• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.


Apr 10, 2023
This is a special request to the devs, Can you please add at least 200-300 more hp(hitpoints) to the ranged foot troops, not the heavy foot, those guys are pretty tough, but my main pride and joy is my ranges foot troops(I call them troop killers) they give out more than enough damage but their hp for digital age is actually quite low, I run pure foot troops aside from mercenaries and generals which protect my foot troops, but Yeah the ranged foot troops need a hp boost I am planing on running foot troops all through Information and drone but the HP lacks I don't need 3k hp or anything 200-300 or maybe a good 500 but it's what you decide, I have a he'll of a setup but hp doesn't seem fair.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Well, since we're asking the devs to cater for our own specific setup I'd like the range on helicopters increased to 7 - oh, and a speed boost to my artillery would be nice. Thanks for listening.


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2021
I'd like to propose a new shared structure (like Parliament) called "The Bazaar" where food, gold, oil, (national) trade goods, rubies, museum items and even troops, tactics and blessings could be bought, sold, traded or donated amongst alliance members. I have hundreds of accumulated items that I have no use for due to my higher level or irrelevance due to my playing "style" and it would be neat to allow these to be distributed between lower level players to bolster the alliance as a whole. It would provide more opportunities to come across rare items like legendary artifacts from higher level players and it would make unlocking artifacts less monotonous having more access to fragments. This inclusion would also foster increased participation in alliances due to the inherent added benefits of additional access to goods and resources.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
I'd like to propose a new shared structure (like Parliament) called "The Bazaar" where food, gold, oil, (national) trade goods, rubies, museum items and even troops, tactics and blessings could be bought, sold, traded or donated amongst alliance members. I have hundreds of accumulated items that I have no use for due to my higher level or irrelevance due to my playing "style" and it would be neat to allow these to be distributed between lower level players to bolster the alliance as a whole. It would provide more opportunities to come across rare items like legendary artifacts from higher level players and it would make unlocking artifacts less monotonous having more access to fragments. This inclusion would also foster increased participation in alliances due to the inherent added benefits of additional access to goods and resources.
Make the game easier for players? As if!


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2021
Make the game easier for players? As if!
You really feel that way? How long have you been playing? In the 7 years I've been playing, they've added so many more features to speed up building/research, decreased amount of citizens to accomplish many tasks (0 for expeditions!!!), increased resource generation rates and provided different avenues for strengthening armies to fit playing style.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
You really feel that way? How long have you been playing? In the 7 years I've been playing, they've added so many more features to speed up building/research, decreased amount of citizens to accomplish many tasks (0 for expeditions!!!), increased resource generation rates and provided different avenues for strengthening armies to fit playing style.
9+ yrs - and I'm guessing you're not yet Drone or Auto age?
Yes they've made nice changes for new players to improve and progress quickly - but a building where veterans can share resources and museum artifacts and TTs???
This is the company that brought you the bastions then made a drone to nullify the bastions; made helis formidable then screwed it up by giving it a tank range (and won't fix it), gave you a building that gives extra range for troops then made a drone that takes away that range; gave you museum boosts but gave the defenders more options to nullify those boosts, made things nice and easy for newbies but screwed over veterans, continue to add more unnecessary content but totally ignore glitches & bugs for years - get the picture?
But, keep dreaming ... and I hope your dreams can come true one day.

ps: and I used to defend a lot of what they did - but times change ...
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Approved user
Oct 13, 2017
I would like the tactical helicopter to drop nuklear bombs that destroy the entire base when destroyed. Since no one else bothered upgrading them I would have a corner on the market! Tactical helicopter = deploy tactical nukes. Makes sense to me.


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2021
9+ yrs - and I'm guessing you're not yet Drone or Auto age?
Yes they've made nice changes for new players to improve and progress quickly - but a building where veterans can share resources and museum artifacts and TTs???
This is the company that brought you the bastions then made a drone to nullify the bastions; made helis formidable then screwed it up by giving it a tank range (and won't fix it), gave you a building that gives extra range for troops then made a drone that takes away that range; gave you museum boosts but gave the defenders more options to nullify those boosts, made things nice and easy for newbies but screwed over veterans, continue to add more unnecessary content but totally ignore glitches & bugs for years - get the picture?
But, keep dreaming ... and I hope your dreams can come true one day.

ps: and I used to defend a lot of what they did - but times change ...
Not that I owe you a retort but I've been in Information Age about a year. I'm maxing out my University (3 to go) and all my defensive buildings before I move onto Drone. My library (until last big update) and museum (Hermitage as well) are 100% maxed and I'm a co-leader of a very active alliance with a buffed out Parliament.

It sounds to me like you don't enjoy the game anymore. What's the point in even continuing to play and why waste your time and mine writing such a condescending reply?

ps: you can't deny the idea of a "Bazaar" is a pretty freaking sweet idea IF it could be pulled off.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Not that I owe you a retort but I've been in Information Age about a year. I'm maxing out my University (3 to go) and all my defensive buildings before I move onto Drone. My library (until last big update) and museum (Hermitage as well) are 100% maxed and I'm a co-leader of a very active alliance with a buffed out Parliament.

