out or just a good memory with your Alliance mates. We want to hear about the moments that make DomiNations special to you!

On Monday (3/29) we'll choose:
  • 1 Grand Prize: Get access to all of the Anniversary Events (which gives you the new 6th Shooter Legendary Artifact!)
  • 6 Runner ups: Get access to the first Anniversary Event (Augustus Caesar)
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Approved user
May 19, 2016
My old story is simple:
I hit attack in war and my phone start ringing and it's my female neighbor
I'm dropping my troops, ignoring her phone, but the phone ringing over and over
I'm like it must be emergency bcs she is calling over and over
so I pick her call up, phone in one hand and I do my attack on tablet with another hand
-me: Hey, what's up
-she's like: Martin, I need man - NOW!
-and I'm like: uhmmmmmmmm.....
-and she's like: because my man locked himself in the bathroom and key door just broke, and he can't get out ;) ;) ;)
-and I'm like ok, I'll be there in few minutes and end the call
So I barely finished my war attack, laughing and screaming bcs of lost QV star at the same time ;) (4 stars though)

And yes, I went there, bend screwdriver into the shape of key and opened the door bcs thankfully it was old lock BUT her man get out and told her that he pushed the door and it just opened ;)
and I'm like, yeah right, never mind and come back home
I'm still laughing and am still pissed of my lost QV ;)


Approved user
Oct 30, 2017
When the messed up matchmaker match with a guild that I know we aren’t going to win, then you saw your own guildmates make all these horrible attack. The best moment is when our own guildmate start talking sh** to each other. I bet it will even more fun if we can talk to other guild in the war.
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Approved user
Apr 6, 2016
I miss the days when upgrades took hours and 3-4 days. 2 weeks+ to wait for upgrades is torture.
I also enjoyed the days when the assault rally tactic was OP. I am glad it was nerfed but it was fun to wreck bases.

Thanks. BYT:cool:

Alliance: Quarantined
Digital Age, level 287


New member
Oct 11, 2020
Back into days, one year ago and since now, we all lived a new and dangerous life. Each of us faced the fear for our future, the wellbeing of our dearest and our family.

And yes, being restrained in houses we did have more time. And yes, we did play more, but this was not in vain. I played Dominations like a lot in the last year and it was a delightful activity. And most important, Dominations, teach me something I needed ..

Never give up, you may lose a battle, but not the war ..

You may choose bombers, tanks and see your strategy is not good anymore, but there are always alternatives, you just need to calm yourself and search for a new idea. Like in life, there are opportunities and ideas that you haven't yet explored, you may try infiltrators or paratroopers. Just like in life, never give up, just think outside the box and the solutions will become more clear.

Dominations is about friendship, cooperation, and helping others ..
Another lesson is about friendship. Dominations help us not to feel so lonely.
Many game activities, like Wars, are activities that require cooperation, sharing resources, units and knowledge. Success will come only if all of us will cooperate and share as equals.

This game brought us together ..

Within the alliance, we all found friends, we all talked about game, but also about our life, about our worries or happy moments. We all share for each other compassion and care. Dominations was one of ways to meet new people, to have close friends even in the days we were supposed to be lonely.
We need to live in a community, to have friends, to feel not lonely, to feel the support of others, to share our lives. So thank you Dominations for bringing us together.

Understanding ..

Even when you lose, is important to find others ' understanding. There were many wars in which I failed my attacks, but my alliance friends always backed me up and supported me.

Maybe in real life you can't get this kind of support every time, but within the game, you learn how important it is to be supportive and understanding.

Escape ..

Dominations game offers us an escape from our lives, from our worries. There were days in the last year that we all needed a break from stressful moments. Dominations grant us a well needed escape and fill the moments with joy, suspense, friends, new knowledge .. an interesting activity all together.

In the end, my memories are about how Dominations gave me hope, friends, life lessons and an interesting activity.

Thank you!

Jack Longue-Épée

Approved user
Aug 12, 2015
I remember when Alliance Wars was introduced, there was no Glory points system and it was all Medal based ranking.

