• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

No access to WW map

Freimaurer Alderan

Approved user
Feb 6, 2019
Hello Leaders
My alliance “Freimaurer” is not able to access the WW map to start a new WW. When an alliance member try to access the map the game freezes and we have to close the application and start it new.
It seems like we are still stuck in the last war because we can not change or improve war artifacts in the museum. If we try it will say “you can’t change war artifacts right now. Try again later”.
we have this problem for quite a while now almost the whole week. All attempts to reach any support or getting answers from there failed.
I really would appreciate any help or feedback what else we could to access our WW map again.
thank you in advance.