• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Server Maintenance

Aussie guy

Approved user
Jan 29, 2015
"Dear Highly Valued Players, on behalf of Nexon I would like to announce that we will performing server maintenance on Dominations. This should be finished by 07.59 UTC. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause. Please make appropriate preparations so that any game progress is not adversely affected."........there, Nexon...not so hard to show some respect to your customers....is it?


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Approved user
Feb 18, 2015
In fairness, I don't think this was a planned maintenance Aussie guy so I can understand the delayed notice.

Aussie guy

Approved user
Jan 29, 2015
Rod, in fairness, I think we the players have a right to be annoyed. The so called "notice" was posted after the servers went down. I wonder which definition of "notice" they are using, because it doesn't fit this one..."notification or warning of something, especially to allow preparations to be made." Thats not delayed or short notice, that's just a posting after the event has occurred. I would be more understanding if this was the first time it's happened.
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Approved user
May 4, 2015
"Dear Highly Valued Players, on behalf of Nexon I would like to announce that we will performing server maintenance on Dominations. This should be finished by 07.59 UTC. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause. Please make appropriate preparations so that any game progress is not adversely affected."........there, Nexon...not so hard to show some respect to your customers....is it?

They could earn my respect by:
Stealing/hiring a few managers from Supercell, not programmers but managers.
Make sure they have a 'solid' dB of current users.
Shut the game down.
Fix it, no matter how long it takes.
Invite everyone back and give each user 10K crowns for all the time wasted and frustrations.

Half my village missing and the rest down graded. Spent a months worth of time building the stupid thing. No response from the service desk and no definitive completion updates posted here. That tells me that they do not know how to resolve the issues.

I'm a Lead IT BSA for a $1B+ company. I'd be fired if any of my go-live projects had 1% of the bugs this game has. Thank Gawd these people don't specialize in on-line financial security.

/rant done...sorry :)

Back to CoC and BB. Before I go I'll leave all my resources open for easy raiding :)

Best of luck!


Approved user
Feb 18, 2015
Understood Aussie guy. I was just saying that I was on when the servers crashed and the network connection errors started. I don't think they had any control over that. I think the server maintenance is probably to fix what ever caused the network connection errors. But I agree communication is very much lacking here. I dont even log into the game much anymore. I am losing interest fast because of all the bugs. The "base swapping" issue is a killer! I don't want to log on and find myself back in Iron Age.


Approved user
May 2, 2015
Here, here, that'll be quite enough of that. As Dominations circles the drain, a few lexigraphichal changes have been made to sooth the jangled nerves of all involved, and also to sort you lot out. Bugs and the like will now be known as the "ThankYouForYourPatienceDefect1.x". The only thing that will change from bug to bug is the iteration number. We have designated the base swap issue as ThankYouForYourPatienceDefect1.1.2. This serves not only to track the bug, but will be your acknowledgement that we thank you for your patience.

Aussie guy

Approved user
Jan 29, 2015
Yes, it's better people voice their annoyance on the forums. People who say nothing, usually just quit these sorts of buggy games. There's plenty of fed up veteran players in my alliance, who have spent considerable time and money on this game, ready to pull the plug. Basic Communication and customer service are two areas that need a lot of improvement if this game is going to survive.


Approved user
May 2, 2015
Now, on to unscheduled maintenance. Look, I'm as sorry as the next guy that your bloody precious game isn't available 24x7x365. You'd think we'd created bubonic plague or something. Between Pink Party Ring Fling and Bubble Bubble Gem Trouble, there are only so many seats here, you know. And we have lives too: I do interpretive dance every Thursday. Well, scotch that. Donald (they make him put a cork on his fork - the boss's nephew) "rolled out" his code (coffee) to the server again and here I am again, stuck here all weekend scrolling through thousands of messages from ingrates. From now on, unscheduled maintenance periods will be known as "NoOneHeldAGunToYourHeadAndForcedYouToPlayThisGame1.x", with the iteration being the only thing changing. Have a nice day. Bloody sods.