Instant retrain bug


New member
Sep 9, 2022
I've been having this problem a lot recently too. It doesn't only happen during an Instant Retrain blessing is in place, but when it does it is super annoying and usually means I have to waste a ton of crowns or waste the instant retrain while waiting for the troops to train. It's definitely a pretty new phenomenon, within the last couple weeks I'd say.


Well-known member
May 11, 2021
All android users in our alliance having same issue when is someone going to fix it? I put a 24 hr retrain on yesterday and so far I have had 8 sessions where the rings of death appear. Only thing you can do is reboot and then whoosh all troops,including generals and mercenaries are gone. Generals take close to 24 hrs to retrain and mercenaries swallow your trade goods. We contacting you on customer support, and sometimes we get a retrain, last one was an 8 hr one to replace the 24 hr one??? You must know by now you got a problem so please fix it.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
I don't know if this was a fluke because I haven't replicated it yet. I've also lost troops on a few occasions but this last time I placed an instant retrain blessing and as soon as I got the spinning circle I immediately closed the app - via the 'recent app' screen. I opened the game again and my retrain icon was still there and the instant retrain was back in my inventory. I placed it on my base again and everything worked as normal.
Hope this helps.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
I don't know if this was a fluke because I haven't replicated it yet. I've also lost troops on a few occasions but this last time I placed an instant retrain blessing and as soon as I got the spinning circle I immediately closed the app - via the 'recent app' screen. I opened the game again and my retrain icon was still there and the instant retrain was back in my inventory. I placed it on my base again and everything worked as normal.
Hope this helps.
I managed to replicate this workaround. As soon as I saw the spinning circle I immediately closed the app (from the recent apps screen). When I logged back in the training blessing, I placed on my base, was back in my inventory and the troop retrain icon was still there.
Placed the blessing back on my base and retrained again without a problem.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2021
Since I upgraded to drone age yesterday I have been getting game freezing, where the screen just freezes and I have to reboot the game to resolve. The one thing I have noticed is that it seems to do it while using an instant retrain blessing, the bad thing about the freezing is that it does it while in a battle, so that when it happens I lose my army, war tactics, generals, etc.... my device is a Samsung tablet tab 6. I had no problems till upping to drone age.


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022
While working on fixing this we do know the Instant Retrain Blessing issue is not limited to Drone Age players. We recommend holding off on using Instant Retrain Blessings, for the time being, we’ll update in-game when it is safe to use them again.


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2021
I had the same issue for about last 3 weeks, note that it is instant retrain overall, not just with the instant blessing. Something to note
- Not all player get it but quite a few
- Game stop with the ring of death about 2-3s after finishing a battle, and battle result was still recorded correctly (either war or raid). Unlike the issue of connection lost where battle result was also lost
- This occur more frequently with War battle (so far 9/10 for me) while raid is less frequent

It's been 3 weeks and it's really upsetting. Sometime I only have a short time for war attacks but after 1st attack, I lost all my generals, machineries and tatics so lots of crown required to get back again. Has BHG figured out the root cause? Hope it will be fixed soon