• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Raven Rattle - Week Ahead 5/6


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022

Greetings Leaders,

This week we’re releasing the next War Legendary Artifact! You’ll also find discounted Artifact Upgrades thanks to the King Tut’s Tomb Event, and even discounts on various upgrades with the Children’s Day Event! There are plenty of things to look forward to including the next two instant upgrades for 9th Anniversary. All that and more in the Week Ahead!

Season 7 - Swift & Stalwart Midseason Update 2
The next midseason update goes live today 5/5! You'll find discounted upgrade costs and we're reducing the speed debuff to Armored Cars.
  • Barracks Upgrade Cost -40%
  • Factory Upgrade Cost -40%
  • Airstrip Upgrade Cost -40%
  • Armored Car Movement -75% > -50%
For full Season 7 details be sure to check out our post here.

New War Legendary Artifact - Raven Rattle

The next War Legendary Artifact will be available this week through a Step-Up sale from 5/6 to 5/13. This Legendary Artifact will improve your Fighters while reducing the potency of enemy defenses.

Fighter HP+7%
Fighter DMG+7%
Enemy Redoubt DMG-6%
Enemy Tower DMG-6%
All Enemy Defensive Tower DMG-11%

Episode & Event Passes

Episode 10: Spartan 5/9 - 5/16
Acquire the strength of a Spartan in this Episode Pass with Spartans and Leonidas Troop Tactics for Free. The Premium Pass upgrade gives you the Manpack Chest with chances at the Desert Storm PSN-8 Manpack Legendary Artifact. This tier also includes Super Stallion and Tupolev Tu-160 Troop Tactics!

Event: Speed Up Boost Campaign 5/9 - 5/16
This week stock up on Speed Ups! Free Premium Recruitments, 1h SpeedUps, and a 6h SpeedUp round out this tier. Upgrading to Premium features 4200 Crowns, 12h SpeedUps, with a 5d SpeedUp to finish out the tier!

Event: Generals 5/9 - 5/16
Take command of your forces with the rewards in the Generals Event Pass. On the Free Tier you’ll be recruiting George Washington, Tomoe Gozen, Genghis Khan, and more General Troop Tactics. Upgrading to Premium will include General Eisenhower, General Omar Bradley, and even Admiral Yi!

This Event also includes a top 100 Global Leaderboard challenge, ranking within the top 100 can get you the Normandy SCR-536 “Walkie-Talkie” Legendary Artifact!

Legendary Token Supreme Pass 5/13 - 5/22
Acquire Legendary Tokens ahead of Marco’s Legendary Vault! Need a few more tokens to grab that Legendary Artifact in the Month of May? This pass can help get you there with 10 Free Legendary Tokens, and 60 more Tokens when upgrading to Premium!


9th Anniversary Instant Building Upgrade
Celebrate our 9th Anniversary with an instant upgrade of different Economy Buildings!

This round, enjoy instant upgrade for:
  • Library 5/6 - 5/10
  • Oil Wells 5/10 - 5/13

Children’s Day 5/5 - 5/12
This week is our Children's Day Event!

Children’s Day is a holiday celebrated in many countries. Although the date of observance varies by country, each celebration focuses on honoring children. Japan and South Korea celebrate Children’s Day on May 5. In Japan, koinobori are carp-shaped windsocks traditionally flown when celebrating the holiday. A full set of koinobori includes a carp for each member of the family: the largest black carp representing the father, the next largest red or pink carp representing the mother, and smaller carp of varying colors representing the children. In South Korea, many families will make an extra effort to do something special with their children on Children’s Day. Popular examples include taking children to amusement parks, zoos, museums, and other similar venues to enjoy children-oriented entertainment.

Enjoy these discounts for a limited time!

25% off the following building upgrades:
• Road
• Airstrip
• Tower
• Drone Command

33% off the following troop upgrades:
• Tactical Helicopter

33% off the following General upgrades:
• Sun Tzu

33% off the following War Tactic upgrades:
• Assault Rally

King Tut’s Tomb 5/7 - 5/14
In 1922, archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the entrance to the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings. The tomb had been lost for centuries, preserving a massive trove of ancient artifacts. Along with the famous funerary mask and solid gold coffin, Carter’s team found thrones, weapons, musical instruments, jewelry, an alabaster chalice, and a dagger made of meteoric iron. This massive collection of artifacts still travels the world as a museum exhibition and has ensured King Tut’s place in history!

Leveling Up Museum Artifacts costs 20% less Blueprints and 20% less resources for a limited time!

Legendary Step-Ups 5/6 - 5/13
In addition to the Raven Rattle, we’ll have two other Legendary Step-Ups to check out!

Prepare for Marco’s Legendary Vault with the Legendary Token Step-Up giving you additional Legendary Tokens at each step of the sale. You’ll also find the Fighter Artifact Chest Step-Up to give you chances at multiple Legendary Artifacts. This chest includes Narmer Palette, Da Vinci’s Flying Machine, Vz-9 Avrocar, and more Legendary Artifacts!


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