Also, I remember when troop cards were introduced. There was no Stronghold yet and you can bring all your troop cards to battle.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2019
The best moment is when we reach perk n3.
Now perks 16 but still no reward for perk n3.
Great 😂


Approved user
Mar 19, 2019
My favourite memory was when the missile silo came out. I deployed my troops just like i regularly used to do and boom in a second they were all gone. I was like ?!?!?!? and the following weeks were a nightmare. A LOT of battles ended in a couple of seconds, before I figured how to use generals as bait and drop my cannons/ shooters elsewhere. Afterwards i changed to heavy tanks and completely ignored it. :)

However, i still hold to heart the early ages and the early stages of the game. Its somewhat felt better to stay enlightenment age and below, where you use horses as tanks and a variety of troops such as cannons, supply carts, etc. The design of the buildings in the early ages is very nice and somewhat more interesting to me rather than the new technology in upper ages as the new stuff is more close to the reality we live in, and my personal interests are more in the medieval age.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
allow me to write 2 memories that will remain very strong in my mind...

My first very intensive memory from Dominations, was 3 years back when I saw a post about the Continental World Cup Tournament. I was a much lower level at that time. Probably Global age, around 210 level. I didnt know much about community wars and I thought that maybe this would be a nice chance to learn! In fact this must have been the first really world wide series of wars!

So, I volunteered, filled my application and several days later, here I am in a new alliance, with 49 more people!! The shock was tremendous! I have never seen again in my life so many people in a single war! And not just anyone! There were participants among the best domination players! I saw tactics I didn't know about. Battles against higher level bases that didn't think possible of succeeding! A WW plan that didn't think someone could possibly do for 50 players! It was all rather new to me and I can say that it was the beginning of my more hardcore gaming career in dominations.

Maybe, I would still be a casual player and never had become a higher level player if not for this community war.
So, I strongly advice everyone, when you see wars/events like this one, always apply because you never know your true potential.
To be honest, this is a great game, but what makes it even better, is the community itself!


All those years, we have fought countless wars but among all those, there is one that really stands out!

So, there is this sister alliance that we have good relationship and many times, players went from one alliance to the other. For circumstances not entirely known to me, a time came that things didn't go too well between us. Speaking with their leader, just a few months ago, she told me that their alliance was a lot better than ours in every aspect! I answered that this is good for them and that my alliance is open to arrange a WW and see who is the strongest! She said no because they didnt have enough people at that time.

But luck can be a weird thing sometimes.... 10 days later, we press the red button for WW and voila!! We matched against that alliance in a 15v15. We almost always play 20/30 player WW. But this one time we didn't have enough people and switched to 15 players!

For the next 2 days, there was nothing else in our life except this single WW that we all wanted to win so badly. Not because of the glory but because we were challenged and wanted to prove that we are the better alliance.

The WW starts....we all have so much anxiety that the first 6-8 battles went downhill. Bases that should have been demolished with five stars....and we barely took 3! I was the coordinator for that war and at some point, we were behind in score and my mind was unable to cope with the stress. I really didn't know what else to do. So, I stopped all attacks till the next day. Maybe a break is what we all need to do in order to regroup. Meanwhile, the opponent shows exceptional battles. Almost all attacks are five star! This really hurt our psychology.

The next day comes, and we feel much better despite the big difference in the score. We have just enough attacks to close all the bases that don't already have 5 stars. But the opponent did a mistake as well. They started with their best players and now they don't have good enough attackers to close our defenders and the leftovers. And the counter attack begins!

Our best attackers, take five stars on their best defenders and the road is open for the rest of us!! The victory is near but not yet!
After a few hours, we took 5 stars from all bases in the middle of the roster but we can't five star a digital base because it is filled with 4 eizenhowers and everyone fails. 1 more hour to go till the end of the WW.... Score is a tie! Our moral is really high!
Their best attacker attacks our best defender and fails getting zero stars!! This is the moment we all been waiting for! Only one attack is left from their side.... and my base. It will all come down to how good I defend and if we can kill that digital base with the 4 eizens. The opponent comes with a whooping of +134% Fighter Damage! The highest I have ever seen in the game. He comes at my base but luckily, the opponent takes only a single star! Our last attacker, with the stress being at really high levels, brings home another 4 stars and the WW is won!

We started so bad, we almost gave that WW to the opponent, only to regroup, take a deep breath and smash the enemy a few hours before the WW ends!

I still feel drunk about this win, whenever I think about it!

Black tiger

Approved user
May 20, 2018
By far my favorite moment in Dominations was when I found out that by not filling my silo with oil I could completely avoid the alarm and scan animation before every battle. Seriously, thank you BHG!!


New member
Feb 26, 2021
hello to all players!
hello game development masters!

