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Generals 2.0


Approved user
May 20, 2017
I think generals are very potential units ingame and they should get a little rework.
It costs a lot of resources to upgrade those generals and it should be more rewarding, especially since they have a very long recoverytime.

Wouldn't it be nice if generals could have an extra ability that can be upgraded as they level up?
For example:

- Having a pulse that heals nearby troops in a radius for 10 HP per second increasing by 0.5HP/x every level the general gains
- Having an aura increasing nearby troops dps by 5%, (+0.1% per level)
- Having the ability to spawn a wallminer 15 seconds after dropping the general and another one every 45 seconds (-0.2sec per lvl)
- Having the ability to revive after dying with 15% HP, (+1% per lvl)
- Having the ability to receive 20% less damage from defending troops, (+0.5% per level)
- Having the ability to create some decoys (cfr the master assassin troop card) every 15 seconds with 5000 HP (+100HP per level)
- ...

These are examples, some of them might work, others not and for sure the stats are to be well considdered as they might be UP or OP in these examples.

Every general can have 1 of those abilities that are unlocked through the ages.
If you want to change or reassign them, you can do so for crowns and they can be upgraded through leveling up the general.
Maybe they can have a second one when reaching a certain lvl?

This way generals can become something more then just a meatshield eating missile silo rockets all day :)


Approved user
Jul 12, 2017
mhm; i've seen this great idea before. it would be good to further differentiate the generals with a unique ability.


Approved user
Sep 18, 2017
Increasing the effect with level might become overpowering quickly, but overall the idea of a unique ability for generals is a popular one on these forums that's been brought up multiple times in the past, if only Nexon took notice. I personally think an aura affecting nearby troops/structures might work better than a skill the player would use. Some of the auras (a couple of which you already mention) that make sense:

- healing nearby friendly troops
- increased damage of nearby friendly troops
- increased defense of nearby friendly troops
- increased fire rate of nearby friendly troops
- increased movement speed of nearby friendly troops
- x5 (reverse effect of each of the above 5 for enemy troops, i.e. damage-over-time to nearby enemy troops, lower movement speed of nearby enemy troops)
- slower spawn rate for nearby enemy buildings that spawn units

That's 11 skills right there without even trying, more than enough for all generals.


Approved user
Sep 18, 2017
Like the idea with AOE aura, just to add: i would put some bonus to generals while defending- boost defensive buildings, and troops around them in defense also.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
Problem with area effects - these are inherently limited usefulness thanks to the silo. Can't mix low and high HP units, so it really only boosts the generals and maybe mercs / tanks grouped with them. Unless the area of effect was that the silo wouldn't target anything inside of it, that could be interesting.


Approved user
May 20, 2017
Like the idea with AOE aura, just to add: i would put some bonus to generals while defending- boost defensive buildings, and troops around them in defense also.
Defending abilities, didn't think of that yet, but it sounds great as well!

Problem with area effects - these are inherently limited usefulness thanks to the silo. Can't mix low and high HP units, so it really only boosts the generals and maybe mercs / tanks grouped with them. Unless the area of effect was that the silo wouldn't target anything inside of it, that could be interesting.
That's a great idea! Nowadays generals' only purpose is to act as a meatshield and I think some of these ideas might change that.
Giving a general the ability to be invisible for the silo might be just wat we need.


Approved user
Sep 18, 2017
An aura making your army invisible to the silo is too powerful of an effect, that will never see the light of day. It's in the same category as the Night Witch troop, which was invisible to all air defenses.


Approved user
May 20, 2017
melheor Yeah it is definitely powerfull, but I wasn't talking about an aura making an army invisible for the silo, just an ability making the general himself invisible so you can safely drop him around you main army without attracting Silo aggression (unless of course your main army becomes the target)


Approved user
Sep 18, 2017
General can take the damage of the silo, that's not the problem. In fact, you want your generals to draw fire away from your troops. A general invisible to the silo wouldn't be a general people would use.


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
This idea is already brought from the past with the same conclusion which is add the generals abilities..
i think if it wanna balance between offense and defense with adding their abilities, the parameter of dps and hp should be deducted..


Approved user
Jun 4, 2016
I would like add that it would be also great if the General Recovery time be reduced. Current Recovery time of 24 Hours is very high.
It could reduced to 12 -15 hours. This way we could use them more often.


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
You can reduce the general recovery time by upgrading and researching in library..