We are a group of daily active players that enjoy playing the game and helping each other out in the alliance. Our main communications are via LINE chat and we have gone to war every weekend since it started. Wait there was one exception where we skipped due to a major holiday weekend where Real Life/Family takes priority. And we have a core of dedicated & friendly Co-Leaders and Council team that help out in every war and in the alliance.
Our requirements are simple, 900 medals to qualify, be active, donate and request troops often, help in the war and each other in the alliance, and most important is to have fun! Most of us are base in Singapore (UTC: + 8:00) so join us if you are around the same time zone. If you think you fit our profile, do a search and come to check us out.
Our requirements are simple, 900 medals to qualify, be active, donate and request troops often, help in the war and each other in the alliance, and most important is to have fun! Most of us are base in Singapore (UTC: + 8:00) so join us if you are around the same time zone. If you think you fit our profile, do a search and come to check us out.