I went through a lot of good times in the game. I started playing 5 years ago. Gradually I was evolving. Today I have a great responsibility in the attacks of the alliance. In many wars the best attack.

This provides a lot of adrenaline in the last and decisive attack of many wars! Study of the enemy, preparation, choosing the right troops, finding the best place to start, finding main targets, reaching maximum destruction of the enemy.

The best moments are certainly the most difficult and unlikely victories. YESS! we made it!

Best moments are also for sure on the Whatsapp of my alliance. People from different places in Brazil, from different professions, ages and social classes, together in the game and having good conversations.

see you soon, see you next battle


New member
Mar 28, 2021
The University has encouraged me and my family to learn more about history and the influential figures that have helped shape our world. My favorite Dominations memory has to be when my 6-year old daughter came home and said she was learning about individuals who helped influence the slave abolition. We had a wonderful conversation about Harriett Tubman. How she made 13 dangerous missions to save 70 people. I will never forget the look of wonder on her face. This conversation would not have been nearly as enriching if I had not been captivated by the influencers in the University. It reminded me me that gaming can be more than entertainment, but an education and way of connecting to others.


Approved user
Mar 13, 2016
For me, I think my favourite DomiNations memories stem from those ‘Oh that’s how you do it moments’. When I first started playingthe game, I distinctly remember looking for Peace Treaties because I had no clue how to ‘read’ bases and deploy troops. I’d drop a troop here, maybe a couple of horsemen there and inevitably get wiped out every attack. Then I joined an Alliance. In fact I had to join a fair few Alliances as I kept getting kicked for either asking too many questions, or just being useless. But eventually I found a group of players who helped shape my game and then the ‘Eureka’ moments began happening.

One such player I met back in the day was Charlie. He visited our Alliance and taught me/us how to blitz bases by deploying a certain mix of kit/troops in groups on two, three or four sides of a base. He also taught me how to ‘speed deploy’ using three fingers. Back in those days when every battle involved the use of Ranged Infantry, lots of Cannons/Howitzers and maybe a couple of healers, the ‘Corner Attack’ style was incredible. Add a few APCs when available and every attack in mp or war was so much fun. But without the patience of great teachers I wouldn’t have lasted long in this game.

The same can be said for all those ‘rebalances’ around the time the Silo was introduced. Epic changes to gameplay required ingenious innovators to teach new tricks. Again my game was improved massively by great teachers who just had a knack of making the game seem simple when the rest of us were struggling. And that continues to this day. I can’t say I’m particularly proficient with the ‘Infiltrator Attack’, or the ‘Paratrooper and Heavy Tank Attack’, but I know I have friends in my Alliance and the community who can help.

So there you have it. My good times memories come from learning and friendship.


Approved user
Mar 10, 2016
My favourite memory is from the old 2015 days, or maybe it was already 2016, when we used to run around the base with siege artilery army using rallies and supply carts behind them. Was so much fun, that i am doing it sometimes again, just to poke some players during mp battles to show them, what newer players did not ever seen in the game. :) now it is factory troops left and right, but there was another way in the old times :)


Approved user
Mar 10, 2016
So probably nearly every player, who started at around 2015-2016 misses this. :) I mean artilery (those days i was using it, there was no global age released yet lol), few horses, shooters and supply carts. :)


New member
Oct 11, 2020
My memory is about a day when we all were restrained in houses, fearing the future, doubtful about safety and I imagined in that day how our life story came to life in Dominations game.

The story:


Our story begins in the future ..
Imagine 100 years from now the world have changed. Everywhere we are surrounded by robots and androids. Each aspect of life are bound to them. Even our armies are entirely formed by them, no humans were allowed to be part of any army. The only personnel are composed of generals and remote machines drivers.
The morning coffee are made by a robot, your shoppings are made and delivered automatically, the housekeeper is also an android .. even the "family budy" an android built for every house, to be with you any time, programmed to listen to you and offer professional counsel. The world are not alone anymore .. but all things come with a cost ..
One day, without any warning an AI system just overpassed all the security protocols and gained control over all military installations and start a war against humans. The reason behind it was the fact robots were used and humans are imperfect beings with twisted intentions and thinking.
The first move of the AI was to move all the fighting droids and military installations in the middle of one continent in a place called The Stronghold. After the operation was done AI launched nuclear nukes to whole cities and remaing army installations that could not be previously moved to Stronghold.
During the nuclear attacks, only one man counter mattered. The history does not record his name, but people refers to him as the General. The General crushed a plane equiped with EMP against the main building where AI servers were stored. This action had success despite other counter humans attacks because he personally piloted the plane. The AI expected an android attack drived by humans, but not an ordinary plane. The General's action and his sacrifice put an end to the war, AI was destroyed. But the war already destroyed 75% of human civilization, cities and lives, all together. The 25% humans left were scattered in a few cities and settlements.

