What stupidity. It’s 288 hours for me (GPA), and I have *plenty* of speedups saved up, just not nearly enough to fulfill this silly event. And for what? Manauls that will get maybe a sixth of my walls upgraded one level, when they’re already maxed and EA has *two* levels to do? Moreover, I’m also maxed on buildings; I did my last forest just now with a six-hour upgrade, but that’s it for me, so there’s no way I can really get this done anyway.
Saruman the White — It is no more useful to lower-age players than it is to anyone else, I think. The only case in which 50 wall manuals will be useful is if your walls are just well behind, because going to max GPA walls is already three manuals per piece. That means three manuals for 333k resources, which you can raid in two raids, and sometimes even one. Sure, it’s a little boost, but for 288 hours of upgrades, you have to buy a hell of a lot more speedups than anyone has, especially at this age. And I’m rather faithful with watching the videos that provide speedups, along with basically every video opportunity I get. (Free fragment, Marco Polo, etc., I also do.) They could honestly lower the requirements to 1/3 or 1/4 of what they are now and it still would fit, just not **288 hours**. What am I supposed to do even to achieve that, speed up half of Enlightenment?
Unlike most people, I have no qualms with the reward themselves. I did harp on them a little bit earlier in this post, but only because of the requirements — this is not at all a bad reward with significantly lower rewards, but it’s really tough to manage, and I’m not spending any money to complete it when I can get walls done for free anyway.