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Templars Reborn just started new alliance for all new players and low ages


Approved user
May 19, 2016
Our well known alliance Templars Reborn just started a new alliance for all new players and low ages.
You can search it in game – it’s called: Templars Unborn - perk 8

Plenty of room for all new players, low age players and everybody who wants to stay in casual and friendly place :)
Already alliance perk 8 and already have some laws in parliament (big thank you to our friend Optimus Crime)

More info on our imgur: https://imgur.com/a/pNwLrm2
For tips join our discord: https://discord.gg/4Q2Z3EW

Templars are doing wars with 50 members, so if you are interested in wars 50 just join our discord and ask for war 50 :)