The Castle placement is one of the weak areas of this design. It can be killed very quickly, then enemy knights can simply target that ONE CENTRAL WALL SECTION BELOW IT to gain access to ALL THREE of the adjacent boxes- a quick death. If the attacker casts a protection tactic on his knights, I doubt if your catapults would even kill one. Another problem is your failure to use the extraneous buildings (barracks, etc. ) as a shield around your more vulnerable targets; the enemy can simply ignore them instead of having to grind them down first. Thirdly, you have all of your farms grouped together instead of scattered as far as possible; you WANT the enemy to have to take extra time to get them all to try to deny him the bonus. Fourth, I could kill your Castle and then destroy both of your gold reserves from almost the same spot- swap one of them out with a food storage, or reverse the gold + tower placement in one box. Fifth, your collesseum has one of the largest trigger-sensor areas, yet you have it tucked in a corner- it should be more centralized. Sixth, spread out your three catapults to three different baxes covering each other-DO NOT put two together as you have them; the the minimum-range ring will keep them from protecting each other in your present arrangement. Eighth: when you place traps, you should place them in areas where the A.I. will customarily move troops- choke points between walls or buildings, etc. Your traps are useless where they are. There are several other things you could do, but these should be good for a starting point. When you design a Base, it shouldn't be orderly and attractive; it should be deceptively dangerous.