• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.



Approved user
Apr 5, 2015
I am enjoying this game so far, however feel that the building timers get too long far too fast. Only been playing 2 days and already facing 8 hour timers. This is pretty ridiculous. The game is a good step forward in iOS games, personally I would still like to see games get more like old pic games like age of empires, Caesar 3 etc. While there are some new ideas in the game, it seems to largely be a rehash of similar games, a little more originality would have been nice. However the building timers shoot up faster than most other games I've played, and the sitting around waiting times get very boring. Spend money to buy speed up you say? Personally I play a game for a bit to see if it's worth staying before spending money. If the game timers are so lengthy so soon into the game, it becomes very unattractive to stay around and reach the point I will spend. As a regular boom beach player, I have spent on there, however timers were so much better there, and took a while to get to ridiculous lengths of time waiting. My high hopes for the game are starting to descend as I get bored waiting so long..... Please fix the timers


Approved user
Mar 29, 2015
I think the timers are similar to other games of this type, it just takes patience some times. Coming from Coc a 5 days wait is not a problem for me, since im used to wait 14 days for some upgrades there


Approved user
Apr 5, 2015
I agree with Jacuer the timing is not as bad if you compare with other games. Ill admit the drastic rise of the timing is much higher compared to other but that is because this is a new game and does not have many upgrade levels at the moment. As the game progresses, there will be more upgrades and the timing to upgrade will be more of a fluid rise.
Just my 2 cents

Mustafa Hwarang

Approved user
Jan 6, 2015
Yeah the timers isnt that bad! I mean consider that there is no travel time to attack playes, (Witch would be cool in the matter, but others shut my idea down) and upgrading walls doesnt take time at all!! So at least we can do is wait :)