I was in the beta in December 2014. I never really played again because my wife gave birth to triplets a month later and I thought it would be a bad idea to be playing a freemium game with 3 brand new mouths to feed. The temptation to spend money would have been too strong.
Then, 2 years later I got a promotion and that more than tripled my salary. I could now afford to spend money on games so, I went back to playing CoC and wanted something a little more detailed but, I could not remember what this game was called.
One day, I was playing a game called Battle Ages and I was editing my review and the review right below mine called it a "crappy DomiNations clone" and the light bulb went off and I was like "thats it! DomiNations!" I downloaded it right away. That was in March of 2017. Its hardly recognizable to what it was back in beta. They added so much from beta until then. They have added quite a bit since then too.