• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

New? Newbie? Bored?/Southern USA Alliance RECRUITING NOW! - PLUS SOME TIPS & TRICKS!


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
New? Newbie? Bored?/Southern USA Alliance RECRUITING NOW! - PLUS SOME TIPS & TRICKS!

Hey are You a Newbie? New to the Game?, or Just interested in becoming a BETTER PLAYER?...Did You join an Alliance only to find out that Your Low Level got you Pushed around?, Dismissed? Discounted? and You're Lucky if You could even put a Dent into the War Bases that you got stuck trying to fight in your "Alliance's" Wor​​​​ld War and all the Higher Level Guys were done snatching up the Easier War Bases and Loot?

We're Open for Business and We're Hoping You're Buying..*laughs* Sadly, it's pretty clear that I'm NOT the CAR SALESMAN type!..(Thankfully or I'd go broke fairly quickly!)

While most of our 17 person SOUTHERN USA Alliance is in the level 60's and higher...I'm the highest at level 140, when I started this Alliance 2 or 3 years ago, everyone that joined, started at levels of 10, 20, 30.... We don't have much turn over, such as people leaving, because, well,..usually, it"s just people fade off game, and eventually get removed for being INACTIVE BECAUSE, We HAVE TO have ACTIVE players in order to Hold World Wars and Donate to each other, so, you HAVE TO BE ACTIVE (logging in once or twice a day is active, if you also participate in World Wars every other week)..I'm interested in NEWER LOW LEVEL PLAYERS, Because I WELCOME having BOTH High Level and Low Level Groups working together, it makes things more interesting!!, Plus, I enjoy passing along Tips!, and people fade from the game over time, so I'm hoping you'll come grow with Us and decide to Stay Long Term and Help to Grow our Alliance and make it even BETTER!!...

Anyhow, when I started this Alliance, I did so, because I'd been in a couple of the more active 30+ and 40+ Member VERY Active and Bustling Alliances (I was a Council Member in the last one, without asking to be one, and I enjoyed it for a while, but I got out after some bozo got made a Council Member and then he just started making every fool on the block a Council Member, and it got to the point that 1/2 the Alliance were Council Members, and the other 1/2 were just players, and yet every where one turned there was yet another goofball who was made a Council Member that could boot out other playeroutand yet they didn't do anything for anyone nor for the Alliance, to deserve to BE a Council Member, there were even ppl brand new to the group within a week or so that were made Council Membersthat was a total farce/joke (really, if you join an alliance and you are there less than. 2-3 weeks, then you aren't even sure you are going to stick around), Anyhow, at that point that was far too many cooks in the kitchen for me, and worse still was that no one seemed to want to steer the ship and LEAD! So, I decided to leave and start my own Alliance that would appreciate ALL LEVEL OF PLAYERS...and where Council Membership was limited to those who put in time and EFFORT into doing things for the Alliance to.grow it, organize it, care about it and its members​​​​​​..

ANYHOW, most people forget how it is once they gain some experience and level.themselve​​​​​s, BUT, I was once the Little Guy/Gal, I saw my War Loot STOLEN by my OWN TEAMMATES! When I complained I saw supposed "Leaders" who chose to do NOTHING..and so I set out to create an Alliance that would be DIFFERENT and Value ALL LEVEL of PLAYERS...and Strive to SHARE INFO from those with Experience to those New or even simply that haven't looked at the Game from that perspective (Strategy and; Tactics that make HOW You Play, BETTER, NO MATTER YOUR OWN STYLE (Raider or Medal Chaser, Speed Leveling or Consummate Builder, ALL STYLES OF PLAY ARE VALID, there's just some knowledge, strategy and tactics that will make your chosen path EASIER, MORE FUN and; MORE INTERESTING!, and to TEACH those MANY TIPS and; TRICKS that make EACH PLAYER AN EVEN BETTER PLAYER, REGARDLESS of THEIR LEVEL!!, to Support Each other AS a TEAM and; NOT Just to be yet another Cut Throat Alliance where it ends up being every man for himself/herself where the most you do is toss each other a troop donation every once in a while!...BUT HEY, if you want that, there are PLENTY of THOSE Alliances around...you're SURE to run into them...

