What am I doing wrong?


New member
May 28, 2020

Just a question. Or actually an outcry of frustration.

Why, when I attack, I only get enemies with loots that have up to 2000 oil (most
of the times far less) while being technologically way ahead to me (often somewhere in global), while
enemies that attack ME each time take so much loot (over 4000 oil, plenty of
food and gold) and ALSO are technologically ahead of me? It's not just the vault
because then I would expect at least the 2 other resources to be plenty.

I understand I have a lot of resources available, I have to, because higher
levels cost way more. But I don't understand the difference between me and
others. They too require so much resources for their defences and buildings.
They too have to store it somewhere. And I do not understand why they loot so
much more then I. What am I doing wrong or are they doing better?

Would like some tips, It's frustrating to gradually build your stocks and with 3
attacks being set back a week.

Cheers, Eric (Industrial age, 132 medals)


Approved user
May 17, 2018
132 medals? you mean level 132?

What medal range do you play? What is your league?
Do you have any loot bonuses in museum? The lines I am talking about are "all resources looted" + "Oil looted"?

the best medal range for you is between 500-1000 medals.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Looted resources refund line is quite essential too if you're concerned about the amount oil attackers stole from you. Good luck!