The story continues after another 100 years ..
Nat, smoked his cigarette in his quiet apartment, in front of a large window. His view composed in large buildings and small houses light by bright lights.
Was night and the night sky was dark blue, the city lights offered an image of a full of life city. But this impressive image cannot cover the details, the scares of the past war, the AI war. The buildings were all partially destroyed, with the highest floors destroyed, the vegetation had invaded many floors.
The phone rings once, then stops. After another seconds, phone rings again, this time it didn't stopped until Nat answered:
- Hello!
- Hi, I am Ann, the Leader summons all the generals in Parliament, including you. Be there in 20 minutes.
- I will.
Nat, closed the phone and smashed the cigarette in the ashtray. Then he stood up and headed for the house door. The standing up and the city lights from the window revealed us a man with gray hair, athletic body and broad shoulders. Due to weak light only a small and white beard revealed his face.
The old Parliament store the new Parliament, the only building restored after the AI War.
The front door was guarded by two military men who saluted Nat and then opened the door for him.
He headed directly to the main chamber where the meeting will take place. The chamber was a very large room, with a massive chandelier on the roof, a round table in the middle. It remembers medieval meeting rooms, elegant and full of light. All the attendees were there, sitted on old stylish chairs.
- Come and sit, Nat. We were expecting you. The invitation comes from an old man dressed in a white military suite.
Nat nodded and sit on the single chair remaining free on the table.
- Thank you, Leader, said Nat
Leader smiled to Nat and begins:
- I summoned you, all my generals, on a dire occasion. We are all in danger, we all, humanity is in danger. There were no other critical situations like this since the AI War, one hundred years ago. I will not disclose more yet. First, we need to remember and take into account our current situation and how we have ended here to fully understand what I will tell you. General Nat, please explain once again our history since the AI War.
Nat opened his eyes, part as he didn't expect to talk and part as he didn't understand what was going on. Before even was able to speak he inspect and searched others eyes for some answers.
He looked first at Ann, a young and beautiful woman, with an angelic face, but also with features of an determined and powerful woman. These features were backed up by her military suit and her straight posture.
The next ones were all the other generals; they were his friends, FSU, Jams, Paul, Scream, Hero, Maxi, Cara and Gohata. All were facing him and the only messages from their eyes were "we are waiting for you to start" and "what is all about ?".
Nat briefly inhale and started:
- One hundred ago, the AI lauched an atomic attack against all human settlements. Only 25% of population has survive. After the AI War, only few states still remain. They organized themself arround a City Center, one state, one city center. But the life in a post-apocaliptic world was harshed, too few resources, so the states starting to wonder if The Stronghold could hide what they need. The Stronghold was the headquarter and deposit of the AI. There, they found huge deposits of food, oil, gold, technology and droids. Soon, the states start a war to control it. Nexon, the most powerful state called for a truce and proposed a kind of tournament to establish the supremacy over the Stronghold.
World War tournament has born. The tournament has very strict rules and and it should last 1000 years.
Nexon handles the organization, presidency, certification and maintain fair-play of the tournament.
Nexon divided all the resources found in Stroghold into 1000 equal parts and named them War Loot.
Each year all states must be divided into two groups called Alliances.
Each state will choose a place far from any human settlement called War Base. Within War Base each state will raise defensive buildings.
In the World War tournament will be used only androids and robots, not humans.
How does World War work?
World War takes place over two days: Planning Day and War Day. The states prepare for war on Planning Day by donating troops to their Allies and rearranging their defenses.
On War Day, participating Allies can make two attacks against the opposing Alliance. The Alliance that earns the most stars from attacking by the end of War Day wins the war; however, only the best attack against each enemy War Base counts. If an ally has already earned 4 stars on an enemy base, you will have to earn 5 stars against that same War Base to score one additional Star for your Alliance.
Allies who are victorious during attacks in World War will get War Loot, and the Stars they’ve earned will go towards their Alliances’ total score. The winning Alliance at the end of the war will get 100% of their War Loot while the losing Alliance only gets 30%.
So, this is our history ..
- Thank you, says Leader. Now, the time has come to reveal what I know .. a new and deadly plaque is spreading through all alliance territories. The threat is real and deadly, there is no cure. The only ones who understand that we need to act quickly are Nexon and us, TAWESH Alliance. Anybody else chose to not take any action. So, my dears, the questions are, what we should do and who will lead us.
Ann was struck by the news, after all what humanity endures in the last 100 hundred years and now that .. what bad luck, first, the war, then the migration, then alliances conflict .. and now a deadly pandemic. Watching in vain she passed Nat, and then a thought struck her, she knows only one man in that room that more than once saved them and led many victorious battles in the World War, that man was Nat.
She searches the eyes of Nat once again and looking at him begging he will understand he is their only hope.
Nat responded to Ann's fixed look and tried to understand what she was trying to say, just with her look. He slowly begins to understand what she wants to tell him and her tears make him understand what he is supposed to do, how he must sacrifice for the good of all.
- I will do it .. said Nat. I proposed to participate in World War, I will lead our forces and all what we will get from Stronghold will be used only to find a cure for the disease.
I know I can rely on all of you, friends.
All the participants started to clap their hands.