BUT, an ALLIANCE LIKE OURS IS RARE!!...We know we're NOT for EVERYONE, BUT, if you're willing to try us out and give us a chance, we're willing to accept you and do the same...and Ya NEVER KNOW, like most people who join us, you may find that you want to stick around...*Smiles*

​​​​​​A common misconception is that YOU would think that being in a BIG, ACTIVE ALLIANCE would mean the higher level players would helped out the lower levels == My experiences were, NOPE! You're you and they're them and not many make time for anyone else, WE'RE DIFFERENT, and at the VERY LEAST, I guarantee I'm different and will be THERE to SHARE, TEACH, and GUIDE YOU!, HOWEVER, that's NOT to say that You have to Do what I do or Play who I PLAY, HOW BORING WOULD THAT BE!!..NOPE!, I admit, I'm a stickler about a Few Things like having a minimum level of basic defense grounded in COMMON SENSE, well, that AND NOT getting our bums handed to us at every turn..*laughs*, with My/Our Proven techniques, we will have your layout DEFENDABLE, and NOT A TARGET!, and if You do get attacked, at least You'll be making plenty of points off the Foolish Attacker while you kick back and laugh at it all, THAT's how WE PREFER to Gain Points!

If RAIDING is more Your style, You can learn to better decide WHICH Bases are worth Your Effort and which aren't, so that You're a BETTER attacker, more successful and scoring MUCH MORE LOOT!

Those are just a few of the things possible and they aren't rocket science..You decide what works best for you..(so long as Your War Base is up to Snuff, and You pitch in and participate in world wars... Even if You aren't CONFIDENT in how to go ABOUT ATTACKING a War Base or Multi-Player Base, NO WORRIES, I'll work with You and Lay everything out, NOT ONLY THAT, But, I'll give you the "WHY" behind it, do that over time, YOU just "KNOW" for yourself, what options of attack will likely work best depending on a Base's various POINT FACTORS... such as defense types, levels, the layout and what it says about the Player BEHIND the layout... Is He/She meticulous? Or DEVIOUS and just Drawing You in by appearing Weak?, NO MATTER, since we all work together, no pressure, and before you know it, you'll find yourself EAGER to take on the NEXT BASE and; TEST OUT YOUR ATTACK SKILLS! *Smiles*..

Well, that's All for Now----- Go to Your Alliance Gate, and SEARCH: Southern USA the. look for the One that has ME, CARRIGANA listed as the LEADER... Or Look for OUR ALLIANCE CREED as listed in my signature...

SPECIAL NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT POST HERE (Below), or on ANY of my posts, in an Attempt to RECRUIT Myself or ANYONE ELSE!, as I find such recruiting, post hijacking, tactics EXTREMELY RUDE!! If you are that desperate for members then post your own recruiting notice! If you feel the need to post/debate/comment/chastise me on this request...then save us BOTH some time and just auto-forward your post/comments to the Mod for a cross post complaint review! To ALL OTHERS, THANKS IN ADVANCE for your kind compliance....(
Sadly, quite a few do not understand basic common courtesy so this type of notice became necessary.)
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Approved user
Nov 27, 2016
How often do you have war? Do you organize attacks? What happens if you don't follow orders?


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016

We currently World War 1x a Week and Alternate High Level and Lower Level World Wars ever other week. Meaning that Members 100 and Over participate on week and then sit out the next to allow more lower level matchups (versus forcing. Higher level match ups every week), in order to allow more lower level members to fight at a level more in tune with their level. We also have a special process in place to help guarantee that lower level fighters/members have an opportunity at loot and warbases they can score against (versus higher level team members snapping up all the easy war bases)...We hold World Wars currently at a 10 Member size; however, I would LOVE to have more members and enough interested in WW's to War twice a week...one at a High and one at a Lower level..*smiles*

We have a Basic Process in place, that Organizes Troop Donations for EVERY Warbase and ensures maximum strength of the Troop Donations to Warbases.

Also, during War/Attack day, a High Level Alliance Member over level 100, is ON/OFF Line all day to Fulfill Troop Requests so that Alliance Members have the strongest/ highest troop donation levels available ..

