• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Wishful Thinking


Approved user
Dec 1, 2016
I considered putting this in the main discussion section but since there are some "requests" included, I decided this section would be a better place for this.

So, first things first - When CWA was released it was actually the first age that did not provide us with additional defensive buildings. Granted, the CWA level of existing buildings gave a lot more HP and DPS to compensate. However, the new barrack level didn't gave troop space, rather it gave us the expertise feature(which btw is one of the few things that are currently mostly forgotten. Really, not even a library chapter? Mkay).

With this said, I start thinking why? So here is my theory(wishful thinking) A single barrack gives exactly 45 troop population at it's highest. This means that if is Space Age we get a 4th barrack we will have exactly 200 troop pop which is great. Combining that with the significantly stronger defensive CWA level this simply made perfect sense. I almost forgot about my theory until the recent balance update. Now I know there are several other stages(maybe) to come, so I don't know how much power will be given to the army, but BHG clearly said that their design philosophy is to make 5 starring harder(now it's more like impossible, but meh...). So can this ridiculous buffing of defenses be in preparation of a 4th barrack? If BHG play their cards right(I doubt that but hey, the topic is called wishful thinking for a reason) larger army can fix a lot of things, especially the battle timer - which needless to say becomes more and more insufficient as time goes by.

Now, for the suggestion part of the topic - In case we get a 4th barrack, I hope we also get a 3rd factory - It will reduce overall factory unit training time and will buff defense. We can also get a second airstrip - Only for training purposes, we don't need twice as many planes. It could be an Auxiliary Airfield or something.

Since we are still waiting on the troop rebalance phase(on the stream I saw the silhouette of the Commando unit, so fingers crossed) I don't have any new troops in mind - mainly because I am afraid they may create it and then "allow" us to train it for real-world cash(like the Spy for example). However, I do have 2 defensive buildings in mind(unpopular opinion, I know) - Infirmary and the Speaker Tower. The first heals defenders around it like Angkor Wat and the second can boost the DPS of defenders/buildings around it. They are somewhat historically accurate. It's about time we get the Soviet propaganda machine going :D < - I'm curious to see what do you think about the two defensive buildings. Do you like it or do you think it's a little bit too much considering the current meta?



Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
my thought is that they are limiting the number of troops and buildings so the game will run smoother and not lag


Approved user
Dec 1, 2016
Considering the amount of bloatware they add - Archive, event buildings, troop tactics, I doubt they are concerned with our device's performance.

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Nah, they won't be increasing our barracks space anymore, ever(sucks for you Romans, being your only power and all). This game is still playable on my circa 2014 Galaxy S5, I'm sure they have a mandate to keep it playable on the maximum number of devices so it will be handicapped by the lowest end devices' processor speeds.

Troop tactics are the reason why barracks "experience" is a thing. Gotta save room for potentially 160 stronghold troops and another 160 potential troop tactics troops to be animated and calculated on top of the normal battles and animations.

Not saying there won't be advances in how the game uses computing resources or that they won't raise the floor of eligible devices, it seems to have happened after global age afterall. Just saying those advances will be used to increase the number of impis or pirates per card or the number of cards per stronghold instead of something as trite as army space we can increase through regular gameplay alone. Prove me wrong, Nexon, please.


Approved user
May 16, 2018
Agree... but guys, Nexon doesn’t use a river at all ;) except travel boats.. and also there’s no need to build bombers if you don’t know where the MRLS are.. may be we need an aircraft-spy?