• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Weekly Global Challenge Campaign


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
Every week, Nexon would create a Global Challenge campaign made up of 8 player bases, one from each age from Classical to Cold War. Each nation would be represented. The objective would be to 5 star every base in the challenge in the shortest time. Until you attack and 5 star a base, it counts 3:30 minutes to your total time. You would be able to attack each base only once. You would be able to scout it, like in war.

The weekly campaign could be accessed from a new tile at the front of the single-player campaigns. Once in, you would see the world map. The report button would show 3 tabs:
  • Statistics to see how many bases you have attacked and your total time
  • Enemy base list, like the World War list, where you can scout
  • Leader Board, showing the 10 players (of your own age) with the shortest challenge times. Tapping a player would show all his/her attacks and allow replays
Attacks would be real; any troops lost and tactics used would be consumed. The loot, which would be calculated the same way as for a war base, would be real, including diamonds and NTGs. If you get at least 1 star on all the bases that are 1 age higher than your own or lower (e.g, for an industrial player, at least 1 star on the global and lower bases), you would get a campaign bonus, calculated similarly to a war bonus.

The players whose bases were used would not lose any resources. They would each receive 1000 crowns. Bases would be chosen by defense statistics, such as the most troops destroyed during the previous week. This would encourage players to design and deploy good bases.

Medals would not be affected.

The top 10 scores would be visible on a leader board, and everyone could watch replays of those players' attacks. Obviously, an iron age player is not going to be able to complete the challenge, so there would be separate leader boards for each age. Each player would only see the leader board for his/her age.

This idea has a lot of benefits:
  • Competitive. Top players will probably spend money on troop tactics to get to the top of the leader boards.
  • Educational, since everyone will see how top players attack.
  • Generous. CWA players would get to attack low level bases to easily earn diamonds and NTGs
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Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
I don't think now's the time for extras with all these defensive buffs happening atm


Approved user
Sep 24, 2018
This would require BGH to actually do more programming instead of just fiddling with troop stat numbers. Which they are clearly not willing to do.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
Actually, I don't think it would be that much work. It takes elements from single player campaigns and world wars. All the mechanics are already available.


Approved user
May 2, 2018
Nate the Great i doubt they build this game from scratch. When I first played this game, my impression was they copied everything from Age of Empires, if you played that game you can see even the special units for each nation is the same, they copied concepts from games like CoC. Only thing they didn’t copy is their greed and their ignorance of cheaters and voice of the people.