We Also have some set rules for who can attack when and what, that is to the​​​​ benefit of the TEAM, which everyone so far has been very cool about doing and everyone seems happy with it..

We/I Absolutely do have some minimum War Base requirements that MUST be met in order to participate in OUR Alliance World War; HOWEVER, these are VERY basic requirements intended to ensure that the Enemy has to WORK at SCORING STARS against our various WAR Bases, instead of them getting some FREEBIE 5-Star Wins! If these minimums are not met, then a Member is simply NOT added to the World War Roster until He/She complies.

If there is an issue with compliance during World Wars, such as, a Member not fulfilling their responsibilities, such as making both of their attacks, then I speak to them about the issue. If need be, then they are made to sit out of the next World War, if it is a continuous problem, they are simply banned from participating in World Wars until they are certain that they can again met the Alliance and their other Team Members World War expectations.

I hope that answers all of your questions...Feel Free to let me know if you have others or stop by our Alliance...*smiles*


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
MARK2 = I have not been gone for 12 days, I have been using a temp account while awaiting my new iPhone from work (arrives Tuesday), after mine died (with a little help from my uncoordinated self who dropped my last iPhone one too many times); However, while my Level 140 account may be on hold until Tuesday, even with my dead phone and having had to buy a temp replacement, I was only ever out of touch for 1 or 2 days! (Now remedied with my implementation of our Alliance Blog.. And soon our forums along with our searchable knowledge base) Also, I left my Alliance in the quite capable and trust worthy leadership hands of my co-leader. So, while your drive-thru posting was rather judgie..it was also, was also quite wrong in its assumptions. I do however, hope you will return and give us an HONEST try...if not, that's cool too, I just wanted to set the record straight!

[whichever it is*rolls eyes*, my temp cell's auto-correct is like a stubborn donkey, both determined and whiley in slipping in changes after I've corrected the changes..*sheesh*]

Not sure why you left without even responding to anyone's welcome? Do hope you plan to return..
>>>>> UPDATE-<<<<<<]
*LAUGHS* Well, THAT certainly EXPLAINS IT!, (Yeah, I'm smart enough to check into your post history)...GOOD LUCK with that, Talk about the BLIND! leading the BLIND!....HOWEVER, for those who want a KNOWLEDGEABLE Leader...Do Come on Down to the Southern USA Alliance.. unlike Some, who must sneak around and try to steal information a Alliance structures and Processes from others ...*LAUGHS*...

BTW, I peeked your Level 50 Something layout when you visited and so here are some tips to improve your Towncenter Layout (take it or leave it, that's your choice<<== Now knowing your ulterior motives I suggest You Take My advice so You look LESS like a Fool trying to lead others when you don't even know how to set up your own LAYOUT..*chuckles* ..then again, even if you do take my advice below, you will still have NO CLUE behind the WHY of it or the MOST IMPORTANT parts of it..Maybe you should have waited, and stuck around to learn a LOT more from Us or Others before striking out on your own..Good Luck!.(Just one more Foolish Clueless Enemy for my Alliance to CRUSH! *Smiles*)..
1) There are just something's that don't really belong behind your walls at your level, and it serves you MUCH better to have them outside of your walls and STRATEGICALLY placed (I'd be happy to help you with what that means)...FIRST: Markets and Mills and Mines and farms!! They are just taking up VALUABLE SPACE BEHIND YOUR WALLS. Space which is better reserved for your important defenses that should be protected, which help to keep your TownCtr safe and to DESTROY Enemy Troops!

2)No idea why you have your catapults grouped.and behind walls within your walls. They should DEFINITELY be strategically placed to trigger EARLY (they have a long range.and splash area damage effect so hit multiple targets at once and are on of your STRONGEST DEFENSES!..You definitely need to re-evaluate how you are using them and to use them peoperly, I can help.you with that!

Because, with ONE (1) a SINGLE Wall Breaker, the ENEMY can Break Thru Ur Defenses and FLOOD INTO your BASE and Proceed to DESTROY Everything Basically UNCHECKED!! ***HOWEVER*** as I said I am Happy to HELP AND to TEACH YOU HOW TO IMPROVE your Base Defenses..If not, that's Cool Too, and at least now You Know!..REGARDLESS, Good Luck! *Smiles*
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