We haven't had a good war in the last 10, and that is fairly representative of the last few months. 5 lopsided in our favor, 4 badly against us, 1 close enough that we pretended it was competitive and went all out, to lose by a few stars. But it wasn't that close - they perfected and had a huge time margin. The most lopsided loss was against what should have been a leaderboard team who had started over; that 1100 glory loss dwarfs everything else we won or lost for the month. They were full of cold war and iron age bases, but that did not put any damper on the glory they could take. And we are nowhere near the leaderboard.
Even the ones that are lopsided in our favor aren't fun for us, we would happily trade our current 2-3 wars a week for one guaranteed good match a week. The current system is so badly broken I don't know how they will be able to fix it.
The addition of cold war and all of the associated defensive buffs (on top of the SH and missile silo), and the proliferation of troop cards are making it impossible to balance this game. Pay to win teams will often have multiple bases with Saladin's Hold the Gates capstone done, and have SHs loaded with good cards. Nearly impossible for us to handle as free players.
On the other hand, running with even weaker marco cards on offense means non HtG atomic bases with empty SHs are a cakewalk, where anything over 100s is unacceptably slow. The Forbidden City has gone from a crucial defensive wonder to barely relevant, as 50% QV is the standard in time races.
Many of these bad matchups are just a question of looking down the lineup, recognizing there is no way we can perfect score certain bases, and deciding there is no point in wasting scarce marco cards on the rest. Or that the other side has no chance to match us on time, even if they go all out for the perfect score. The time tiebreaker makes an occasional good match much more interesting than it would otherwise be. But on the flip side, it puts many more matches obviously out of reach before we even start.
TLDR; war is very bad right now.