It sounds to me like you don't enjoy the game anymore. What's the point in even continuing to play and why waste your time and mine writing such a condescending reply?

ps: you can't deny the idea of a "Bazaar" is a pretty freaking sweet idea IF it could be pulled off.
Why did i bother replying? I recall you asked me a question.

And to be honest I haven't been playing much these last few weeks/months because the devs are not giving us any indication that they're concerned about the game - or our comments - or our concerns - or our frustrations. My comments above are just the tip of the iceberg to back up my cynicism (not condescension). You only need to look at other posts to see more frustration shared by many others. Wait til you get the full manufactory benefits and then realise the defender can take so much of it away. I was hoping the manufactory would be one of the really good additions to the game.

Anyway, I don't deny your bazaar is a good idea - that's why I said I hope your dream can come true. I'll be the first one to make use of it (well, maybe 2nd, after you ...) 😄


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
Why did i bother replying? I recall you asked me a question.

And to be honest I haven't been playing much these last few weeks/months because the devs are not giving us any indication that they're concerned about the game - or our comments - or our concerns - or our frustrations. My comments above are just the tip of the iceberg to back up my cynicism (not condescension). You only need to look at other posts to see more frustration shared by many others. Wait til you get the full manufactory benefits and then realise the defender can take so much of it away. I was hoping the manufactory would be one of the really good additions to the game.

Anyway, I don't deny your bazaar is a good idea - that's why I said I hope your dream can come true. I'll be the first one to make use of it (well, maybe 2nd, after you ...) 😄
Not that I owe you a retort but I've been in Information Age about a year. I'm maxing out my University (3 to go) and all my defensive buildings before I move onto Drone. My library (until last big update) and museum (Hermitage as well) are 100% maxed and I'm a co-leader of a very active alliance with a buffed out Parliament.

It sounds to me like you don't enjoy the game anymore. What's the point in even continuing to play and why waste your time and mine writing such a condescending reply?

ps: you can't deny the idea of a "Bazaar" is a pretty freaking sweet idea IF it could be pulled off.
Well the problem is I live in real world not a dream world where skittles and marshmallows fall from the sky.
There is no way to make peoples Bazar idea work with the current game set up. This idea is not first time being posted and each time it is pointed out the cheating it would cause would not make it worth even trying.
I love how about every month or so we have someone trying to sneak this idea thru.

People can’t have nice things without destroying it. People with multi accounts would abuse hell out this. If they implemented this idea. We have enough cheating players playing game right now and personally I hope each everyone get caught and have bad things happen to them.

Again Bazar no matter how many times is suggested won’t work with game in its current form. So why keep bringing it up and acting like it this great new idea. Just saying


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2021
Why did i bother replying? I recall you asked me a question.

And to be honest I haven't been playing much these last few weeks/months because the devs are not giving us any indication that they're concerned about the game - or our comments - or our concerns - or our frustrations. My comments above are just the tip of the iceberg to back up my cynicism (not condescension). You only need to look at other posts to see more frustration shared by many others. Wait til you get the full manufactory benefits and then realise the defender can take so much of it away. I was hoping the manufactory would be one of the really good additions to the game.

Anyway, I don't deny your bazaar is a good idea - that's why I said I hope your dream can come true. I'll be the first one to make use of it (well, maybe 2nd, after you ...) 😄
No no I asked if you really felt that way and how long you've been playing. You could've responded without commenting on my assumed age level as if that makes me some kind of rube and the "get the picture... keep dreaming" comment was unnecessary. If you can't see how your reply was condescending then maybe you're a bit too "online". This isn't Twitter, it's a forum to discuss a game that, presumably, everyone here enjoys. I don't write code nor am I privy to the intricacies of game design so if you have constructive feedback for me, great. Just keep the condescending sarcasm to yourself.


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2021
Well the problem is I live in real world not a dream world where skittles and marshmallows fall from the sky.
There is no way to make peoples Bazar idea work with the current game set up. This idea is not first time being posted and each time it is pointed out the cheating it would cause would not make it worth even trying.
I love how about every month or so we have someone trying to sneak this idea thru.

People can’t have nice things without destroying it. People with multi accounts would abuse hell out this. If they implemented this idea. We have enough cheating players playing game right now and personally I hope each everyone get caught and have bad things happen to them.

Again Bazar no matter how many times is suggested won’t work with game in its current form. So why keep bringing it up and acting like it this great new idea. Just saying
Sounds like it's a pretty popular idea then, huh? I might just keep posting this suggestion then. Just for you, Captain Wet Blanket.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
Sounds like it's a pretty popular idea then, huh? I might just keep posting this suggestion then. Just for you, Captain Wet
Aren’t you the one that just complained about King C lol Now you stoop to Captain Wet Blanket ( guess we are back to 3rd grade) and say ur keep posting same idea.

Well brother it don’t matter to me if ya you do. It’s just pixels lol Chill and enjoy the game lol

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Aren’t you the one that just complained about King C lol Now you stoop to Captain Wet Blanket ( guess we are back to 3rd grade) and say ur keep posting same idea.

Well brother it don’t matter to me if ya you do. It’s just pixels lol Chill and enjoy the game lol
Let the baby have his bottle 😄
It's a public forum but some people can't handle 'discussion'. Oh well ...
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
Problem world wide is people see anyone that disagree with their agenda as a enemy instead realizing it is just a different view so they attack and throw facts out the window lol