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Why are Cold War Age players allowed to attack Global Age bases?


Approved user
Jun 28, 2017
Screw this game. Cold War player 117 levels higher than me rolling my base. Where is the fun in that?


Approved user
Feb 28, 2017
It is motivating some of the GA players in my alliance to move up to AA, so maybe its not such a bad thing after all.


Approved user
Jan 18, 2018
Well and good, if you can move up to AA. If I did that now, I'd be an extremely weak AA, rather than a moderately weak GA. I calculate it will take me until May or June to max out my builds at GA, and I learned by EA that doing so is wise. Don't want to spend that much real money doing it.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
I'm CWA and the only thing that affects my decision to attack a base or not is whether it has a missile silo. Stop whining and build one.


Approved user
Oct 9, 2017
I have been GA for about 2 weeks now and rarely get hit by CWA. My guess is because I stay at a very low medal count (been oil raiding)


Approved user
Sep 25, 2015
I'm CWA and the only thing that affects my decision to attack a base or not is whether it has a missile silo. Stop whining and build one.

What level are you?

I just got hit overnight by a Level 280 (!!!) CWA player who dropped off 6 Heavy Tanks Mk. 6 and just used some transport plane to pick off my defenses. A silo has little effect on non-ranged-infantry armies.

The whole war was a joke, like putting a hot knife through butter. A level 280 player allowed to attack 2 levels down just turns the battle into a farce...


Approved user
Oct 9, 2017
I would rather be 5 starred than 0 star and have all my oil taken. When I have a lot of oil, I’m crossing my fingers a CWA hits me for the long peace treaty.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
I'm level 238. Once I max the heavy tank university research I will switch to the same army as the level 280 who attacked you. And then I won't care about missile silos either. But until then, I will skip silo bases.


Approved user
Jan 25, 2017
It take at least 1 year for a player to upgrade into AA, Obviously, there are small pool of player in AA or later.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
I'm CWA and the only thing that affects my decision to attack a base or not is whether it has a missile silo. Stop whining and build one.
I agree. If you want to deter most CWA armies get a silo. I've attacked a few bases and didn't see the silo, it's very humbling when you're not prepared for it and you can't even 5 star a global base!
Technically it can still be done but when you lose 70 or 80% of your regular army in seconds you just leave your reserve troops where they are and tuck your tail between your legs! :D


Approved user
Sep 25, 2015
I agree. If you want to deter most CWA armies get a silo.

Interesting, because some of the CWA players I meet just use Demolition tacs to take out the silo and then proceed taking everything else out with ease.

Seems to work like a charm, regardless of the fact that I have the upgraded silo, fortification blessing, etc.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Well, I can't speak for 'ALL' CW armies, I just know that I haven't had a full attack for months, at least none that went past 30% destruction.
Although, my exposed markets/mills might have a lot to do with that. :D
Interesting that you say people use demo charges. Rather than use something that needs to be retrained everytime, I use planes and most times I rarely lose a fighter. Guess it all depends on the number and level of fighters. Silly bases help too. :D

Although there will ALWAYS be players who have maxed out everything and can handle anything including silos.
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Approved user
May 14, 2015
With 6 HTs attacks, silo is hardly an issue. I simply ignore it. The dark truth is there is just no way out for players not being at top of the food chain. They will be eaten until they catch up with defensive building and walls.


Approved user
Feb 8, 2018
Im ~ lvl 170 global and just got this gem of a matchup. No loot but free stars and diamond. either a bug or a recently demoted cheater that was still in the global MP lineup for some reason.


RE: original post. CW attacks on global are virtually unstoppable for any reasonably composed CW army. Increasing the loot reduction to like 20% of what could be taken from an equal age base would help make this more fair.


Approved user
Oct 18, 2016
Regardless of the game "rule", I've always been hit by players up to 3 levels above me about 20% of the time. It's just a feature (or flaw <gasp>) of the game.


Approved user
Dec 26, 2017
While my views on this are 'evolving', where I come down on this now (being a level 157 Industrial) is this:

*There is no reason anymore to stay in Global any longer than is necessary to upgrade troops in preparation of loss of Industrial opponents. Global is now the 'lost' age in the game. It has been all but totally absorbed into Atomic. Even 'maxers' have no reason to not rush to Atomic once core troops are upgraded (by the way, this puts the motivation for the level 220 CWA requirement in a somewhat odd light, since it was meant to reduce content rushing).

*The silo should be among the first builds in Global, however the protection afforded by Silo is not 100%. Being in Industrial gives a shield against top players that is 100% effective.

*Enlightenment and Industrial are the two ages with the strongest cases for maxing for reasons both pragmatic and pedagogical. Enlightenment in order to correct dislocations from prior rushing (and learn a solid ground attack) and Industrial to take full advantage of the shield against top players (and to learn how to use and not lose airplanes while they're still cheap). If you can stomach maxing for a few months (not including University and Generals however) then these are the two ages to do it. If you can wait even longer and put in extra University time, Industrial is the time to do it. After that it's a race to 220 or should I say a marathon.

Jarl Bobi

Approved user
Jan 7, 2018
Global Age is the best age in the game, you can have a solid defense and a very strong offense and you can roll through Industrial bases all day long with little danger to your global Age planes since they have weak AA and no SAMs. You talk about things you have no experience with, when you progress through the ages all the way to CWA you’ll have a far better view of how easy people in global Age have it. Big deal you get hit by CWA, it’s far better that one guy rolls through your base and shields it than 10 people raiding your resources without touching your defenses, not to mention that a well developed global Age base can still defeat most cwa players. I’m cwa but i’m In empire 2 and i’ll Get matched with a global Age once every 100battles and it’ll always be a high lvl global, the high lvl cwa players don’t really care to attack globals


Approved user
Aug 12, 2016
I have a GA non rushed acc who is currently upgrading all defenses to GA. I just get steamrolled day in day out by AAs and the occasional CWA for long PTs. Saying that defenses is rushed is not necessarily true. However, on my AA main, which is rushed (188) I barely get hits in days. I think white walls make people scared. hah