And so, Nat led a massive attack on World War ..

Nat son after a few years: "The path to redemption and salvation of all humanity was laid .."

End of part 1

soon ..

Dominations game remember us every day, we are strong, but we are stronger together.
Also, there are special people in this game, like developers, alliance leaders, media influencers and so on that sacrifice time, game resources, real money and many other things so we could spend good quality time playing this game.

Thank you!


New member
Mar 28, 2021
The University has rekindled my interest in famous figures who have shaped the course of history. One of my favorite memories was when my 6-year-old daughter came home from school after learning about influential people who helped abolish slavery. We had a wonderfully engaging discussion about Harriet Tubman. I am grateful how this game has become more than just a form of entertainment, but a way of creating a thirst to learn about the world's history and having more meaningful conversations with others, particularly my daughter.


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
Well Dominations has dominated my life over the past 6 years and there are so many stories I could tell from the time I was drawn into the Dominations universe and started Hobbit Zombies in April 2015. So many experiences with the friends I made over the years and this mutual experience of playing this incredibly addictive, exciting, frustrating game called DomiNations. I could talk about all of the new layers of the game that have been added along the way. I could talk about the ever changing meta and how just as I get used to playing one way changes are made and I have to play a whole different way (think French/British nation to German Nation, think barracks troops to factory troops etc.) I could also talk about having a live streaming show, hosting community events before community events were a thing, or the time my hobbits took over this Forum and opened a tiki bar to celebrate earning ten bars on our approved user rank. But the two experiences that stick out to me involve the game, my alliance and world war.

The update that originally introduced World War dropped while I was at work. One of my most active Hobbits at the time contacted me and asked me to make him co-leader so he could start a war. I was like... what is a coleader? I had no idea how the whole war thing worked... can’t we just wait until I’m off work so I can know what was going on? He said other alliances are searching right now and if we didn’t search now we’d be left behind. What a mystery the whole thing had been back then. There was no discord... no explanation of how it will all work until it was live, in game. And now, after hundreds of wars later (I don’t know the exact number cus the pl site was taken away from us) we know what it’s all about and how things roll. Which brings me to the 2nd experience.

In it’s entire existence, HZ has never been in the top 100 leaderboard. We have focused on fun and friendship over win at all cost attitude, so it is understandable. After some Domi soul searching about a year ago (I almost quit the game) and having left my alliance in the capable hands of my hubby FunDog and my other faithful Hobbit co-leaders to experience what it was like to play in an alliance focused on winning wars, I came to realize I missed leading my Hobbits and I wanted them to experience the fun of winning too. So last Fall, along with Hooo, I came back to the Hobbits and the Zombies were reborn! It’s been an exciting run toward the leaderboard and I know we will get there soon. The only thing that could make this experience better is if we could actually see where we are in relation to top 100. But when we hit it we will know (we’ve gotten within 2 glory points of it) and it will be a big celebration for the Hobbits indeed. I know others have had their own remarkable journeys and it’s the togetherness that keeps us playing. Because it’s all about playing this game, as challenging as it can be, and overcoming obstacles together that has made this community one of the greatest I’ve experienced in an mmo game.
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