World War FAQ: Overview



What is World War?
World War is a conflict between two Alliances that takes place on the War Map. The War Map can be accessed by tapping the War button with your Alliance’s crest in the bottom left corner of the screen next to the Battle button.

How do I participate in World Wars?
To participate in World War, you need to be in an Alliance and build a Command Post, which can be found in the Store on the Army Tab. The Command Post stores all the loot you can win from wars. Your Alliance leader can declare war using the War button in the bottom left corner of the screen.

How does World War work?
World War takes place over two days: Planning Day and War Day. Players prepare for war on Planning Day by donating troops to their Allies and rearranging their defenses. On War Day, participating Allies can make two attacks against the opposing Alliance. The Alliance that earns the most stars from attacking by the end of War Day wins the war.

Allies who are victorious during attacks in World War will get War Loot, and the Stars they’ve earned will go towards their Alliances’ total score. The winning Alliance at the end of the war will get 100% of their War Loot while the losing Alliance only gets 30%. Unlike Multiplayer Battles, World War attacks do not affect Medals or Peace Treaties. World War participation is optional for Alliances as well as individual Alliance members.

Do I use my normal town in World War?
In World War, players do not use their normal Town for defense. Your Town is safe during World War because wars are fought in a different location than Multiplayer: on the War Map. On the War Map, players attack and defend War Bases instead of their normal Towns. During a World War, your Town’s resources, Medals and Peace Treaties are not at risk.

What is a War Base?
A War Base represents a player on the War Map. Only War Bases are attacked during World War. A War Base uses all of the same buildings from a normal Town, but can be arranged differently. Traps, defenses, and Generals on a War Base never need to be reset during World War; they’re always ready for battle! On Planning Day, you can donate troops to your allies’ war bases. Troops donated to War Bases will defend from the Town Center during every attack on War Day. The Alliance Gate on your War Base must be filled separately from the Alliance Gate in your Town. You can edit your War Base at any time by tapping the “Edit Layout” button and tapping the War Base tab.


Approved user
Aug 4, 2018
World War FAQ: Overview (updated)

12-02-2015, 08:21 AM (updated 2018.8.11)

What is World War?

World War is a conflict between two Alliances that takes place on the War Map. The War Map can be accessed by tapping the War button with your Alliance’s crest in the bottom left corner of the screen next to the Battle button.

How do I participate in World Wars?

To participate in World War, you need to be in an Alliance and build a Command Post, which can be found in the Store on the Army Tab. The Command Post stores all the loot you can win from wars. Your Alliance leader can declare war using the War button in the bottom left corner of the screen.


How does World War work?

World War takes place over two days: Planning Day and War Day. Players prepare for war on Planning Day by donating troops to their Allies and rearranging their defenses. On War Day, participating Allies can make two attacks against the opposing Alliance. The Alliance that earns the most stars from attacking by the end of War Day wins the war. In the event of a tie in stars, the alliance who destroyed the other’s bases in the shortest times will be the winner.


Allies who are victorious during attacks in World War will get War Loot, and the Stars they’ve earned will go towards their Alliances’ total score. The winning Alliance at the end of the war will get 100% of their War Loot while the losing Alliance only gets 30%. Unlike Multiplayer Battles, World War attacks do not affect Medals or Peace Treaties. World War participation is optional for Alliances as well as individual Alliance members.

Do I use my normal town in World War?

In World War, players do not use their normal Town for defense. Your Town is safe during World War because wars are fought in a different location than Multiplayer: on the War Map. On the War Map, players attack and defend War Bases instead of their normal Towns. During a World War, your Town’s resources, Medals and Peace Treaties are not at risk.

What is a War Base?

A War Base represents a player on the War Map. Only War Bases are attacked during World War. A War Base uses all of the same buildings from a normal Town, but can be arranged differently. Traps, defenses, and Generals on a War Base never need to be reset during World War; they’re always ready for battle!


At the top right, it shows items that need to be placed in the city. I have a road ready for placement in this image. Visit your War Base frequently when you are adding new buildings to make sure they are active and placed. You can edit your War Base at any time by tapping the “Edit Layout” button and tapping the War Base tab.

Requesting troops

On Planning Day, you can donate troops to your allies’ war bases. Troops donated to War Bases will defend from the Town Center during every attack on War Day. The Alliance Gate on your War Base must be filled separately from the Alliance Gate in your Town.


You can also donate Troop Tactics to your fellow warriors.
