"Finger on the Pulse"


Approved user
Jan 4, 2016
After briefly joining the live stream on twitch yesterday, some of the Devs comments have stuck with me, and not really in a good way.

Firstly, they talked about how several of the Dev team have their accounts situated in top level groups to allow them to have a "Finger in the Pulse" of the current state of the game. Does this mean the team see the lifestyle of .01% of the whole community and naturally assume this is how we ALL play?

In the same breath, we come to point number two; "Keeping a pulse" on the forums, "reading and responding to feedback". Horse****. I'm sorry I don't like to be openly blunt, but there is no way on earth the community managers are reading the feel of the online forums; blatantly ignoring valid posts and criticism, and choosing only to reply on tepid posts, not even answering questions correctly sometimes.

My third and final point comes from one dev who discussed the job allocation within the team, and talked about as soon as one age is finished, that team immediately starts working on the next one. The game is in a right state, with alot of issues, glitches and the time old issue of cheating. But don't worry everyone, Information Age will likely be with us by April 2020.

After that I tuned out, after the team kept refusing to answer VIP questions and delaying discussing it wherever possible. If I missed anything important, feel free to please inform and educate me, cheers.


Approved user
Dec 23, 2015
I have a good guess where their fingers are planted but I’ll probably be banned from this forum if I tell you


Approved user
Feb 5, 2019
I don’t think they can afford to let us know the real answers to most of the valid questions.
I also cannot believe this new update was tested in any real way before release. Are we to believe nobody picked up the amount of bugs making the game unplayable before they rushed the new age through?

The aim now appears to little more than to make as much money as possible before the game finally dies which it is sadly doing at an ever increasing speed.
Time to look at something different to play I am afraid

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Actually, now you're making me laugh.
I take back my previous criticism of you.
All forums need a court jester. :D
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