HAHA thats funny and ridiculous. Im Global and my event progression is (12, 84, 204, 336, 660) for an eagle warrior card, 0.55M gold , jaguar warrior card, 1.5M food , 2.75M gold. I assume i'll approach ~ 3 diamond/NTG per battle at most, since i wont always 5 star and wont always get NTG even when i do. So thats like 220 battles in 5 days just at global age. The numbers at CW are preposterous. Its not like its easier to get diamonds/NTG at higher ages, or that you get more per battle. Its probably even the reverse since retrain times are longer. Crazy!!
even if i could pull off 220 battles in 5 days im pretty sure that a reward of 2.75M gold would pale in comparison to the loot piles i would have amassed by then. LOL.